Geraldine Ferraro was on Hannity & Colmes Friday. Sean was showing her the red/blue map. She said that if the blue states seceded from the union the red states would have no markets and said that all the talent is in the blue states anyway.
This elitist attitude by a Democratic former VP candidate is one reason the Democrats have lost ground with the majority of voters. If the Democrats continue to express this kind of elitist stuff, they will continue a downward spiral and a new party will take the left center. It may be the Republicans and a new, more conservative party will take the mainstream right in politics since the Republicans are tending toward Giuliani and McCain.
This elitist attitude by a Democratic former VP candidate is one reason the Democrats have lost ground with the majority of voters. If the Democrats continue to express this kind of elitist stuff, they will continue a downward spiral and a new party will take the left center. It may be the Republicans and a new, more conservative party will take the mainstream right in politics since the Republicans are tending toward Giuliani and McCain.