Did you hear the one about...?


Well-Known Member
The farmer from Maine who died? He was an ornery ol' cuss so when he died he went to hell.

When he met the devil he said: "Mistah, I've farmed nuthin but rocks all my life. Ain't nuthin you got that scares me!"

So the devil puts him in a room where he has to break boulders into gravel non-stop in 90 degree heat.

After 2 days the devil comes back and sees the farmer pounding away with the sledgehammer and whistling. When the farmer looks up and sees the devil he actually smiles!

So the devil, pizzed off, puts him in a room where he has nothing but sand, 110 degree heat and 4 boxes. The farmer has to separate the garins of sand into the boxes by color.

After a week the devil returns and when the farmer sees him he laughs and waves his hand as if to say "Bring it on!".

Well the devil becomes enraged and puts the farmer in a room where the temperature is 20 below zero and raining with ice on every surface.

After 3 days the devil returns to find the farmer actually leaping up and down and clicking his heels together, and hugging everyone in the room with him.

The devil screams at the man: "How can you possibly be this happy in this room?!?"

The farmer waves his arms around the room and says:

"Look around this room you fool!!! The Red Sox have finally won the World Series!!!":biggrin:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by kwillia
Don't worry... he logged off so he could get his work done.... no troubles here...:cheers:
Yeah, but he called me a b!tch, all because of you! :bawl:


Originally posted by CMC122
Or maybe it's all a secret plan so they can have make up:spank: :whip: :smoochy:

at the cost of flowers nowadays.......that would be my guess. :lmao:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by justhangn
at the cost of flowers nowadays.......that would be my guess. :lmao:
Nah, flowers are lame...well, I guess it depends on what you do with them...hmmmm, that may have some potential afterall. :really:


Originally posted by cmcdanal
Nah, flowers are lame...well, I guess it depends on what you do with them...hmmmm, that may have some potential afterall. :really:

:cool: Yea.....the possibilities are endless.....