Disaster Aid?


Enjoying life!
Let me change this around a little bit...

Japan: $1 million cash, generators, tents, blankets, bottled water
France: Tents, tarps, Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), water treatment supplies
Germany: MREs and high speed pumps
United Kingdom: MREs
Belgium: Medical/logistics teams to Red Cross
Finland: 3 logisticians to Red Cross
Georgia: $50,000
Greece: Cruise ships, private offer of an International Committee of the Red Cross Web-based tracing system
Israel: Tents, first aid kits, baby formula
Italy: Generators, water pumps/purifiers, tents, medical supplies
Norway: $1.54 million in relief supplies

Do these countries remember a little something called WWII? No wonder we aren't accepting any of the aid at this point! It's disgusting what they are offering, more insulting than helpful! MRE's for crying out loud!! What? We don't have MRE's here?

I say we take the oil and cash from the Arabs and forget these guys! Let them fend for themselves again for a century or so.


Steve said:
Let me change this around a little bit...

Japan: $1 million cash, generators, tents, blankets, bottled water
France: Tents, tarps, Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), water treatment supplies
Germany: MREs and high speed pumps
United Kingdom: MREs
Belgium: Medical/logistics teams to Red Cross
Finland: 3 logisticians to Red Cross
Georgia: $50,000
Greece: Cruise ships, private offer of an International Committee of the Red Cross Web-based tracing system
Israel: Tents, first aid kits, baby formula
Italy: Generators, water pumps/purifiers, tents, medical supplies
Norway: $1.54 million in relief supplies

Do these countries remember a little something called WWII? No wonder we aren't accepting any of the aid at this point! It's disgusting what they are offering, more insulting than helpful! MRE's for crying out loud!! What? We don't have MRE's here?

I say we take the oil and cash from the Arabs and forget these guys! Let them fend for themselves again for a century or so.

I think you need to place this in perspective. We're the United Friggin States of America, not Somalia. It's bad enough that the fine citizens of New Orleans and the media are busy whining and crying enough to make us look like we are Somalia, but the fact is that we're more than capable of taking care of our own. Yes, there's been plenty of damage, but this has all benn made out to be a lot worse than it is. We've lost maybe 10,000, not 300,000+. To listen to the media you would think our whole nation is in tatters vice just one city.

Would we really want a division of French troops coming over here? Would we really want companies of Japanese troops coming over here? To do what? There are already people tripping all over themselves in New Orleans trying to find stuff to do, but until the water goes down and we start the biggest waste of tax dollar money ever rebuilding the place, there isn't much more that anyone can do that isn't already being done.

At least they're offering something, which is more than they ever have before. Even so, I think the US taking $50,000 from a place like Georgia, where they're already spending more than they can afford by sending troops to Iraq, is like Bill Gates taking money from the Red Cross because one of his mansions got swamped.


New Member
Steve said:
Let me change this around a little bit...

Japan: $1 million cash, generators, tents, blankets, bottled water
France: Tents, tarps, Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), water treatment supplies
Germany: MREs and high speed pumps
United Kingdom: MREs
Belgium: Medical/logistics teams to Red Cross
Finland: 3 logisticians to Red Cross
Georgia: $50,000
Greece: Cruise ships, private offer of an International Committee of the Red Cross Web-based tracing system
Israel: Tents, first aid kits, baby formula
Italy: Generators, water pumps/purifiers, tents, medical supplies
Norway: $1.54 million in relief supplies

Those are mostly official government aid money. A lot more are coming from corporations and private citizens. I think Toyota donated millions on it's own.

It's great to have others send doctors and search and rescue teams but like Bruzilla stated I do not think the U.S. really needs the cash that badly. Federal government could pay for everything if it wanted to unlike countries like Somalia where even if they want to they wouldn't be able to do the same. I have a feeling some of those countries may not want to empty out their coffers for a country that doesn't need the $ especially after the Indonesian tsunami when countries such as Australia and Germany dwarfed official US and Japanese aid by donating approxitely 700 and 650 million US$. As for Japan it's probably busy with rebuilding after the major earthquake last month and the category 4 typhoon Nabi striking southern and western part of the country and having to evacuate over 100,000 people.


New Member
Bruzilla said:
It'll be the first time that Mexican Army has been on American soil since they lost the territory.

First time for the Mexican Army to be in U.S. soil since the Mexican-American war in which they lost what is now the SW U.S. I'm answering this now since I'm watching Vicente Fox being interviewed. But as Lenny said Mexico has never owned Louisiana.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
To listen to the media you would think our whole nation is in tatters vice just one city.
Exactly. What a bunch of crybabies, wanting aid from other countries because of one single city. The TV nutties have made such a big deal out of this, like we've lost some really important city that is vital to our national well-being. :rolleyes:

NYC IS a vital city and the financial district IS important - significantly more important than New Orleans. And we managed (somehow :rolleyes:) to recover from 9-11. I think we'll get over New Orleans just fine too.

The only reason these other craphole countries want to come to our "aid" is because it makes George Bush look like an inept fool. And the only reason the TV dudes are playing this up is for the same reason. All these liberal weiners hate it that the US is such a strong, powerful country so they're salivating at the opportunity for Mexico (of all the stupid places) to be our big brother.