Disappointing Earl and Office


Was anyone else disappointed by the brand-spankin-new episodes last night?

Earl didn't even get to cross anything off his list because he got Joy's dumb ass thrown in jail. And when did Randy become a competent detective with a keen sense of sarcasm? Last I heard, Randy was still a sweet doughy-headed simpleton who'd be lucky to find his a-hole with both hands.

And The Office just made me uncomfortable. There were definitely some good laughs in there - like Roy's DWI mugshot, Kevin's reaction to Oscar's news, the Gaydar Jim sent to Dwight... and Dwight picturing Angela with another woman :)killingme) - but mostly I just kept waiting for it to shift focus away from the whole Michael/Oscar thing, because Michael was really creeping me out - especially at the end.

And WTF was up with the flashback??? The Office is shot like a documentary, but they had a flashback to last season. It was forced, it totally didn't fit the format and it was lame, lame, lame.

I hope this isn't an inidication of what the whole season is going to be like.

At least CSI kicked butt.


Movie Fan
Couldn't agree more! I was especially disappointed by The Office. It felt off in many ways. It was rather depressing, in my opinion. Suddenly the adorable band of misfits from the first and second seasons came off as disturbed nutjobs, especially Michael, whose transformation from unintentional homophobe to sniffling man-kisser felt very awkward. And Jim being in a new office fell flat. Sure, John Krasinski's always charming, but I missed the energy between him and Jenna Fischer's Pam.

As you said, hopefully these disappointing pilots are NOT indicative of what's yet to come this season.
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New Member
K_Jo said:
You guys are bonkers! The Office was GREAT! :clap:


You had to take notice of how "The Office" brought a whole brand new "Office" into the mix. Not sure if they did that to show how different they are trying to be from the original (British) "Office"..but it seemed obvious to me.



Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Kerad said:

You had to take notice of how "The Office" brought a whole brand new "Office" into the mix. Not sure if they did that to show how different they are trying to be from the original (British) "Office"..but it seemed obvious to me.

I finally got to see the British Office. Can't wait to see more!!


New Member
Speedy70 said:
That's the onlyl version I've ever watched. Since you've seen both, which do you think is better?

I like 'em both, though I watched a few seasons of the original British "Office" before NBC's came out. They are both different, yet both funny. I'm partial to the British one...just from loyalty...but the US one is forming it's own (and maybe funnier) identity...finally.

You remember when NBC tried to make the American version of "Coupling"? The American version was horrible...but the British version was/is very good.

Guess American TV is running out of ideas.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Speedy70 said:
That's the onlyl version I've ever watched. Since you've seen both, which do you think is better?
I kinda like the American version better, but maybe because I've grown attached to the characters. It's hard to choose though. Both are funny as chit. You have to start watching it!!
Kerad said:
I like 'em both, though I watched a few seasons of the original British "Office" before NBC's came out. They are both different, yet both funny. I'm partial to the British one...just from loyalty...but the US one is forming it's own (and maybe funnier) identity...finally.

You remember when NBC tried to make the American version of "Coupling"? The American version was horrible...but the British version was/is very good.

Guess American TV is running out of ideas.

I used to watch the British version of Coupling as well. The American version didn't last long.

I'll have to watch the U.S. version of The Office.
K_Jo said:
I kinda like the American version better, but maybe because I've grown attached to the characters. It's hard to choose though. Both are funny as chit. You have to start watching it!!

I will! :yay:


Well-Known Member
The Office was awsome and CSI sucked. Getting harder to watch any of the CSIs any more. I watched the Office again tonight and it was just as good as last night.


Movie Fan
I've never seen an episode of the British The Office, but I should. I absolutely loved Ricky Gervais' HBO show Extras, so I bet I would find England's The Office hilarious as well. I'll add the first season to my Netflix queue soon.


Movie Fan
Oh, and since the C.S.I. season premiere is being discussed as well, I'll throw in my two cents: I thought it was a mixed bag. The central mystery was quite boring, in my opinion, which brought the overall episode down a notch. It did have interesting photography, though, and the ending was intriguing. This series will never top the Quentin Tarantino-directed episode, though.

canuk woman

Toxick said:
Was anyone else disappointed by the brand-spankin-new episodes last night?

Earl didn't even get to cross anything off his list because he got Joy's dumb ass thrown in jail. And when did Randy become a competent detective with a keen sense of sarcasm? Last I heard, Randy was still a sweet doughy-headed simpleton who'd be lucky to find his a-hole with both hands.

And The Office just made me uncomfortable. There were definitely some good laughs in there - like Roy's DWI mugshot, Kevin's reaction to Oscar's news, the Gaydar Jim sent to Dwight... and Dwight picturing Angela with another woman :)killingme) - but mostly I just kept waiting for it to shift focus away from the whole Michael/Oscar thing, because Michael was really creeping me out - especially at the end.

And WTF was up with the flashback??? The Office is shot like a documentary, but they had a flashback to last season. It was forced, it totally didn't fit the format and it was lame, lame, lame.

I hope this isn't an inidication of what the whole season is going to be like.

At least CSI kicked butt.

Actually I think the Office is shot like a scripted reality show (now that's fake reality I could live with) ok before any of you ask why the hell I'm watching the office is a very simple and obvious reason a Whose Liner joined the cast as a recurring character (and he's cute!)

canuk woman

DotTheEyes said:
Oh, and since the C.S.I. season premiere is being discussed as well, I'll throw in my two cents: I thought it was a mixed bag. The central mystery was quite boring, in my opinion, which brought the overall episode down a notch. It did have interesting photography, though, and the ending was intriguing. This series will never top the Quentin Tarantino-directed episode, though.



Movie Fan
Tonight's My Name is Earl wasn't much better, in my opinion. They completely wasted Burt Reynolds! The Office was great, though. I was laughing from beginning to end.

canuk woman

DotTheEyes said:
Tonight's My Name is Earl wasn't much better, in my opinion. They completely wasted Burt Reynolds! The Office was great, though. I was laughing from beginning to end.

Doesn't it almost feel like Michael goes places alot? (sorry this is the first full season that I'm watching.....only if Charles Esten is on it and the only good part about it last night was we saw more of him and he's too much of a work-aholic I say I WANT WHOSE LINE BACK!!!)


canuk woman said:
I'm watching the office is a very simple and obvious reason a Whose Liner joined the cast as a recurring character (and he's cute!)

THAT'S IT! :doh::doh::doh:

I've been trying to figure out where I had seen him for 2 weeks now.

canuk woman

Toxick said:
THAT'S IT! :doh::doh::doh:

I've been trying to figure out where I had seen him for 2 weeks now.

You're welcome! He was also on a bazillion other shows besides WL (and WL and ST should never mix unless it's Ryan Stiles then I'd be cool with it because his character on DC is a Star Trek/Wars fan)