Did the Muslim really build that clock?


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Ahmed builds a new clock.

new clock.jpg

it's just a clock with a counterweight to keep it from moving in the wind. you wouldn't want your clock to fall over.
Seriously... an elementary school boy chews a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun and gets suspended... then this celebration happens. We have seriously flipped our ever-loving' USA lids.


New Member
Since when is "muslim" a race? And what do you mean by "random child"?

Great defense there idiot. But the reference to "The Muslim" is clearly rooted in racism and it reeks all over these boards and this country. It also is a random child. He didn't instigate anything from anyone, and it's one thing for so many morons to attack adults in racist manners, but now they target children. Lovely people.

"snake" is probably just one of those "perpetually offended" people. Just ignore.

Nope, I'm actually tired of perpetually offended people. But I am going to call out the uneducated a$$wipe racists on these boards targeting children for no good reason. No matter what side of anything you are on, if you have any amount of intelligence and people make ridiculous statements without merit or need, you're drawn to defend even if you disagree. Referring to this kid as "The Muslim" is seriously pathetic of anyone.

I find it hilarious that so much of this country seems to NEED to find a way to prove he didn't build the clock. Who cares whether he built it or not. Who cares what his religion is. A kid was treated in a pathetic and awful manner about something stupid by adults who clearly need their heads checked and it's something that shouldn't happen. Same as how kids only 2 blacks from home in MD shouldn't be removed from their homes. Same as kids with pop tarts shaped like guns shouldn't result in terrifying freakouts by administrators. Or kids playing with fake guns ON THEIR PROPERTY and being reported to police by a neighbor who admits the guns are not real but she's still scared shouldn't result in the school administration expelling them. We've gone off the deep-end at schools in this country and the clock story is just another one of those. But for some reason, because he's Muslim and they thought it was a bomb, none of you seem to be able to let it go.

You all need to grow up and let it go. Admit the situation was wrong and shouldn't have gone that far and quit the agenda trying to prove he's somehow not just some kid who brought something to school that he shouldn't have.
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