Did you fall for their Propaganda?


Well-Known Member
The following is chapter 1 of a Book documenting the mental slide Americans have taken and who orchestrated it. Names, dates, events.-

Its a long read but you must ask yourself...did you succumb to their strategies as outlined years ago?


If you recognize that you fell for it...will you change your position now? Or just go with the flow?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
Its a long read but you must ask yourself...did you succumb to their strategies as outlined years ago?
I don't know if I "succumbed" so much as don't care about peoples' sex lives. Never have. When I was a kid, gay people were vaguely interesting to me because it was something different, but I didn't give it a lot of thought.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
I don't know if I "succumbed" so much as don't care about peoples' sex lives. Never have. When I was a kid, gay people were vaguely interesting to me because it was something different, but I didn't give it a lot of thought.
Vrai.....were you bi-curious? :popcorn:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
*whisper* It means you thought aqbout being gay but never did it.

I think about being gay now so I can get a wife. But I think it's too late and I'm already set in my ways.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Fall victim?

In the end, we have to ask ourselves which is worse – the previous era in America, when homosexuals were reviled and driven underground? Or today's America, when the pendulum has swung so far in the other direction that those in the grip of powerful self-destructive compulsions are fawned over and lionized as heroes?

Which is better, reviling, driving underground, hating, killing?


Swung so far IN THE OTHER DIRECTION...blah...blah...blah...

Reviling...or the other direction?

It never ceases to amaze me the abject fear people can stir up in themselves about sexual behavior. It was so bad in the 'good old days' that gays were driven under ground, reviled and so forth and now, because 'the pendulum has swung so far the other way (AWAY FROM HATE) that...there is MORE fear and MORE reviling. BOO! Now you got gay cooties! You're gonna fall in love with Fabio! Ha! Ha!

Robert Bauman was ABUSED as a small child and the story would stil be one of a messed up human if he'd been abused heterosexually or if he was a female and the 12 year old neighbor was male. To deduce that this is somehow a gay issue is to entirely miss the point that he was MOLESTED and never got any help to understand what was eating at him.

Anyone wonder what his life could have been like if soemone said to him as a teen and he was coming to battle this "Well, Robert, you got molested by a neighbor boy, it twert your fault and the good news is it's over and you can move on from here."

Instead he got a world that said "Ewwww!!!! You were doing gay stuff at 5!!! Get away! I revile you! Go underground, queer! Yuck!!!! You should hate your self!!!!!"

So the gay movement has grown powerful representing a lifestlye. Seems they've had a bit of motivation over the years to fight back. So I believe it's chosen and they say you're born that way. What do I know? What do I care? How in the flying hell does it harm me, or anyone else, either way?

I don't hate gay people though it does bother me when they vote for an idiot like John Kerry. Straight people voted for that turd to. I don't get gay cooties hanging out with gay folks. I don't have a thing for Fabio because I breathed gay air.

I can answer the question without hestitation: We, as a people, with a society founded on indivdual rights based on life, liberty and the persuit of happiness are WAY better off today than being a society of slave owners because we didn't feel they meet the criteria to deserve those rights, or a nation of homophobes because they didn't, somehow, meet the criteria.

In the mean time nice NORMAL hetro's march off to the old ladies office and set the ##### on fire, or fill the tub and drown the kiddies one by one or hire a hit man to collect his or her insurance.

If there is something inherently evil or bad about homosexuality, it is way down the list in its affect on my world.

Am I missing something here?



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
If there is something inherently evil or bad about homosexuality, it is way down the list in its affect on my world.

Am I missing something here?

For those of us that believe in God and the Bible, it is inherently evil since the Bible says it is an abomination.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I respect that...

2ndAmendment said:
For those of us that believe in God and the Bible, it is inherently evil since the Bible says it is an abomination.

...you know I do but as far as where it comes in on the 'evil priority scale' in our modern world, man, I gotta say we got problems that I sure don't see rooted in homosexuality.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...you know I do but as far as where it comes in on the 'evil priority scale' in our modern world, man, I gotta say we got problems that I sure don't see rooted in homosexuality.
According to the Bible, one sin is just as bad as another. It is man that ranks sin. Glad God provided His sacrifice to save me and other sinners.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My dad says the same thing...

2ndAmendment said:
According to the Bible, one sin is just as bad as another. It is man that ranks sin. Glad God provided His sacrifice to save me and other sinners.

I gotta find the lowest price for gas for the delivery trucks, do an insurance review, fix the broken glass, get the trencher lined up to dig the hole to fix the well feed pipe, make sure all the pot and soil orders are straight, visit the client, double check the feed schedules both for the points and the cyclamen, finish the employee vacation schedule, discuss with him what might be the best possible thing to do with the 15 year old Jeep, look into the medical and retirement plans and a few other minor details and then check what the hurricane is doing AND guees what it will do to oil prices, talk about the stupid Jeep some more, figure up the Murphy factor...all at the same time.

I'll leave the judgment to Him. For me, I gotta start somewhere and if I NEVER get around to dealing with the Jeep...


Routinely Derailed
Nope, I didn't, but too many folks did. No need for me to go any further, y'all know me well enough by now to correctly guess the rest.


2ndAmendment said:
For those of us that believe in God and the Bible, it is inherently evil since the Bible says it is an abomination.
There are not levels of sin. Sin is sin. Lying, cheating, etc. etc. A gay person is no more likely to go to hell as you or I are because we are ALL sinners. People fear homosexuality because they don't understand it and because it is "taboo" to them. I say live and let live. I would much rather see my son or daughter happy in a homosexual relationship than abused, mistreated or plain unhappy in a heterosexual one. Who am I to say what someone else does? Plus people, being gay is NOT all about having sex. I am not defined as a person just because I choose to sleep with a man instead of a woman. Gay people are just the same. They DO NOT walk around stalking people of the same sex. They conduct normal lives just like you and me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
According to the Bible, one sin is just as bad as another.

camily said:
There are not levels of sin. Sin is sin. Lying, cheating, etc. etc. A gay person is no more likely to go to hell as you or I are because we are ALL sinners.
This could turn into an interesting discussion.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
camily said:
There are not levels of sin. Sin is sin. Lying, cheating, etc. etc. A gay person is no more likely to go to hell as you or I are because we are ALL sinners. People fear homosexuality because they don't understand it and because it is "taboo" to them. I say live and let live. I would much rather see my son or daughter happy in a homosexual relationship than abused, mistreated or plain unhappy in a heterosexual one. Who am I to say what someone else does? Plus people, being gay is NOT all about having sex. I am not defined as a person just because I choose to sleep with a man instead of a woman. Gay people are just the same. They DO NOT walk around stalking people of the same sex. They conduct normal lives just like you and me.
I have to go with camily on this one. Some of the greatest people I know are gay. We are all sinners.


Well-Known Member
Redefining "Normal"

who gets to define what is normal?
Is it the media? Are they normal and everybody has to try to be like them?
Is it the cool kids at school who prompt the lonely outsiders to do stupid dangerous things just to fit in and be "normal?"

Come on people! You don't seem the slightest disturbed by the fact that a handful of people began a 20 year media manipulation and succeeded in getting "normal" people to accept the abnormal.

How long did it take Mussolini to militarize and bring fascism into Italy?
How long did it take Stalin to desensitizre an entire generation to the death camp gulags and millions were willing to live in fear?
How long did it take Americans who believed their media that we were losing the war in Viet Nam and that we must get out (while condemning our soldiers who served?)

It is a matter of a few years, a few admired people in the media, a few buzz words like liberties and rights........and people gradually fall pray to the big lie.
Shame on you for accepting the manipulation and swallowing the propaganda at face value. They wanted something...they put together a scheme...they played their cards right...and they are well on their way to winning.

Who is working on the next scheme? Will you fall for that too?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I agree with Larry, it's way down on my list of evils to fix. I could care less if two guys are swordfighting in thier bedroom at night when you have Al Quieda, murderers running rampant, pedophiles picked up everyday, and amber alerts going off every other day.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
Come on people! You don't seem the slightest disturbed by the fact that a handful of people began a 20 year media manipulation and succeeded in getting "normal" people to accept the abnormal.
You're right - I'm not even remotely disturbed. Gay people don't hurt me or cause me any inconvenience.

It's been an obvious media manipulation - "Queer Eye", the gay guy from Melrose Place, Rosie O'Donnell - all are part of an image campaign to show that gay people aren't all Queer Nation nutties. But I don't think that's such a terrible thing. To me it's like "The Cosby Show" and "Fresh Prince" portraying normal blacks instead of gangsta rap videos and that crap they spew on BET.