This site, has the appearance of being for hunters and shooters ... until you look at who is running it a who they contribute money to.
</tt>Typical Democratic deception.
Check this site for truth into who runs "Hunters and Shooters" <tt><tt>Over the past weeks, some bloggers have done some simple googling to
shed some light on who is running this front group.
Turns out to be some of the top folks in organized national Demo
politics, from the founders to the frickin' IT guy.
History - It Is Pretty Short
The website was licensed April 25, 2005. The
majority of the site seems to have been written in June. So they are
brand new.
The licensing company is DCS Congressional.
Update: August 7, 2005 - As of August 3, the registration information
for has been updated to reflect the AHSA as the
owner of the site name. There is no change in the blatant anti- gun
rights positions expressed on the site.
Who Is DCS?
They are a collection of Democratic operatives that have worked for
some of the country's leading gun grabbers.
Gerry Kavanaugh - President
... a close advisor to the John Edwards for President campaign. Prior
to working for John Edwards, he was the Policy Director for the
Democratic National Committee. Mr. Kavanaugh served as Senator Edward
M. Kennedy's Chief of Staff and worked with him through both his 1994
and 2000 re-elections.
David Bonior - Founding Principal
Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1976 serving for 26
years. A reliable voter for gun control.
Even their IT guy has done work for the Humane Society of the US. They
are a group that works to end hunting in the United States.
What DCS Says About Itself?
From What We Do:
DCS utilizes cutting edge technology to create a winning Internet
strategy for elected officials, campaigns and organizations. Our
experienced political and Internet team will work directly with
campaigns, political organizations, and their strategic partners to
develop a plan that combines creative, research-driven messages with
aggressive online advocacy. We will work with your fundraising, press
and issue teams in their earliest stages to develop effective Internet
strategies, full media plans, and fundraising strategies that can be
turned into potent and powerful solutions.
My favorite part is: "research-driven messages". What they are really
saying is that they find out what you want to hear so that their
client can tell you that.
Who Does DCS Work For?
From Clients:
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
Congressman John Conyers (D-MI)
Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO)
Congressman Patrick Kennedy (D-RI)
Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA)
This is a who's-who of gun grabbers. They also list a slew of other
Congressman. Every Congressman that DCS lists is a Democrat. That
should tell us something.
Ray Schoenke, (former NFL football player for the Redskins and major
Demo doner) President of AHSA
Major Donator to Gun Control Politicians & Groups
</tt>Typical Democratic deception.