Democrats trying to fool the gun commnuity

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Cletus_Vandam said:
The general public typically doesn't do ANY research on charities before making a donation. How many people out there support PETA and sit back thinking they are paying into an organization to look out for the safety and well-being their own pets? Truth is PETA belives that all animals should be free and none should be domesticated and kept as pets. So do you think they want you to keep your dog, cat or horse???
Like I said, fools and sheep. It's not my resposibilty to look out for everyone elses well being just because they're lazy.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Like I said, fools and sheep. It's not my resposibilty to look out for everyone elses well being just because they're lazy.
The problem is their laziness effects your well being. Educate them or you suffer the consequences of loosing your rights.


New Member
I love guns, I even invented a tater cannon I saw in my favoritest magazine Popular Mechanics it is really cool and you don’t need no license. I took some plastic pipe and glued a T on it, drilled a hole in the cap and glued in a grill lighting doohickey. You jam a tater down the barrel and then take off the back cap, squirt some of Momma Ruggs Aquanet (not too much or you could end up in the hospital) in there, put the cap back in nice and tight and start clickin on the grill lighter. You gotta be ready cause it don’t always go off the first click but pretty soon FOOOOOOON! That tater will fly. Rod and I shot a whole 25lb bag of Idaho Russets at the McIntosh place one afternoon and it was a hoot. Momma Rugg don’t like the McIntosh’s very much cause she said they are evil and they play that Rap music too loud. We figger we are getting about 300 yards for a average size spud. Whatever you do if you have a youngin around and you have a tater cannon make sure you watch them. Rod accidentally shot a russet through the siding of the trailer, it bounced off the ice box leavin a big old dent and into the livin room and busted Momma Rugg’s Jail House Rock Elvis plate from the Franklin mint #314, nearly busted her scanner. She was madder than a hornet and I figgered she was gonna kick Rod’s head slap off but she didn’t, she always had a fondness for Rod.