Chasey_Lane said:
Do you always use the amount you withhold? I've never participated in those-type cafeteria plans because I never know how much I'll spend in extras. I don't want to take out too much or too little. I do think they're good, though, for the person(s) who's "extras" are constant year-to-year or at least they'll have an idea of what to expect.
Yes, it's use or lose so you really have to estimate well b/c you don't want to give up your loot. However, it's gotten MUCH easier in the past couple of years b/c over-the-counter items are permitted. Before if I had extra cash, I'd stock up on contact lenses. Now, I stock up on lenses, cleaner, cold meds, etc... However, I usually estimate really well and most times end up a bit under. Last year I tried to estimate having an added family member 1/2-way through 2004, but then with all of her copays to specialists, I really should have put more in the plan. At any rate, it's not 'that' difficult. Plus, I use MS Money and can look at prior year expenses to get a good idea of what to put in the next year. When I knew braces were coming up I obviously put the max amount in b/c I knew that it would get used. If I ever do Lasik, I'll do the same thing.