

No Longer the Kid
Don't you have to go to the Weight Watchers meetings? Also, don't it cost money to use their online guide?

I do weight watchers, and I don't go to meetings, and I don't pay for anything but what food I buy... if you know someone that does/did it before, ask them for their book and counter to figure out how many points a day you get in all, and for me, after doing it for about 2-3 weeks, I knew what I could have, and could look at stuff and know how many points it was...

I went from 208ish, I'm down to 189 now...(I've been through a wedding, and everything else, and I'm still doing pretty good)

You can ask Nachomama, she seen me pre WW, and recently, the first thing she said- "you have lost some weight, I could tell by looking at your face" :lmao: or something of that nature...
My wife did Jenny Craig last year - worked good for her, but a bit pricey.

What we did learn is portion control and exercise, simply go for a walk every evening... it works for us.


i do weightwatchers but the only way for me to stay accountable is to go to the meetings plus you learn new things and get great tips. Its well worth the 14.00 to me and so far I have lost about 15 to 20lbs I still have about 20 to go I think not sure though what I want my goal to be as of yet.


New Member
I was on Weight Watchers last year for about 2 months and realized its just another way of counting calories but the group support is a nice thing to have. My problem is with chocolate,:banghead: but just in the past month I started drinking more water (in W.W. we were told half your weight in water so 160 pound person drinking 80 oz. of water a day), eating smaller meals with snacks in between- stocked up on the Nabisco 100 calorie snacks like oreos, chocolate chip cookies and the ritz snack mix, &mdash; 3 cakes. 100 calories. Real satisfaction. <-- Great dessert for after dinner sometimes even a mid-morning snack :drool: , don't eat within 2 hrs of going to bed, eat a bigger lunch and stay away from alot of starchs at dinner, a handful of peanuts little while before meals helps me eat less during that meal. Also thinking that I am "eating better" (healthier) rather then telling myself I am "dieting" seems to make it easier to stick with. As far as the exercising when shopping and at work i park further away, take more stairs and a 30 min. walk when i get home from work. So far i have shed 18 pds:yahoo: