Did anyone see Sean Hannity


ambush Bob Graham D-FL last night? It was hillarious. Graham wrote a book in which he calls Bush a liar and should be removed from office.

Hannity read off 5 or 6 quotes like;

"Sadam and Iraq's ongoing quest for and refusal to destroy WMD's is dangerous and must be stopped."

He then turned to Graham and said was Predisent Bush lying? Graham replied "yes". Then Hannity said then John Kerry lied because those quotes I read were his and not President Bush's.

Graham looked like he swallowed a bug.



I bowl overhand
Pete said:
ambush Bob Graham D-FL last night? It was hillarious. Graham wrote a book in which he calls Bush a liar and should be removed from office.

Hannity read off 5 or 6 quotes like;

"Sadam and Iraq's ongoing quest for and refusal to destroy WMD's is dangerous and must be stopped."

He then turned to Graham and said was Predisent Bush lying? Graham replied "yes". Then Hannity said then John Kerry lied because those quotes I read were his and not President Bush's.

Graham looked like he swallowed a bug.


THAT is awesome!! Wish I saw it..


Super Genius
Yep, I saw it. I've seen him pull a similar ambush on others too. Those times he used Clinton quotes. They just keep taking the bait.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The hypocrisy of the Democratic party just takes my breath away.

They scream and cry about anything the Rs say about Kerry, calling it "attacks" and "questioning Kerry's "patriotism". Then they proceed to endorse movies like Farenheit 9-11 and embrace nutball stories about how Cheney was the mastermind behind 9-11.

They get all pissed off about the SBV guys, saying we shouldn't be "re-fighting the Vietnam War". Then they jump all over Bush's NatGuard service and say he was AWOL.

The whole thing is outrageous. I swear to God I'll never vote for another Democrat as long as I live. If I don't like the R on the ticket, I just won't vote for that office.
vraiblonde said:
I swear to God I'll never vote for another Democrat as long as I live. If I don't like the R on the ticket, I just won't vote for that office.
I always said that Hoyer would always get my vote, but I just can't take him anymore. With the exception of protecting the civilian govt. workers' pay, he does NOTHING I agree with. I am voting for Jewitt this November.


New Member
huntr1 said:
I always said that Hoyer would always get my vote, but I just can't take him anymore. With the exception of protecting the civilian govt. workers' pay, he does NOTHING I agree with. I am voting for Jewitt this November.
The Jewitt people scared me last week when they were leaning way out into the road waving their flags on 235S :bawl:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Turd Ferguson said:
The Jewitt people scared me last week when they were leaning way out into the road waving their flags on 235S :bawl:
We were at a picnic/crab feast in Piney Point two weekends ago and they crashed the party. :ohwell:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're kidding me!?!!?

"Sadam and Iraq's ongoing quest for and refusal to destroy WMD's is dangerous and must be stopped."

The teaser for the show said 'later on H/C, Sen. Graham has tough words for President Bush...'

That is hilarious!


Larry Gude said:
The teaser for the show said 'later on H/C, Sen. Graham has tough words for President Bush...'

That is hilarious!
Yea, Graham stammered for a bit and replied :Well that is what President Bush told Senator Kerry. The President knows more about intelligence than Senators." :duh: Kerry was on the Sentate Intelligence Comittee. Hannity continued to hand his ass to him on a plate and Graham tried at one point to pull a Zell, got snippy and huffed "Are you going to let me answer?"

Ann Coulter was on with some Dem strategist too. They wanked back and forth for a long time. The dem kept insisting that Kerry was not waffling and was taking firm positions. Coulter turned to him and said "OK, right now you tell me if Kerry is for or against the Patriot Act." The guy tried to change the subject and she kept on and on, rubbing his face in the fact he could not answer.

Combs just sits over there like a lump on a log unable to even help these libs defend themselves because their positions are so whacked.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Combs just sits over there like a lump on a log unable to even help these libs defend themselves because their positions are so whacked.
I felt sorry for Colmes the other day. They had Tad Devine (Kerry's campaign strategy guy) on and he can't promote to save his life. Colmes kept going, "So don't you think that..." and "Isn't the flap over Senator Kerry's..." - just feeding him lines and nudging him along. And Devine kept veering off-topic and fluffing his opportunities. You could see Colmes getting pissed. :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
Pete said:
Yea, Graham stammered for a bit and replied :Well that is what President Bush told Senator Kerry. The President knows more about intelligence than Senators." :duh: Kerry was on the Sentate Intelligence Comittee. Hannity continued to hand his ass to him on a plate and Graham tried at one point to pull a Zell, got snippy and huffed "Are you going to let me answer?"

Ann Coulter was on with some Dem strategist too. They wanked back and forth for a long time. The dem kept insisting that Kerry was not waffling and was taking firm positions. Coulter turned to him and said "OK, right now you tell me if Kerry is for or against the Patriot Act." The guy tried to change the subject and she kept on and on, rubbing his face in the fact he could not answer.

Combs just sits over there like a lump on a log unable to even help these libs defend themselves because their positions are so whacked.
My feeling about Combs is that he is just a weasel. He's a mouthpiece for the liberals, who, it seems, feed him questions to ask the conservative guests to poke holes in their stories.

Something like this: I know you've said this in defense of President Bush, but isn't it true that........................"? Fill in the blank.

Maybe that's his job. But to me, as I watch the counterpoint he trys to make, I can't help feeling it's more than a little bit contrived. I could be wrong, but it appears he's being fed the questions during the time they are "forced" to take a commercial break.

Ever notice, how Combs, it seems, is the one to cut the discussion off when a conservative issue is gaining momentum, dare I say crediblity/common sense, and Combs breaks in and says "Well, we have to cut it off for the moment, because we have to go to a commercial break, now!?"

I laugh whenever I see him do that. :killingme


penncam said:
My feeling about Combs is that he is just a weasel. He's a mouthpiece for the liberals, who, it seems, feed him questions to ask the conservative guests to poke holes in their stories.

Something like this: I know you've said this in defense of President Bush, but isn't it true that........................"? Fill in the blank.

Maybe that's his job. But to me, as I watch the counterpoint he trys to make, I can't help feeling it's more than a little bit contrived. I could be wrong, but it appears he's being fed the questions during the time they are "forced" to take a commercial break.

Ever notice, how Combs, it seems, is the one to cut the discussion off when a conservative issue is gaining momentum, dare I say crediblity/common sense, and Combs breaks in and says "Well, we have to cut it off for the moment, because we have to go to a commercial break, now!?"

I laugh whenever I see him do that. :killingme
In all honesty Hannity does the same. He is more Chris Mathewsesque in not allowing the person to answer and badgering them. Hannity seems to display more glee in tagging someone than Combs does. I tink Combs is smart, and not all that liberal and he is frustrated that he is left there to help along libs who are whacked.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
ambush Bob Graham D-FL last night? It was hillarious. Graham wrote a book in which he calls Bush a liar and should be removed from office.

Hannity read off 5 or 6 quotes like;

"Sadam and Iraq's ongoing quest for and refusal to destroy WMD's is dangerous and must be stopped."

He then turned to Graham and said was Predisent Bush lying? Graham replied "yes". Then Hannity said then John Kerry lied because those quotes I read were his and not President Bush's.

Graham looked like he swallowed a bug.


I have to admit, this bugs the hell out of me that Kerry gets a free pass in the press on this. It's not as though his quotes are from six years ago, when the entire Democratic party was ready to go to war over Saddam. These quotes are only last year, mostly.

On the other hand, this particular show highlighted something I didn't know, or am not sure I *believe* - and that is that the President gets shown a hell of a lot more intel than even the Senate Intelligence Committee. I didn't know that, but I don't know I believe Graham on that or not. I'd need better proof than his word at this point.


Dancing Up A Storm
SamSpade said:
I have to admit, this bugs the hell out of me that Kerry gets a free pass in the press on this. It's not as though his quotes are from six years ago, when the entire Democratic party was ready to go to war over Saddam. These quotes are only last year, mostly.

On the other hand, this particular show highlighted something I didn't know, or am not sure I *believe* - and that is that the President gets shown a hell of a lot more intel than even the Senate Intelligence Committee. I didn't know that, but I don't know I believe Graham on that or not. I'd need better proof than his word at this point.
:yay: I cannot say for sure, with any firsthand knowlege, but it seems I heard something to which your second point that talks about the Pres. recieving more detailed information on intelligence, but due to his responsibilities on foreign affairs policies/negotiations, his content has more in it than the Senate's.
Also, it's been shown "loose lips sink ships", and there have been some instances where sensitive-type intel information has been leaked, and the source may very well have been from these comittees. Hmmmm?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...Kerry is going to get more passes than usual at least until the polls get closer or he even pulls ahead.

As far as intel, it's more a matter of WHEN the Whitehouse or the Senators know something, not if. As we know from the 9/11 hearings the President gets a daily brief which probably has a bit more detail than what a Senator might see, at least on a daily basis.

Hell, you and I knew about as much about Iraq as the President and the Senate knew when the time came to vote on the IWR;

Saddam was in violation, AGAIN, of UN mandates.

Iraq had NOT done as it agreed; dismantle and destroy weapons systems AND prove it.

Iraq was interfering AGAIN with inspectors.

As the President said then, and President Clinton said AND Sen. Kerry said, 'Saddam WILL continue to persue weapons programs, including WMD, he HAS used them, he is NOT cooperating and he WILL have to be dealt with sooner or later...'.

This is all simple, straightforward stuff.

All this 'rush to war' and 'lies about WMD' is Pavlovian stuff; they say it, the media parrots it and the core marches in the streets on New York.

We do the same thing, reciting the above.

We just happen to be correct.

A huge amount of intel is, by nature, speculation and best guess until it actually happens but I think Bush was wrong to not eliminate OBL on day one. He let it go for 8 months.

I also think Clinton was wrong to let it go for 8 years.

As for the election, I just don't have a clue what Kerry would actually do in Bushs place. Democratic history was lobbing cruise missiles. Bush has us out there killing people around the globe, which is the ONLY solution.


Super Genius
SamSpade said:
On the other hand, this particular show highlighted something I didn't know, or am not sure I *believe* - and that is that the President gets shown a hell of a lot more intel than even the Senate Intelligence Committee. I didn't know that, but I don't know I believe Graham on that or not. I'd need better proof than his word at this point.
I was thinking the same thing. Isn't the point of the Intel Committee that they get all the intel so that Congress can make informed decisions as part of the whole checks-and-balances process?