Denver DNC 2008...


Main Streeter
I stayed up until about 10:30 and still no Michelle ,so I went to bed.

If they want to appeal to the working people they better start their speeches before bed time.
I thought the same thing. The prime time hour is 9-10pm.


New Member
I tend not to watch much convention coverage. It's all the same - "Vote for our guy!" so what's the point?

Conventions used to be exciting. That is where the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates were decided. The roll-call was neck and neck, and after a presidential candidate was selected then he had a day to choose a VEEP.

The MSM carried the conventions gavel to gavel.


No Use for Donk Twits
Already the LSM is pushing Axelrod's mantra that if Obama loses it's because of the majority of Americans being stupid racists.

Stupid on the surface, but brilliant tactics. Have everyone defend why they're not a racist instead of talking about policy.


NOT Politically Correct!!
One of the poll sites I read - might have been Zogby - still claims a high chance of an Obama win. Cakewalk or no, so far McCain hasn't really been ahead yet. In a horse race, when it's close, that usually doesn't mean much - but in a political race, barring unusual circumstances, being behind in the entire race doesn't bode well for the underdog.

That's what John Kerry thought untill Bush yelled out a White House window telling Kerry to move his freakin moving van off the lawn!!!:coffee:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Already the LSM is pushing Axelrod's mantra that if Obama loses it's because of the majority of Americans being stupid racists.

Stupid on the surface, but brilliant tactics. Have everyone defend why they're not a racist instead of talking about policy.

...but Obama's peeps tried that in the primary and the more they did it, the worse it worked until he was just getting blown out in most of the late states including the battleground states of Ohio and PA. The trend line for Obama's votes and Hillary's were disastrous for him, yet, they're giving it to him anyway.

My God, they called America's first black potus, Bill Clinton, a racist!