Did you know that all kinds of forum posts and threads are being shared routinely on facebook???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It didn't occur to me, until recently, that the site is unsecure. But I still keep coming back :crazy:

What does that mean, "unsecure"? Again, I don't understand the concern. Most internet forums are available on...the internet. Where else is an internet forum going to be?


That's a real question - help me understand your concern and what you thought the forum was.


Why would we need a disclaimer? It's on the internet. What would the disclaimer say? "Posts that you make on the internet will be available on the internet"?

Threads get picked up by Google and other search engines as well. Always have. A lot of current participants, that's how they found us in the first place: they did a search for something, a thread on here came up in their results, they registered, and have been posting ever since.

It's not like your post is linked to your personal social media account or identifies you in any way other than how you've already identified yourself on here. I don't understand the concern.

I'm not suggesting you do. It's your forum.

Disclaimers do legally protect you though. The disclaimer would say: "Be aware that what you post in this forum could be shared out to other social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter".

I have rarely seen posts show up on FB. When it did I was a little surprised; but not in a negative way. I was like "hey look, my post showed up". Then I moved on. This is really a non-issue for me.


New Member
The best way I could equate the concerns is with those people who sell your email addresses and phone numbers.

You respond to an ad for a sale offer and fill in your email and phone number. Next thing you know... and sometimes without your consent... they sell that info to marketers who use it to relentlessly pester you.

I am guessing that is what the concern is about. People signed up here to participate here. Not to participate here and then have their comments, thoughts, ideas traded publically to another site.

Illegal... no. Morally questionable... maybe :shrug:


What does that mean, "unsecure"? Again, I don't understand the concern. Most internet forums are available on...the internet. Where else is an internet forum going to be?


That's a real question - help me understand your concern and what you thought the forum was.

Hey, calm down. I'm not dogging you. :wink:

Again, I'm not suggesting you change a thing. I just looked up one day and noticed there wasn't an https in the URL. The only think that would concern me there is my username and password is more easily hacked in an unsecure website.

I work in IT, as you know, and am fully aware of what's going in and around the intarvebs, and how these forums are not private in any sense. Everyone should go into social media sites with the full understanding that very little of it is private.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Disclaimers do legally protect you though. The disclaimer would say: "Be aware that what you post in this forum could be shared out to other social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter".

Why would it be different for FB or Twitter to show a thread topic, but not Google or any other search engine? The search engines have a lot larger audience than various social media sites. We're already legally protected by the very fact that this is an open forum on the internet, which is available world wide. I presumed everyone knew that.


I am guessing that is what the concern is about. People signed up here to participate here. Not to participate here and then have their comments, thoughts, ideas traded publically to another site.

The only answer to that is, don't participate in public social media.


Why would it be different for FB or Twitter to show a thread topic, but not Google or any other search engine? The search engines have a lot larger audience than various social media sites. We're already legally protected by the very fact that this is an open forum on the internet, which is available world wide. I presumed everyone knew that.

It wouldn't. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hey, calm down. I'm not dogging you. :wink:

Again, I'm not suggesting you change a thing. I just looked up one day and noticed there wasn't an https in the URL. The only think that would concern me there is my username and password is more easily hacked in an unsecure website.

I work in IT, as you know, and am fully aware of what's going in and around the intarvebs, and how these forums are not private in any sense. Everyone should go into social media sites with the full understanding that very little of it is private.

I'm not uncalm, just confused.

Our admin is secure and passwords are encrypted. Even I can't see them, which is why when someone asks me for their password because they've forgotten it, I have to have the system send them a link to reset. I'll direct David to this thread and he can make mods as needed, though.

But you're right that online forums are not private - they are on the open web and therefore you shouldn't post personal information that you don't want the whole world to see.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The best way I could equate the concerns is with those people who sell your email addresses and phone numbers.

You respond to an ad for a sale offer and fill in your email and phone number. Next thing you know... and sometimes without your consent... they sell that info to marketers who use it to relentlessly pester you.

I am guessing that is what the concern is about. People signed up here to participate here. Not to participate here and then have their comments, thoughts, ideas traded publically to another site.

Illegal... no. Morally questionable... maybe :shrug:

We have never sold or shared our user information. Not forums, not the classifieds, not even our own mailing list.

"Participate here"...where? The internet? :confused: Why on earth would that be "morally questionable"?

Anyway, since it's a concern I'll have David put a disclaimer so it's clear that these forums are not private (unless you have a paid private forum) and are available on the internet.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I think people do forget that this forum is on the internet - not sure why. It's not so bad lately, but in the past I spent a lot of time deleting posts and reminding people who posted personal information, such as their home address or phone number. One gal posted her credit card information.


I found you when I searched for the LaPlata tornado back in 2002. SO GLAD I did! :love:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
We have never sold or shared our user information. Not forums, not the classifieds, not even our own mailing list.

"Participate here"...where? The internet? :confused: Why on earth would that be "morally questionable"?

Anyway, since it's a concern I'll have David put a disclaimer so it's clear that these forums are not private (unless you have a paid private forum) and are available on the internet.

Does anyone still use the private forums?


PREMO Member
yes--I realized that quickly when the biggest loser shark has decided to start something with me...you are the reason I prefer working with animals; because humans such as yourself really, really suck...you are an internet bully and hiding behind an anonymous log-in on a forum where you can bully others to feel good about yourself. Responses like this are why I haven't posted much--and never will again. Go get a life.




New Member
The only schwag I ever got was the SOMD Speedo/FlipFlop Combo Kit.

.... I had to stop wearing it after the complaints started filing in.