Did the Muslim really build that clock?


Well-Known Member
If there are Muslims of every race. And I assume there are----------------How can it be racism to hate a cult.

Find another word Snake. That one doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
If there are Muslims of every race. And I assume there are----------------How can it be racism to hate a cult.

Find another word Snake. That one doesn't work.

Congrats, you are a bigot. BTW, all religions are cults. Your 'god' is just as made up as theirs, as are your beliefs. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Great defense there idiot. But the reference to "The Muslim" is clearly rooted in racism and it reeks all over these boards and this country. It also is a random child. He didn't instigate anything from anyone, and it's one thing for so many morons to attack adults in racist manners, but now they target children. Lovely people.

Nope, I'm actually tired of perpetually offended people. But I am going to call out the uneducated a$$wipe racists on these boards targeting children for no good reason. No matter what side of anything you are on, if you have any amount of intelligence and people make ridiculous statements without merit or need, you're drawn to defend even if you disagree. Referring to this kid as "The Muslim" is seriously pathetic of anyone.

I find it hilarious that so much of this country seems to NEED to find a way to prove he didn't build the clock. Who cares whether he built it or not. Who cares what his religion is. A kid was treated in a pathetic and awful manner about something stupid by adults who clearly need their heads checked and it's something that shouldn't happen. Same as how kids only 2 blacks from home in MD shouldn't be removed from their homes. Same as kids with pop tarts shaped like guns shouldn't result in terrifying freakouts by administrators. Or kids playing with fake guns ON THEIR PROPERTY and being reported to police by a neighbor who admits the guns are not real but she's still scared shouldn't result in the school administration expelling them. We've gone off the deep-end at schools in this country and the clock story is just another one of those. But for some reason, because he's Muslim and they thought it was a bomb, none of you seem to be able to let it go.

You all need to grow up and let it go. Admit the situation was wrong and shouldn't have gone that far and quit the agenda trying to prove he's somehow not just some kid who brought something to school that he shouldn't have.

Are you a random child member of the muslim race? Just fess up, and take that first step to recovery.


Well-Known Member

Congrats, you are a bigot. BTW, all religions are cults. Your 'god' is just as made up as theirs, as are your beliefs. :yay:

That's a better word. I knew you could come up with it but why didn't you answer with your Snake MPD.

I still say if it makes me a bigot to hate people that do what Muslims do I am proud to be one.


Well-Known Member
That's a better word. I knew you could come up with it but why didn't you answer with your Snake MPD.

I still say if it makes me a bigot to hate people that do what Muslims do I am proud to be one.

No, it makes you a bigot to hate an entire class of people you have never met because a tiny minority who share their religion commit atrocities.

I don't know whose mpd snake is, but he can answer on his own. He seems to be handling you with no problem


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I find it hilarious that so much of this country seems to NEED to find a way to prove he didn't build the clock. Who cares whether he built it or not. .

What is hilarious is the degree to which brainless automatons, that live on narrative drip feeds, so readily embraced the theme of the deliberately planned hoax. Look in the mirror, sport. Critical thinking..it's not just for breakfast any more.


Obamy over-reacts again. Some experts say the homemade clock is commercial, just removed from its' original case.


Ahmed Mohamed Didn’t Build a Clock — and Other Niggling Problems in the Story of Dallas’s Whizkid-of-the-Week

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/ahmed-mohamed-clock-bomb-media-narrative-ian-tuttle


Make sure you look at the picture of what he built and decide for yourself. The whole thing looks suspicious.


New Member
Apparently you have no idea of what a Christian is, so please carry on with your bad self.

LOL , this coming from a man who pretends to be religious but worship's a pretend god that makes him sacrifice live chickens before he can pray.
Apparently you have no idea of what a Christian is, so please carry on with your bad self.

Is a Christian judgemental, hypocritical, racist, bigoted, and islamophobic like so many of the self-proclaimed Christians who post on this site? Or is a Christian more like Pope Francis?


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Is a Christian judgemental, hypocritical, racist, bigoted, and islamophobic like so many of the self-proclaimed Christians who post on this site? Or is a Christian more like Pope Francis?

Yes, they can be all those things. No one is without sin. The difference is we know we are wrong, and ask the Lord for forgiveness. The unrepentant are the ones who are in trouble.

I don't know too much about the pontiff. I don't agree with what the Roman Catholic Church teaches, therefore I am not of that faith. The pope is just a man, like all other men. He isn't infallible, and has sinned just like all men have sinned.


Well-Known Member
Is a Christian judgemental, hypocritical, racist, bigoted, and islamophobic like so many of the self-proclaimed Christians who post on this site? Or is a Christian more like Pope Francis?

Christians are like everyone else in the world ,judgemental, hypocritical, racist, bigoted, They are no different.

Some may claim to be, but they are full of sh1t. Believing in Christ doesn't make you a Saint, or the Pope. We will all be Judged come Judgement day.
Anyone who claims not to have predjudices or who claims not to judge others or who claims to be totally indifferent to people who they do not want to be around is a liar.