Racism, bigotry, how about just ignorant idiot with a mouth. Removed myself for quite a few pages and I was proven correct. The word doesn't matter. If you hate a muslim for being muslim, sure that's not specifically racist, but you are still a racist in addition. I guarantee if you saw a white guy in SoMD put down a mat facing east you'd think it was strange at first, but if you saw a brown person do it you'd get really uncomfortable faster. People in SoMD flat out suck, in the stores, on the street, everywhere you're all pissed off and jerks, even at your jobs where you're paid to be nice, but the nicest random stranger smile and most polite person I've bumped into recently and held the door for and got a very nice thank you was a darker skinned woman wearing a burka of some sort and her husband. Say what you want or generalize how you want about people, but the minority of people who commit atrocities (dark skinned 9/11 attackers or white-skinned OKC bomber, don't matter) suck in general as human beings, and guess what, people like you spewing ignorance out of your own fear also suck at least as much, because while most committing atrocities die or get captured and stopped, you get to peacefully live in this country spewing your useless and unproductive random hate for 80 years straight until you finally die and nobody visits your grave cause you f**king sucked as a human being as well too.
Sorry I didn't use the right term for you, but I'm also sorry that while you demand appropriate terms to be used, you don't care to be appropriate that the largest religion in the world is mostly full of peaceful people who do not commit atrocities that the extreme minority of them do. I guess the semantics and details only apply when it suits your ignorant mouthy self. Just like the rest of this pathetic country, of which we all have the complete right to do. It's one thing to use factual statistics against a group (race or whatever), but to just continue slamming generally with no real basis or reasoning is stupid, and then to defend yourself by getting into semantics shows the pile of puke you really are as a person. Ok, I'm done hypocritically slamming a general group of racist bigots with no real factual statistics of my own. Somebody should collect stats on bigotry.