Did you fall for their Propaganda?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
camily said:
There are not levels of sin. Sin is sin. Lying, cheating, etc. etc.
I think I said that.
2ndAmendment said:
According to the Bible, one sin is just as bad as another. It is man that ranks sin. Glad God provided His sacrifice to save me and other sinners.
camily said:
A gay person is no more likely to go to hell as you or I are because we are ALL sinners. People fear homosexuality because they don't understand it and because it is "taboo" to them. I say live and let live. I would much rather see my son or daughter happy in a homosexual relationship than abused, mistreated or plain unhappy in a heterosexual one. Who am I to say what someone else does? Plus people, being gay is NOT all about having sex. I am not defined as a person just because I choose to sleep with a man instead of a woman. Gay people are just the same. They DO NOT walk around stalking people of the same sex. They conduct normal lives just like you and me.
Hello. It has nothing to do with fear of homosexuality. It has to do with obeying God. God does not tolerate sin, any sin. Endorsing or condoning a person to sin brings their judgement on those that endorse or condone it.

Romans 6:23

<sup id="en-NASB-28092">23</sup>For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 3:21-26

<sup id="en-NASB-28013">21</sup>But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, <sup id="en-NASB-28014">22</sup>even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction;

<sup id="en-NASB-28015">23</sup>for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

<sup id="en-NASB-28016">24</sup>being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus;

<sup id="en-NASB-28017">25</sup>whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed;

<sup id="en-NASB-28018">26</sup>for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

2 Corinthians 7:9-11

<sup id="en-NASB-28926">9</sup>I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us.

<sup id="en-NASB-28927">10</sup>For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death.

<sup id="en-NASB-28928">11</sup>For behold what earnestness this very thing, this godly sorrow, has produced in you: what vindication of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what longing, what zeal, what avenging of wrong! In everything you demonstrated yourselves to be innocent in the matter.
Good thing God provided His plan of salvation.

And homosexuality is not normal.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There's a sci-fi short story by an author I can't remember where in the future, because of overpopulation, gay was the norm and heterosexuality was outlawed. The story revolved around a man and a woman who were sneaking around illegally, then they get caught and the government Clockwork Oranges them.

I think sometimes, Hessian, that this is what you fear - that gays will take over and heteros will be locked in gulags.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Homosexuality is NOT 'normal'...

...it is still 'queer' and odd and simply abnormal.

Suppossedly 3-10% of us are gay. 12% of us are black. On what grounds is it unacceptable, as oppossed to abnormal, to be gay? Or black? I'm a lefty, 10% of the population. You wanna feel unaccepted? Be a lefty. Play guitar. Then go to ANY guitar store.

"Sorry, we don't serve YOUR kind. Go away. We revile you, mistake of nature. God hates you, too."

Homosexuals are seen by those who revile them as sick, perverted, diseased, following the wrong path and so forth. How so? What made Robert Baumans life so tortured? Being molested at 5 or being condemned by society for something he had no control over?

Almost 70% of black kids are born with no father in their home. That is statistically 'normal' but I find that FAR more abhorant than any homosexual or right handed guitar player, far more threatening to society as a whole and a far bigger sin than homosexuality. I can detail the negative effects of generations of fatherless boys. I can't get to square one with how gay sex is hurting anyone.

I mean, to use El Duce, Uncle Joe and Vietnam as examples of what the homosexual movement is doing to us, please explain?

Shame on you for accepting the manipulation and swallowing the propaganda at face value. They wanted something...they put together a scheme...they played their cards right...and they are well on their way to winning.

How many divisions does Boy George have? Where are his Gulags? Who is missing? What has he gained? Where are his gay policies and what have they taken from me and my neighbors? Winning WHAT? And did you mean to say 'swallow"?


2ndAmendment said:
I think I said that. Hello. It has nothing to do with fear of homosexuality. It has to do with obeying God. God does not tolerate sin, any sin. Endorsing or condoning a person to sin brings their judgement on those that endorse or condone it.

Good thing God provided His plan of salvation.

And homosexuality is not normal.
Not normal for you, but totally normal for them. Why don't people go after the compulsive liars instead of gays if they think all sin is the same? Because it isn't interesting and that would include half (or more) or he population. What if it were cheating straight men and women that were attacked, and beaten for their actions because it was a sin? Lust is a sin as well, anyone here ever lusted? How about honor your mother and father? Give me a break on the sin crap. Not that I think it doesn't matter, just not my business. Lets leave others alone and work on ourselves! You know what it says, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". And that was when they caught a woman and man that were not married in bed together. Why did they only want to cast stones at the woman anyway? Wasn't the man just as guilty? It's the same concept here.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
camily said:
...Give me a break on the sin crap. Not that I think it doesn't matter, just not my business.
Do you consider yourself a Christian? If you do, it is your business.

emphasis mineMatthew 28:19-20

<sup id="en-NASB-24215">19</sup>"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

<sup id="en-NASB-24216">20</sup>teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
If you are not a Christian, then you are not under the command of Jesus in the Great Commission.
camily said:
Lets leave others alone and work on ourselves! You know what it says, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". And that was when they caught a woman and man that were not married in bed together. Why did they only want to cast stones at the woman anyway? Wasn't the man just as guilty? It's the same concept here.
Didn't cast any stones. Didn't condemn homosexuals any more than any other sinner, and I even included myself as being a sinner, a forgiven one, but a sinner just the same.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I just think that in the grand scheme of things it's just not that important. It doesn't affect you so why bother.


2ndAmendment said:
Do you consider yourself a Christian? If you do, it is your business.

If you are not a Christian, then you are not under the command of Jesus in the Great Commission.
Didn't cast any stones. Didn't condemn homosexuals any more than any other sinner, and I even included myself as being a sinner, a forgiven one, but a sinner just the same.
Why do you not consider them forgiven? Do you think you are less of a sinner?
Also, I am a Christian.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
camily said:
Why do you not consider them forgiven? Do you think you are less of a sinner?
Also, I am a Christian.
No, I am not any less of a sinner. I already said that. Please read my complete posts, so I don't have to repeat myself. I read yours. I am repentant and strive to not sin.

Repentance is necessary for forgiveness according to the Bible. Repenting of sin means turning from that sin and trying to live according to God's word, not that works save you but out of love and thanksgiving to God for salvation. A homosexual, adulterer, fornicator, thief, liar, or any other sinner that is actively pursuing a lifestyle of sin is not repentant. Christians will sin, but a Christian will be convicted by the Holy Spirit that the sin is against God's will and repent, ask forgiveness, and try, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to not repeat the sin.

Since you are a Christian, it is your business. Jesus commissioned you and all Christians to teach salvation and righteousness through Him.
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Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
2ndAmendment said:
Since you are a Christian, it is your business. Jesus commissioned you and all Christians to teach salvation and righteousness through Him.
Sweet, I have no obligation. :yay:


2ndAmendment said:
No, I am not any less of a sinner. I already said that. Please read my complete posts, so I don't have to repeat myself. I read yours. I am repentant and strive to not sin.

Repentance is necessary for forgiveness according to the Bible. Repenting of sin means turning from that sin and trying to live according to God's word, not that works save you but out of love and thanksgiving to God for salvation. A homosexual, adulterer, fornicator, thief, liar, or any other sinner that is actively pursuing a lifestyle of sin is not repentant. Christians will sin, but a Christian will be convicted by the Holy Spirit that the sin is against God's will and repent, ask forgiveness, and try, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to not repeat the sin.

Since you are a Christian, it is your business. Jesus commissioned you and all Christians to teach salvation and righteousness through Him.
I do read your posts completely, they just seem contradictory at times so I am reiterating.


Active Member
2ndAmendment said:
For those of us that believe in God and the Bible, it is inherently evil since the Bible says it is an abomination.

So what are your thoughts on the following, since you follow the bible so closely??

The eating of fat is prohibited forever. (Lev 3:17)
You cannot round the corners of your beard or the hair on your temples. (Lev 19:27)
Witches should be killed. (Ex 22:18)
The congregation was to be a bastard free zone. The Bible was so dead set against bastards that their children, even to the tenth generation, could not enter the assembly of the Lord. (Duet 23:2) This is in keeping with God's principle of punishing children for the wrongdoings of their parents.

Handicapped people could not approach God. Their presence would profane his sanctuary. (Lev 21:16-23) This scripture single-handedly offends almost every category of handicapped persons you can name. The blind, lame, injured, hunchbacks and dwarfs are specifically named. If anyone is left out, the catchall phrase "anyone with a blemish" is thrown in to cover them. I guess in Israel, the handicapped parking stalls were at the far end of the parking lot.

Entrance into the assembly of the Lord was granted only to those with complete testicles. (Duet 23:1) Now, I will admit that keeping one's testicles in tact is a pursuit worthy of some attention, but I have to ask: What went on in the "assembly of the Lord" that required a complete and full set of testicles? And, since testicles are usually not on display, was there someone at the gate assigned to check?

Anyone working on the Sabbath is to be killed. (Ex 35:2) This law was to protect the sanctity of Sunday afternoon football. Unfortunately, any player that touched the ball would have to be killed after the game, because he had touched a dead pig. (Lev 11:7,8) That would certainly make it easier to play defense.

Menstruating women and everything they touch are unclean. The only cure for this uncleanness was for the priest to kill a couple of pigeons. (Lev 15:19-30) What could be more logical?

If a couple has sex during the woman's period, the two are to be cut off from their people. (Lev 20:18) Once again, how would anyone know that this had happened? The couple is obviously not going to tell. Maybe the genital inspector from the temple made house calls.

Women were officially second class citizens. They were considered possessions that were owned, (Prov 12:4) and were officially subordinate (1 Cor 14:33,34).

Homosexual men were to be executed. (Lev 20:13) No mention is made of homosexual women.

If a woman grabs a man's privates during a fight, her hand is to be cut off. (Duet 25:11,12) Now, is it really necessary to have this law on the books? You get the impression that the person who was writing the laws had recently experienced this and was still a little pissed off.

False prophets are to be killed by their own parents. (Zech 13:3)

Stubborn children were to be stoned, and the stoning was to be instigated by their parents. (Duet 21:18-21)