Did you ever think you'd see the day...


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Do ya know of, that fabled story book, written by men of extremely questionable character, over 2000 thousand years ago? The Bible? Yeah, that book of fables. Since when did that book have any legal standing whatsoever? Just because someone over 2000 years ago wrote that God said some piece of land belongs to a certain group of people does not a legal land title make.

Show me a legal chain of land title and ownership that says jews have a legal right to that land.

And, in addition, riddle me this; Who occupied that land 5000 years ago? 10,000 years ago? 50,000 years ago? Maybe there are other groups of people that could lay claim to that land, somewhere?

And .... possession being, what do they say, 9/10th of the law, it would seem that the Palestinians were in possession of that land, occupying that land, with legal titles, for a long long long period of time prior to the jews going in and trying to kill everyone. Is it any wonder that all the surrounding Arabic countries have a problem with that?
Let me check my Quran and get back to you.:yay:
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Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Show me a legal chain of land title and ownership that says jews have a legal right to that land.
If you can first, produce the same legal chain of land title saying the Palestinians have that legal right.

Because if not, I have a legal, binding book that's over 2,000 years old that has more documentation for it than what you have produced
Maybe YOU call it a book of fables, but it has a precedence for legal standing GLOBALLY...What do you have that tops it?


If I may ...
I genuinely would like to know why you hate Jewish people so much. You are a fountain of antisemitism and you spout all sorts of crazy propaganda, but you never say what specifically Jews have done to you personally that makes you hate them so much.

You say:

Example? Because I have never been treated poorly by a Jewish person. I don't know anyone who has. It's not like they're rolling through neighborhoods setting fire to homes. Murdering people and draping their entrails over bridges. Flying airplanes into buildings and murdering thousands. Bombing discos filled with civilians. Strapping bombs on babies and toddling them off into military encampments. Etc etc.

What exactly do Jewish people do that makes you want them all dead?

I'm not digging through a bunch of Twitter accounts to find their posts. And if I did it would be a waste of time because you'd make excuses for them.

I would like to know why you think I hate jews? Since I specifically have said countless times it is the zionists/bolsheviks that are the cause of our ills. And why is it antisemitism to even discus the issue? Why would you even think that I want all jews dead? Never have I ever said anything that comes close to such thinking, and yet, you have painted me as such.

We Americans are born into propaganda, it's our history. You prove that point very very well. Your personal anecdotal experiences are just that, anecdotes. I would say that you are stupid, but in this case, I would have to say that you are extremely ignorant. And choose to walk through life wearing blinders, preferring to remain ignorant so that your world isn't turned upside down from learning the actual truth.

"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." – Dresden James


Well-Known Member
If you can first, produce the same legal chain of land title saying the Palestinians have that legal right.

Because if not, I have a legal, binding book that's over 2,000 years old that has more documentation for it than what you have produced
Maybe YOU call it a book of fables, but it has a precedence for legal standing GLOBALLY...What do you have that tops it?



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I've noticed on very many occasions - the persons saying they hate "Zionists" rarely hesitate to attack or even physically assault - JEWS. But even ONE TIME proves the point decisively. The current wave of protests has students attacking and intimidating Jewish students who have never been within a thousand miles of Israel.

Trying to make a distinction between the two, to me, is like listening to a person saying clearly bigoted racist things against blacks who says "some of my best friends are black".


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with saying some of my best friends are black? Maybe it's true.
Nothing wrong with having black friends.
Doesn't mean that you accept all blacks, just like there are many whites you don't want to be around, and you don't accept their behavior.

I have no problem with most Jews, but Chuck the Schmuck and other American Jews of his ilk can kiss my ass.
It is amazing how many Jews and Blacks are Democrats when the democrats only use them for their votes.
I am Catholic and have no love for this Pope, and Pelosi and Biden are no Catholics and try to use Catholics for votes.
Some people I like and others I don't, nothing wrong with that , every person has their likes and dislikes.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
What's wrong with saying some of my best friends are black?
It rings hollow after constant spewing of bigoted remarks, and it strongly suggests that such a person has no idea how much they offend others.


Well-Known Member
Trying to make a distinction between the two, to me, is like listening to a person saying clearly bigoted racist things against blacks who says "some of my best friends are black".
Hmmm...this actually kinda makes sense to me...I say clearly racist & bigoted things about blacks, mainly it's that derogatory form of Negro...
But I don't consider all black people to be...The N word...take for example my 3 black friends...I don't consider them...the N word...that is, until they get together...then they just seem to naturally regress in that direction...

But I can't be racist!!! I also consider white people like HH & SMC79 to be naggers as well!!...


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...this actually kinda makes sense to me...I say clearly racist & bigoted things about blacks, mainly it's that derogatory form of Negro...
But I don't consider all black people to be...The N word...take for example my 3 black friends...I don't consider them...the N word...that is, until they get together...then they just seem to naturally regress in that direction...

But I can't be racist!!! I also consider white people like HH & SMC79 to be naggers as well!!...

I have three black friends 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Notice that he never said he doesn't hate Jews, only that he questioned why you thought it.

Notice that she only answered one question? Such a fraidy cat she is. I don't hate jews in and of themselves, but those jews, and non-jews alike, that are zionists/bolsheviks, then I do hold them in contempt.

Calling out and disusing what the zionists/bolsheviks are doing, does not indicate "hate".
I've noticed on very many occasions - the persons saying they hate "Zionists" rarely hesitate to attack or even physically assault - JEWS. But even ONE TIME proves the point decisively. The current wave of protests has students attacking and intimidating Jewish students who have never been within a thousand miles of Israel.

Trying to make a distinction between the two, to me, is like listening to a person saying clearly bigoted racist things against blacks who says "some of my best friends are black".
Yeah. We see this a lot these days - people denying being antisemitic by trying to distinguish their opposition to Zionism from their opposition to the interests of Jews in general. So often such denials are belied by the reality that they effectively consider anyone who thinks Jews should have a home, and that they should be able to live other than under a constant threat (and high likelihood) of terrorism, or at least that they should be able to respond forcefully to such terrorism, to be Zionists or Zionist sympathizers.

You see, it's not that I hate women. It's just that I hate bitches. Nevermind that I consider any woman who might dare stand up for themselves - who might not just take assaults on themselves or those they care for lying down - to be bitches.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You see, it's not that I hate women. It's just that I hate bitches. Nevermind that I consider any woman who might dare stand up for themselves - who might not just take assaults on themselves or those they care for lying down - to be bitches.
