No I haven't. After dinner I don't eat anything. I take my shot before I go to bed so I can't figure out why its high in the morning.
Can I be your new patient?
If you BS drops during the night, you liver kicks out an amount of "sugar alcohol" into your system and add it to your blood stream. In the AM your # are high because of this. You liver senses that there is not enough glucose in your system and acts automatically.
2 things help, having a low card snack before bed ..and for me, I take metforum, which keeps the liver in line. In the am my fasting B/S is where it should be==100-120.
It is about a balance between what insulin you have and the carbs you take in.
Small meals, low carb (sugar) and veggies...all in moderation, every 4 hours. ( 8,12,4 snack at 8pm and meds and bed,)