Devastating news


New Member
Soccermom and Cablechick, you will both be in my prayers (and your friend as well, soccermom).

We are in a 'wait and see' mode with my four year old daughter. The doctor was concerned today, and actually found a third lump near her collarbone that I didn't even see. The collarbone lump and the neck lump are lymph nodes and get swollen with infection/allergy/etc. - so we are hoping that they start to go down soon. The head bump is a little more concerning, she called it an occiptal something... I'm sure I spelled that wrong. That could be swollen due to an infection in a cut or a bug bite on her head. I can't remember anything on her scalp that I saw, but I could have missed something.

Basically we are waiting for a month or so to see if the swelling goes down. If not, we are back in there for testing, and if they get bigger we are back immediately. The doctor seems to think that the one on the head may have to be surgically removed down the road.

Please keep my daughter in your prayers - best case is that the swelling goes down on all three of them and it is a non-issue - and of course I don't want her to have anything done 'surgically' - but I can deal with that. I can't deal with the possibility of it being something worse... she is my baby and I'm worrying myself sick just thinking about it. I have lyme disease myself and it's hard enough dealing with that and being 'Mom' - but the added worry of this is just hard to take.

Thank goodness I have some chill pills from my doctor.