Disc Golfers! Its finally done!


New Member
frisbee golf? I haven't played in like 25 years. In Alexandria, VA they used to have a frisbee golf course at Pohick Park. I wonder if they still do. Used to love it. I will definitely check yours out. Thanks


New Member
I called Mike's bikes on Monday and Mike does carry the frisbee golf frisbees.
I believe he said they are the Innova brand frisbees.


New Member
We tried it!

We played for the first time a couple weeks ago. The three of us just bought regular frisbees (all the same) to give it a try. IT was so much fun (although we need to bring something with us to retrieve lost discs from trees!).

We plan to go again. Using the regular frisbees was fine, but we were consistently 2-3 over par on every basket. So, I looked on ebay and found starter sets with three discs (driver, mid range, putter) for about $25. I bought a set for me, and one for my husband.

I just hesitate to spread the word because I don't want it to get trashed.

I'd recommend wearing some good bug spray around your ankles. My husband got a pretty bad case of chiggars.

There was a guy dozing near one of the baskets, but he was harmless. Didn't appear homeless or anything, just someone enjoying a morning snooze in a quiet spot.

Try using Google Earth to see the park. You'll see where all the Flat Tops used to be. Kinda neat. Great way to use an area that was once pretty spooky.


New Member
Hey if anyone is interested I am holding the official Grand Opening Oct 20th (Tuesday not by choice) at 4p.m. There will be refreshments and a few people selling discs. Please come out and show your support. The course is located at the back of the John G. Lancaster park on the left hand side. If you have any questions you can contact me or by going to Professional Disc Golf Association and looking at the course directory.

Thanks Will
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