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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bertha Venation
I didn't say "check card." I said "credit card." The kind that charges you interest.
Does your "credit card" charge you interest from day one? If so, you are getting screwed. Mine charges nothing extra if I pay it by the due date.


Sorry about that chief.
I've used my sharecheck card in DC at the BK. Beats paying $2 -$3 service fee at an ATM when all I need is lunch. Hopefully I never will have to use a "credit" card @ fastfood. Reminds me of back in the early '90s stationed in Japan, people would be writing checks at the BK. I thought that was really tacky!

Now I never have any cash, blame it either on the Sharecheck Visa or the wife & kids.

TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
I've used my sharecheck card in DC at the BK. Beats paying $2 -$3 service fee at an ATM when all I need is lunch. Hopefully I never will have to use a "credit" card @ fastfood. Reminds me of back in the early '90s stationed in Japan, people would be writing checks at the BK. I thought that was really tacky!

Now I never have any cash, blame it either on the Sharecheck Visa or the wife & kids.

It was that way then I was in bank of America. They charge you for everything. I know!:cussing:


aka Mrs. Giant
I use my check card as a credit card just about everywhere. I rarely pay cash for anything (except tiki bar). I hardly ever carry cash and I hate to write checks. That way the "charge" deducts out of my account and no bill. So for me and others out there like me - a drive thru taking my card would be great - I don't grab fast food that often - usually cause I'd have to make a run to the bank to pull out cash which is a waste of my time.

TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by migtig
I use my check card as a credit card just about everywhere. I rarely pay cash for anything (except tiki bar). I hardly ever carry cash and I hate to write checks. That way the "charge" deducts out of my account and no bill. So for me and others out there like me - a drive thru taking my card would be great - I don't grab fast food that often - usually cause I'd have to make a run to the bank to pull out cash which is a waste of my time.

You don't have to worrier about that anymore:getdown: :getdown: :getdown:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Bertha Venation
My point has been that the concept of using a credit card for fast food--for any food--is revolting, IMO. I realize folks get into tight spots and have to have food at any cost. I understand using a credit card at, say, a grocery store. But purchasing fast food with a credit card?! Surely no one who's ever done that has ever declared bankruptcy . . . .

I can't bring myself to use a credit card at the grocery store. In my mind, if I am so hard up that I can't even buy food with "real" money then I have seriously messed up financially. I always write a check. If I flake and run out of checks, I might use a credit or debit. I hate using my debit/check card b/c I lose track of the little slips and can never balance my checkbook. :yikes:

Some Burger Kings have been accepting credit since about 1995, that includes the one in Waldorf. The only time I used a credit card for fast food is when I thought I had cash on me, but realized as I got up to the drive thru that I didn't.


Be about it
Originally posted by Bertha Venation
I didn't say "check card." I said "credit card." The kind that charges you interest.

To each his own. If some dumbazz wants to pay interest and pay for 5 years on a #3 with cheese, let him do it. :shrug:

TWLs wife

New Member
I just went thu the drive thu window at wendy's The said cash or credit

I still can't believe that. The guy working there said only 2 or 3 people have used credit. I used CASH:yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes:


Football season!
Originally posted by migtig
I use my check card as a credit card just about everywhere. I rarely pay cash for anything (except tiki bar). I hardly ever carry cash and I hate to write checks. That way the "charge" deducts out of my account and no bill. So for me and others out there like me - a drive thru taking my card would be great - I don't grab fast food that often - usually cause I'd have to make a run to the bank to pull out cash which is a waste of my time.

OMG, say it isn't so!!! I think along the same lines as mig on this issue!

We very rarely carry cash. Everything is checkcard. SO much easier. I would be pretty much lost without my card.
So the more places utilize CCs, the better! This is one of the things I missed about college. Seemed like everywhere, including the fast food places, took credit cards.


Go Steelers!!!
Am I missing something here, but doesn't it seem if we start using credit cards in fast food joints, drive thru and walk up lines will be longer?? :confused:


New Member
Originally posted by tatgirl99
Am I missing something here, but doesn't it seem if we start using credit cards in fast food joints, drive thru and walk up lines will be longer?? :confused:

Probably so. :cool:


Happy Camper!
Personally I don't see the difference in paying for a $5 burger, fry & coke with my cc and paying for a $100 seafood platter 10 course meal with my cc and people have been doing that forever. Food is food. I think it's great. My ATM card has a visa thing on it and I go to Subway or Pizza Hut all the time just for the convenience of it, rather than stopping at the bank and then going to get something to eat.