Dirty Jobs...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
:yay: I love that show to pieces. :yahoo: From chicken sexer to artificial insemination of mares, he's done it all. :lmao:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
He makes the show, there is no better host on the Discovery Channel.
:yay: I totally agree. He's got such a dry sense of humor and is willing to do ANYTHING. And he's got a very nice body. :yum:


Well-Known Member
FYI-Mike Rowe

In cleaner days, Mike Rowe sang professionally with the Baltimore Opera!

My favorite show: Casino Food Recycler
Dirty Jobs: Duck habitat cleaner, casino food recycler
One part of the show, Mike's job is "feeding the pigs in Vegas-no, not the folks who eat at buffets-the food folks don't eat; fed to pigs- a food recycler!
OMG, I thought I'd die laffin-when he was driving the "food truck" and the slop sloshed in his open driver window-I spit my tea all over the TV screen. :killingme

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Lilypad said:
In cleaner days, Mike Rowe sang professionally with the Baltimore Opera!
I saw that on one of the episodes. Did you see him singing the theme song that they didn't go with? Very nice voice! :yay:

My favorite show: Casino Food Recycler
Dirty Jobs: Duck habitat cleaner, casino food recycler
One part of the show, Mike's job is "feeding the pigs in Vegas-no, not the folks who eat at buffets-the food folks don't eat; fed to pigs- a food recycler!
OMG, I thought I'd die laffin-when he was driving the "food truck" and the slop sloshed in his open driver window-I spit my tea all over the TV screen. :killingme
That was definitely one of the top moments on the show. I also loved when he got stuck in the bat guano in the cave and had to lay down in it in order to get his boot unstuck. :yikes: :lmao:


Well-Known Member
jazz lady said:
I also loved when he got stuck in the bat guano in the cave and had to lay down in it in order to get his boot unstuck. :yikes: :lmao:

OMG-make it stopppppppppppppppp! :killingme :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Dupontster said:
Don't know if anyone saw it last night or not but he fell in love with a pig...That was funny as he!!.... :killingme

"I see the kids every otehr weekend. Mother and I, well, we don't talk anymore. Only memories. She was last seen in Chicago. On a plate..."

Or something like that.
