Did you all know



They are burning down the old evans seafood resturant tonight. The only reason I know this is my stepbrother's gf just called and told us.


Nothing to see here
jp2854 said:
They are burning down the old evans seafood resturant tonight. The only reason I know this is my stepbrother's gf just called and told us.

Old news, my daughters half sister's boyfriend aunts best friend called last night and told us.

Nanny Pam

jp2854 said:
They are burning down the old evans seafood resturant tonight. The only reason I know this is my stepbrother's gf just called and told us.

Frankly my dear.... I don't give a damn.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
jp2854 said:
They are burning down the old evans seafood resturant tonight. The only reason I know this is my stepbrother's gf just called and told us.
Get your :moon: over there...lots of men in uniform supervising the "burn!"


I don't date men in uniform been there done that and will NEVER do it again.


Well you don't know shiat about my life so there. Men in uniform are no good..They are a bunch of a$$holes who think they know it all because they wear a uniform which is a bunch of bs. Dutch take a hike too while your at it I don't need your Shiat.


jp2854 said:
Well you don't know shiat about my life so there. Men in uniform are no good..They are a bunch of a$$holes who think they know it all because they wear a uniform which is a bunch of bs. Dutch take a hike too while your at it I don't need your Shiat.
DAYUM....Dutch you gonna take that? :popcorn:


jp2854 said:
Well you don't know shiat about my life so there. Men in uniform are no good..They are a bunch of a$$holes who think they know it all because they wear a uniform which is a bunch of bs. Dutch take a hike too while your at it I don't need your Shiat.

Wow! You sure told him :bigwhoop:

& dudes in uniform are :yum:


New Member
Jameo said:
Wow! You sure told him :bigwhoop:

& dudes in uniform are :yum:

Good, I have one that is very late for dinner, when he gets home I'll send him to you!

Unless you think it is ok to just stick his pork chops that the cat licked in the frig. :shrug:


Pandora said:
Good, I have one that is very late for dinner, when he gets home I'll send him to you!

Unless you think it is ok to just stick his pork chops that the cat licked in the frig. :shrug:

What he doesn't know won't hurt him :yay: :lol:


Pandora said:
Good, I have one that is very late for dinner, when he gets home I'll send him to you!

Unless you think it is ok to just stick his pork chops that the cat licked in the frig. :shrug:


Reminds me when my ex came home late one night and asked where dinner was, and I said on the counter, it was a TBone steak, potatos and veggies, but the dog had jumped up and got the steak, my ex said "what potatos and veggies?" and I said "that'll teach you for being late", meanwhile the dog is off in a corner with a full belly gnawing on a bone. :killingme


itsbob said:
Jameo has a particular fondness for the Good Humor Man. He looks HOT in his uniform! :schmooookin':

Now summertimes here babe, need somethin to keep you cool
Ah now summertimes here babe, need somethin to keep you cool
Better look out now though, daves got somethin for you
Tell ya what it is

Im your ice cream man, stop me when Im passin by
Oh my my, Im your ice cream man, stop me when Im passin by
See now all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy
Hold on a second baby

I got good lemonade, ah, dixie cups
All flavors and push ups too
Im your ice cream man, baby, stop me when Im passin by
See now all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy
Hold on, one more
