Democrats trying to fool the gun commnuity


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
This site, has the appearance of being for hunters and shooters ... until you look at who is running it a who they contribute money to.
<tt>Over the past weeks, some bloggers have done some simple googling to
shed some light on who is running this front group.

Turns out to be some of the top folks in organized national Demo
politics, from the founders to the frickin' IT guy.

History - It Is Pretty Short
The website was licensed April 25, 2005. The
majority of the site seems to have been written in June. So they are
brand new.

The licensing company is DCS Congressional.

Update: August 7, 2005 - As of August 3, the registration information
for has been updated to reflect the AHSA as the
owner of the site name. There is no change in the blatant anti- gun
rights positions expressed on the site.

Who Is DCS?
They are a collection of Democratic operatives that have worked for
some of the country's leading gun grabbers.

Gerry Kavanaugh - President

... a close advisor to the John Edwards for President campaign. Prior
to working for John Edwards, he was the Policy Director for the
Democratic National Committee. Mr. Kavanaugh served as Senator Edward
M. Kennedy's Chief of Staff and worked with him through both his 1994
and 2000 re-elections.

David Bonior - Founding Principal

Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1976 serving for 26
years. A reliable voter for gun control.
Even their IT guy has done work for the Humane Society of the US. They
are a group that works to end hunting in the United States.

What DCS Says About Itself?
From What We Do:

DCS utilizes cutting edge technology to create a winning Internet
strategy for elected officials, campaigns and organizations. Our
experienced political and Internet team will work directly with
campaigns, political organizations, and their strategic partners to
develop a plan that combines creative, research-driven messages with
aggressive online advocacy. We will work with your fundraising, press
and issue teams in their earliest stages to develop effective Internet
strategies, full media plans, and fundraising strategies that can be
turned into potent and powerful solutions.

My favorite part is: "research-driven messages". What they are really
saying is that they find out what you want to hear so that their
client can tell you that.

Who Does DCS Work For?
From Clients:

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
Congressman John Conyers (D-MI)
Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO)
Congressman Patrick Kennedy (D-RI)
Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA)
This is a who's-who of gun grabbers. They also list a slew of other
Congressman. Every Congressman that DCS lists is a Democrat. That
should tell us something.

Ray Schoenke, (former NFL football player for the Redskins and major
Demo doner) President of AHSA
Major Donator to Gun Control Politicians & Groups

Check this site for truth into who runs "Hunters and Shooters" <tt>

</tt>Typical Democratic deception.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
fishinfool said:
It doesn't look to me like they're trying to hide their position at all. What's the problem?
Did you go to the original site? This is a small section
AHSA is committed to supporting the right to keep and bear arms, protecting our homes, and preserving our liberties.

Hunting and sport shooting are American values AHSA will vigorously defend.

AHSA is dedicated to protecting and maintaining our nation’s valuable wilderness resources for the preservation and use of all Americans.

AHSA is committed to safety in all aspects of the shooting sports including the recognition that adults are responsible for keeping guns out of the hands of children.

AHSA is committed to supporting our nation’s law enforcement officers in their fight against easy access to guns by criminals, terrorists and others.

AHSA is a non-partisan organization that advocates and advances sensible public policies. We will never support unfettered access to all types of weapons.
They mask their intent. They support many gun control advocates and groups.

Major Donator to Gun Control Politicians & Groups

<table id="table1" border="0" width="50%"> <tbody><tr> <td align="left" width="206">Al Gore</td> <td width="93">1991</td> <td align="right"> $ 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206"> Barbara Boxer</td> <td width="93">1991</td> <td align="right"> 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">
</td> <td width="93">1995</td> <td align="right"> 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">
</td> <td width="93">1996</td> <td align="right"> 3,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">Barbara A. Mikulski </td> <td width="93">1991</td> <td align="right"> 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">
</td> <td width="93">1997</td> <td align="right"> 2,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">
</td> <td width="93">2000 </td> <td align="right"> 2,500</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">Bill Clinton</td> <td width="93">1996</td> <td align="right"> 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">Constance Morella</td> <td width="93">1992</td> <td align="right"> 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">David Bonior</td> <td width="93">1996</td> <td align="right"> 800</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">
</td> <td width="93">1997</td> <td align="right"> 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">
</td> <td width="93">Mar 2000</td> <td align="right"> 500</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">
</td> <td width="93">Jul 2000</td> <td align="right"> 500</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206"> Diane Feinstein</td> <td width="93">1996 </td> <td align="right"> 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206"> Edward Kennedy</td> <td width="93">Apr 1994</td> <td align="right"> 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">
</td> <td width="93">Oct 1994</td> <td align="right"> 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206"> John Kerry</td> <td width="93">1996</td> <td align="right"> 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">Robert G. Torricelli </td> <td width="93">1996</td> <td align="right"> 1,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">Handgun Control, Inc.</td> <td width="93">2000</td> <td align="right"> 5,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">America Coming Together</td> <td width="93">2004</td> <td align="right"> 10,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">
</td> <td width="93">
</td> <td align="right">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="206">Total Found So Far</td> <td width="93">
</td> <td align="right">$36,300</td> </tr> </tbody></table>​
This list does not include any donations to the Democratic National Committee (which have been numerous and substantive) or any state or local organization. It also does not include any donations to individuals we do not have time to research. And finally, it does not include any donations by his wife. We believe this list is long enough to speak to Ray Schoenke's commitment to the Second Amendment.


Among other things
I'm saying they don't mask their position..whoever they may be. It appears to me, like any other organization, they are attempting to find like minded supporters of their agenda. They support guns for hunting and hobby as long as that hobby isn't terrorism or crime. For me, I don't care who starts the movement if I agree with their position.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
fishinfool said:
I'm saying they don't mask their position..whoever they may be. It appears to me, like any other organization, they are attempting to find like minded supporters of their agenda. They support guns for hunting and hobby as long as that hobby isn't terrorism or crime. For me, I don't care who starts the movement if I agree with their position.
You keep missing it. Their site says nothing about who or what organizations they support. They only say they are for gun rights. But their actions speak louder that a web site. The people and organizations they support that I posted reads as a who's who of anti-gunners. They do not disclose that they support these people and organizations. That information had to be dug out by others.

This is typical Democratic :bs:. They found that they lost a majority of the gun vote in 2000, so they are trying a distortion campaign to try to convince you and others that the Democrats are not against you having guns. :bs: :bs: :bs:

They support Diane "turn them in America" Feinstein and Ted "outlaw all center fire ammunition" Kennedy.


Super Genius
I noticed the site doesn't mention anything about their position on the AWB. Probably because their support of it (if they support it) would show their true colors or their denouncement of it (if they lean that way) would alienate Democrats.

They did mention a position against the 50 BMG semi-auto rifles. I guess the bolt-action ones are ok :lol:


New Member
fishinfool said:
I'm saying they don't mask their position..whoever they may be. It appears to me, like any other organization, they are attempting to find like minded supporters of their agenda. They support guns for hunting and hobby as long as that hobby isn't terrorism or crime. For me, I don't care who starts the movement if I agree with their position.

Are you for real??? People who support gun control have one objective-to remove all guns from population, with exception to the military.

To parade yourself around as being in support of hunting and sport shooting and asking for donations that will utilimately go to support gun control is WRONG and a gross misrepresentation!

How can you not see this.....


....But if it saves the life of just one child!!!

These EVIL guns that go around senselessly killing people, especially our children, should all be locked up and in control of our benign and good government. Just the other day I saw one of those EVIL long guns going down the street looking for someone to murder, I hid in the house all day until I was sure that it was gone!!!!!!

sarcasm off.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I don't think they're trying to hide anything. Anyone who does a little research would find out who they support, simple. Anyone who doesn't do any research is a sheep and a fool. This website will only fool those who blindly follow the leader based on a slogan.


Among other things
Cletus_Vandam said:
Are you for real??? People who support gun control have one objective-to remove all guns from population, with exception to the military.

To parade yourself around as being in support of hunting and sport shooting and asking for donations that will utilimately go to support gun control is WRONG and a gross misrepresentation!

How can you not see this.....

I love to hunt and target shoot myself but, I would love to see someone find a way to keep them away from those who should not have them. I know there is no simple answer to this problem but a problem it is.


fishinfool said:
I love to hunt and target shoot myself but, I would love to see someone find a way to keep them away from those who should not have them. I know there is no simple answer to this problem but a problem it is.

And who should not have them? According to the BOR it is a right the government should not infringe upon. So who should not possess a gun? Is there some criteria in your mind that you would use to take away this basic tool of self defence from someone? What? A felon? Do you know how many laws there are on the books to break to make you a felon? How about possession of a conceiled weapon? That is a felony in some states. Now you are a felon for doing something Constitutionally protected and no longer able to own a firearm. That is twisted!

How about for people that have a protective order sworn out against them and must forfeit all firearms without ever having been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have commited any crime?

All in all, you can make all kinds of gun laws and and gun restrictions and still, they will only affect the law abiding person. The hard core violent criminal will still get his weapon (or are they going to think to themselves; 'there is a law against me possessing this gun, so I can't use it to commit my crime'?) and use that weapon against a law abiding citizen who is now unarmed and defenceless by government mandate.

Not even to get into the discussion about the use of arms for the defence of the nation against a tyrannical government that the original drafters of The Constitution had as its purpose.

Remember, we are born with inalienable, God-given rights that only the giver can take away!

Sorry for the rant, sore spot with me.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
I don't think they're trying to hide anything. Anyone who does a little research would find out who they support, simple. Anyone who doesn't do any research is a sheep and a fool. This website will only fool those who blindly follow the leader based on a slogan.

The general public typically doesn't do ANY research on charities before making a donation. How many people out there support PETA and sit back thinking they are paying into an organization to look out for the safety and well-being their own pets? Truth is PETA belives that all animals should be free and none should be domesticated and kept as pets. So do you think they want you to keep your dog, cat or horse???

The problem is that people need to pay close attention to who they wish to support before contributing to anyone. It's like being a member of NRA, then going to Starbucks everyday for a cup of coffee. A portion of the $10 that your giving Starbucks everyday is going to support gun control on some level. Then you look at your dues to the NRA are they are going to help save the 2nd Amend. rights. Why not just take the money and pitch it out the window as you drive to work everyday????

If you really want to support hunting and fishing and keep your guns, join the NRA and keep a watchful eye on who is actively for and against them.

There are several charity groups out there that support Gun Control. I know that one of them is the United Way. Do you really want to give money to an organization that supports gun control if that isn't want you really want? Sure, a portion of the $1 you donate goes to help the unfortunate, but a portion also goes to other things you may not really want it to go.

All that I trying to say is watch where you donations go and make sure they are supporting what you think they are supporting....
fishinfool said:
I love to hunt and target shoot myself but, I would love to see someone find a way to keep them away from those who should not have them. I know there is no simple answer to this problem but a problem it is.

I love this quote: Expecting a carjacker or rapist or drug pusher to care that his possession or use of a gun is unlawful is like expecting a terriorist to care that his car bomb is taking up two parking spaces.

In other words the only thing that gun control does is keep the honest people without defense. If there is a law passed that prohibited guns, do you think that the criminal will readily hand over his gun? Nope, it will be the honest gun toting citizens that will hand them over.


Football season!
Cletus_Vandam said:
It's like being a member of NRA, then going to Starbucks everyday for a cup of coffee. A portion of the $10 that your giving Starbucks everyday is going to support gun control on some level. Then you look at your dues to the NRA are they are going to help save the 2nd Amend. rights. Why not just take the money and pitch it out the window as you drive to work everyday????
I like guns, and I like my five shot ventis from StarBucks, so shoot me :lmao:


New Member
SmallTown said:
I like guns, and I like my five shot ventis from StarBucks, so shoot me :lmao:

I don't have a problem with either. Just don't go around with your Starbuck's cup in the left hand, your NRA membership card in the right, all while crying about how the liberals want to take your guns away.

The list of what organizations support gun control is huge and there's a lot of people who unknowing support the "gun grabbers". He!! I love a good cup of espresso, but I decided long ago not to give Starbucks any of my money because of who they contribute money to.

Ben and Jerry's is another great example. I love their ice cream but as soon as I found out they supported gun control, I switched to eating another brand.

If you don’t want to stand up for what you believe in, don't complain when you don't get what you want.... I kind of equate it to voting. Don't vote, then don't complain. Same thing applies here…

Just in case any of you want to take a look at the list, check out:


Football season!

Next time I'm getting a lap dance, I'll make sure to ask the stripper to show me her purse. if I find an NRA card, :yay:

if I find a NRA card, and a Starbucks card, :nono:

I think I got it.


Football season!
In all honesty, supporting these "anti gun" groups is a good thing. Think about it, without them, there probably would not be a need for the NRA. Without the NRA, who knows what could happen with gun rights. So really, these groups are a necessary evil in order to make the NRA as big and as strong (influential) as it is.