Denver a hellhole of drugs


Well-Known Member
Denver getting so bad they are forcing the food trucks to leave so as to lessen crowds. Yup losing our freedoms every damn day. I guess eventually we won’t be able to have concerts or weddings. All events limited to 15 people or less AND you must pay the gestapopo to act as security at these small gatherings.

And their being gone will not hurt the business's of the permanent restaurants and bars either.


Well-Known Member
I recall quite clearly being warned against pot when I was a teen, "Why do you think they call it dope?" because "This is your brain on drugs", so "Just say no."

But if you didn't see those messages there's nothing to argue about. They may not have had TV where you grew up, I have no way of knowing.
You sound like a mouthpiece for Nancy " Barbie Doll " Reagan.