

one day the dark will end
No I haven't. After dinner I don't eat anything. I take my shot before I go to bed so I can't figure out why its high in the morning.

Can I be your new patient? :really:

If you BS drops during the night, you liver kicks out an amount of "sugar alcohol" into your system and add it to your blood stream. In the AM your # are high because of this. You liver senses that there is not enough glucose in your system and acts automatically.

2 things help, having a low card snack before bed ..and for me, I take metforum, which keeps the liver in line. In the am my fasting B/S is where it should be==100-120.

It is about a balance between what insulin you have and the carbs you take in.
Small meals, low carb (sugar) and veggies...all in moderation, every 4 hours. ( 8,12,4 snack at 8pm and meds and bed,)