

New Member
Ongoing, continuouse without an end. I have never been deppresed for this long. usually by now I am planning motorcycle rides, day trips, BBQ's and planting veggies. I also have a short temper, like, earlier my son called me a friggin retard because I said I am glad I live in the usa instead of china, and then he procceeded to tell me how awful it is here...anyway normally I ignore him, but this time I took his xbox unplugged it and threw it in the corner of the room told him to get his ass to china now. I am forcing myself to do anything, I .....:deadhorse:wah: Just wonder how long it will last. Pretending to be happy is wearing me out. Anti deppresants do not help me either. I am always on the verge of crying, I feel tempted to be mean, but this is not in my nature.


New Member
Ongoing, continuouse without an end. I have never been deppresed for this long. usually by now I am planning motorcycle rides, day trips, BBQ's and planting veggies. I also have a short temper, like, earlier my son called me a friggin retard because I said I am glad I live in the usa instead of china, and then he procceeded to tell me how awful it is here...anyway normally I ignore him, but this time I took his xbox unplugged it and threw it in the corner of the room told him to get his ass to china now. I am forcing myself to do anything, I .....:deadhorse:wah: Just wonder how long it will last. Pretending to be happy is wearing me out. Anti deppresants do not help me either. I am always on the verge of crying, I feel tempted to be mean, but this is not in my nature.

start watching porn on a regular basis. if that doesn't cheer you up, try comedies. this lame forum should produce some laughs, at least.


start watching porn on a regular basis. if that doesn't cheer you up, try comedies. this lame forum should produce some laughs, at least.

You are such an F*ing TARD! :smack:

Craberta, I have been there for years. I was severly depressed when my best friend moved away and I am just pulling myself out of my hole. Do you have a therapist? Are you going to see them often? I have found that letting it all hang out and to sob my eyes out with my therapist is the best release I can have! Crying and telling my husband doesn't help because he just doesn't get it. Not to mention the fact that since I turned 30 seems like everytime I go to the doctor they tell me something else is wrong. So believe me I know depression.

I guess I am saying, that you can get through it, it will just take time and work. If you are on the verge of crying all the time then just do it. You may need to let that steam off. It is not healthy to bottle it up. Just let it all hang out and do it til it starts to be less and less. The antidepressants don't work and sometimes they can make things worse. I never found one that worked for me so I just quit taking them. No point if they are not working right! :shrug: Hang in there, and if you need a friend I have an ear and lots of time! :huggy:


New Member
How I deal with life long depression.....Get up every morning and drudge through each and every waking second. Occasionally getting a few minutes distraction from my misery (a funny joke, good movie) and do this every day until deaths sweet release.


Dr. Mat
You are such an F*ing TARD! :smack:

Craberta, I have been there for years. I was severly depressed when my best friend moved away and I am just pulling myself out of my hole. Do you have a therapist? Are you going to see them often? I have found that letting it all hang out and to sob my eyes out with my therapist is the best release I can have! Crying and telling my husband doesn't help because he just doesn't get it. Not to mention the fact that since I turned 30 seems like everytime I go to the doctor they tell me something else is wrong. So believe me I know depression.

I guess I am saying, that you can get through it, it will just take time and work. If you are on the verge of crying all the time then just do it. You may need to let that steam off. It is not healthy to bottle it up. Just let it all hang out and do it til it starts to be less and less. The antidepressants don't work and sometimes they can make things worse. I never found one that worked for me so I just quit taking them. No point if they are not working right! :shrug: Hang in there, and if you need a friend I have an ear and lots of time! :huggy:

Well said, not sure I would have started with calling him a Fing tard but I might have

Seek a pro and let them give you drugs. Doctors do not know enough about what is going on to give you what you need. Be honest to a shrink and give the meds a chance. If after two weeks they are not working tell him to up them or double them up. They have ones that will work but they don't like giving them out. But meds are not the only answer, you need to talk to someone. First few sessions suck big donkey #### but you must fight back and come back in, it will get better. It will not happen over night and good chance it will get worse before getting better


I heart CLeValley
I would find a psychiatrist and maybe they can get you on meds that make you functional. There is no cure for depression just a different way to deal with it. I have been going through hell with my oldest son for the last 6-8years. I finally couldnt handle the mood swings, the not wanting to get out of bed, the lack of motivation, not wanting to be around people, and the lack of self esteem. . I have another son who is 12 and I had to get it together for him. My doc and I played with a lot of meds and we finally found a combination to help. I feel better and I am up and walking functional everyday and I am more sociable than I was prior to the meds. Get some help before it gets worse. Obviously you are not alone with this problem. Look at all the replies.


New Member
You are such an F*ing TARD! :smack:

Craberta, I have been there for years. I was severly depressed when my best friend moved away and I am just pulling myself out of my hole. Do you have a therapist? Are you going to see them often? I have found that letting it all hang out and to sob my eyes out with my therapist is the best release I can have! Crying and telling my husband doesn't help because he just doesn't get it. Not to mention the fact that since I turned 30 seems like everytime I go to the doctor they tell me something else is wrong. So believe me I know depression.

I guess I am saying, that you can get through it, it will just take time and work. If you are on the verge of crying all the time then just do it. You may need to let that steam off. It is not healthy to bottle it up. Just let it all hang out and do it til it starts to be less and less. The antidepressants don't work and sometimes they can make things worse. I never found one that worked for me so I just quit taking them. No point if they are not working right! :shrug: Hang in there, and if you need a friend I have an ear and lots of time! :huggy:

aren't you due back at the zoo soon? geez, so many touchy people on here. try to inject a touch of non-harmful humor and the buttheads come running from the woodwork.

hey lady, if you are seriously taking advice from some of these fruits, then you are in real trouble. like i said, watch some funny flicks and try to smile/laugh. it may help.


I heart CLeValley
aren't you due back at the zoo soon? geez, so many touchy people on here. try to inject a touch of non-harmful humor and the buttheads come running from the woodwork.

hey lady, if you are seriously taking advice from some of these fruits, then you are in real trouble. like i said, watch some funny flicks and try to smile/laugh. it may help.

I agree with Mousebaby - you are a f'ing tard.:buttkick: We are only giving our support and ideas to help. If you dont have anything nice to say - find the exit and run. Hopefully you will trip and crack your head hard enough to knock some sense into it.
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Ongoing, continuouse without an end. I have never been deppresed for this long. usually by now I am planning motorcycle rides, day trips, BBQ's and planting veggies. I also have a short temper, like, earlier my son called me a friggin retard because I said I am glad I live in the usa instead of china, and then he procceeded to tell me how awful it is here...anyway normally I ignore him, but this time I took his xbox unplugged it and threw it in the corner of the room told him to get his ass to china now. I am forcing myself to do anything, I .....:deadhorse:wah: Just wonder how long it will last. Pretending to be happy is wearing me out. Anti deppresants do not help me either. I am always on the verge of crying, I feel tempted to be mean, but this is not in my nature.

Damn, that is depressing to know that is what our youth are being tought in school! No wonder you are depressed. I would join you craberta, but I usually get angry and pound heads :boxing:instead of letting that crap depress me. Good luck. Just remember its spring, so go sit outside and let the sunshine warm your soul for a while! :patriot:


Ongoing, continuouse without an end. I have never been deppresed for this long. usually by now I am planning motorcycle rides, day trips, BBQ's and planting veggies. I also have a short temper, like, earlier my son called me a friggin retard because I said I am glad I live in the usa instead of china, and then he procceeded to tell me how awful it is here...anyway normally I ignore him, but this time I took his xbox unplugged it and threw it in the corner of the room told him to get his ass to china now. I am forcing myself to do anything, I .....:deadhorse:wah: Just wonder how long it will last. Pretending to be happy is wearing me out. Anti deppresants do not help me either. I am always on the verge of crying, I feel tempted to be mean, but this is not in my nature.

Get outside and walk. Buy some great walking shoes and an MP3 player, you don't even need the MP3, just get your body and brain moving, get your blood pumping. Get on a bike and find some trails in the woods, get out there.


Watch it
You are such an F*ing TARD! :smack:

Craberta, I have been there for years. I was severly depressed when my best friend moved away and I am just pulling myself out of my hole. Do you have a therapist? Are you going to see them often? I have found that letting it all hang out and to sob my eyes out with my therapist is the best release I can have! Crying and telling my husband doesn't help because he just doesn't get it. Not to mention the fact that since I turned 30 seems like everytime I go to the doctor they tell me something else is wrong. So believe me I know depression.

I guess I am saying, that you can get through it, it will just take time and work. If you are on the verge of crying all the time then just do it. You may need to let that steam off. It is not healthy to bottle it up. Just let it all hang out and do it til it starts to be less and less. The antidepressants don't work and sometimes they can make things worse. I never found one that worked for me so I just quit taking them. No point if they are not working right! :shrug: Hang in there, and if you need a friend I have an ear and lots of time! :huggy:

:yeahthat: I went through a period like this. Finally sucked it up and went to a therapist. Just having another non-biased, uninvolved point of view on things made all the difference in the world to me. Consider it, if you haven't already. Definitely let it out...crying, running, going to the woods and might help you. The winter tends to bring me down- maybe getting some warmer weather will help you get outside more often and begin feeling some positive change. Hang in there. You will find what works and are doing the right thing by talking! :huggy:


morningbell is right. Carve out a time for YOURSELF. Pick an area, take some music with you and WALK. At least 30 minutes, more once you get used to it. Daily. Unless it's pouring. No excuses. There is absolutely no substitute for fresh air and exercise. There is no drug replacement that will lift your mood and keep your temper in check more than this. Believe that - my son is autistic, mildly retarded, and at times violent. I can deal with this like nobody's business when I'm steadily walking - every problem I had I could work out - went for a walk - thought it through - without the phone, tv, other daily annoyances to bother me. Read up a little on the benefits of Omega-3s also - fish oils. I have friends who swear by this as something that lifts the depression. It's inexpensive and from what I'm reading there are tons of benefits. Good luck!


New Member
I suffer from chronic depression and social anxiety disorder/PTSD.

Meds work for me but talk therapy combined with the meds is even better.


New Member
First let me say that I am not trying to offend anyone......

I guess I am just lucky.....I have dealt with lots of bad things in my life but I have always gotten through it without getting depressed. Sure I go through my ups and downs.....that is normal but I have never had to deal with depression. So like alot of people I guess I don't understand the diease........


New Member
First let me say that I am not trying to offend anyone......

I guess I am just lucky.....I have dealt with lots of bad things in my life but I have always gotten through it without getting depressed. Sure I go through my ups and downs.....that is normal but I have never had to deal with depression. So like alot of people I guess I don't understand the diease........

No offense taken here. Depression and being depressed are really two very different things. Normal people get depressed from time to time and then they snap out of it. Folks like me who suffer from depression are always depressed to some degree... It's debilitating to say the least and eventually everyone who suffers from chronic depression reaches a point in their life when they just say enough is enough and their not going to go on this way anymore. The ones who've lost all hope commit suicide but the majority seek help. For me help started in the form of talk therapy, but ultimately led to my use of SSRI's as well as other medication to control other symptoms of depression such as anxiety. These meds have drastically changed my life for the better and for the first time ever I know how normal people have felt all along. I still feel sad from time to time, but it's not as daunting as it used to be.....

Craberta - If you feel overwhelmingly sad MOST of the time than you may be a depression sufferer like many millions of people in the world and there is no shame in seeking help. Help doesn't nessacarily mean pills. Good luck to you, I hope you feel better soon.


New Member
I have been in therapy since 2000, I had one of those childhoods, like a horror movie, and social anxiety disorder, wich is beyond shyness, I have the worst version of it. Pills work, but I have had them stop working. Now I am wondering what it will be like when they are out of my system.


New Member
I have been in therapy since 2000, I had one of those childhoods, like a horror movie, and social anxiety disorder, wich is beyond shyness, I have the worst version of it. Pills work, but I have had them stop working. Now I am wondering what it will be like when they are out of my system.

After the withdrawal you will be much like you were before you ever started taking them since they don't actually cure anything. Eventually all Anti- Depressents will poop out and that's when it's time to try another one.

I hate taking pills everyday but for me it's a small price to pay to be able live a normal happy life. I'm just to miserable without the meds to go on.... I wish you much luck. PM me if you ever need to talk. ? (don't worry the real, non forumite GH is harmless).