Disrespect in Kids


Isaiah 55:8-9
WTF is wrong with kids these days!!!!
I was told that my 12yo neice told my sister the other day in 7-Eleven as my sister bumped into her on accident "Don't bump into me like that, I am embarassed to be seen in public with you, you never do your hair, your fat and your clothes are always mismatched, also you dress the boys in mismatched clothes all the time"...

My sister was mortified... She cried and walked out the store.

What disrespect!!!! If I had been there I'd told my sister to yoke her azz.

My sister put her on restriction but it didn't start until the following day... WTF!!!! Put her azz on house arrest for a month or more and wash her 'effin mouth out with dawn.


and my parents wonder why I am so hard on my kids, it's because I don't want my kids to follow the path of my sister's kids...

Which brings me to this point.
My son and nephew (my sister's other child) both 10yo. Each took sodapop downstairs at their grandmothers house. They both know the rules and choose to ignore them. So when the pop got wasted on the capet, I took my son upstairs and gave him 3 licks. My nephew was in the recliner with a smirk on his face and giggling. I said, "Son, your lucky your not mine, I'd beat your azz too and wipe that smirk of your sneaky little face."
as a matter of fact, you need your butt spanked, go downstairs and tell your father what you did..
His father did nothing!!!! Absolutely nothing... except tell me that I should have spanked him... WTF, my sister is at work, his father doesn't disipline him ever, and I am not about to put my hands on him and he gets away with it.
Here it was his pop to begin with that got wasted as my son's pop can was empty.

Just the fact that he giggled at my son being disiplined and his disrepectful smirky azz grin...

Then, my sister's 5yo boy full throttle hauls off and punches my husband in the jaw.
Everytime someone walks in a room this child punches him and not lightly either.

What possess kids to be so darn disrespectful these days?
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I really don't know what to say to this. The whole spanking thing, I never used it as I didn't feel it was an adequate form of discipline for my child. I don't remember any of my friends getting spanked as a child either but I guess to each his own :shrug:

Your neice on the other hand :smack: should have been yanked out of that store by her ear or hair, sat her azz in the car and your sister should have finished getting what she went into the store to get. Then sent to her room where your sister should have taken EVERYTHING fun out, tv, phone, internet, stereo, and games, for a week. Looks like Mommy's Little Monster is testing her boundaries, my son does this about every 3 to 6 months. I dread pre-teen years and I dread pre-teen girls more.


I think the popular mistake, is to befriend your children... The damage is done. Your sister is going to need to start over. If that means whipping some tail, so be it!

These are serious hellions in the making. Keep your children far away. Maybe that will motivate Sis.


Love is Blind
WTF is wrong with kids these days!!!!
I was told that my 12yo neice told my sister the other day in 7-Eleven as my sister bumped into her on accident "Don't bump into me like that, I am embarassed to be seen in public with you, you never do your hair, your fat and your clothes are always mismatched, also you dress the boys in mismatched clothes all the time"...

My sister was mortified... She cried and walked out the store.

What disrespect!!!! If I had been there I'd told my sister to yoke her azz.

My sister put her on restriction but it didn't start until the following day... WTF!!!! Put her azz on house arrest for a month or more and wash her 'effin mouth out with dawn.


and my parents wonder why I am so hard on my kids, it's because I don't want my kids to follow the path of my sister's kids...

Which brings me to this point.
My son and nephew (my sister's other child) both 10yo. Each took sodapop downstairs at their grandmothers house. They both know the rules and choose to ignore them. So when the pop got wasted on the capet, I took my son upstairs and gave him 3 licks. My nephew was in the recliner with a smirk on his face and giggling. I said, "Son, your lucky your not mine, I'd beat your azz too and wipe that smirk of your sneaky little face."
as a matter of fact, you need your butt spanked, go downstairs and tell your father what you did..
His father did nothing!!!! Absolutely nothing... except tell me that I should have spanked him... WTF, my sister is at work, his father doesn't disipline him ever, and I am not about to put my hands on him and he gets away with it.
Here it was his pop to begin with that got wasted as my son's pop can was empty.

Just the fact that he giggled at my son being disiplined and his disrepectful smirky azz grin...

Then, my sister's 5yo boy full throttle hauls off and punches my husband in the jaw.
Everytime someone walks in a room this child punches him and not lightly either.

What possess kids to be so darn disrespectful these days?

THE DEVIL!!! lol

Seriously, probably the parents. If your brother-in-law did nothing as far as discipline, then thats the way it goes. The boy will be a menace and reek havoc on them and the rest of society. The girl needs a wet dishcloth right across the mouth. Her restriction should have started right then!!! I'm all for spanking. I think parents of today read too much crap into (Oh you shouldn't spank your child because they will have mental problems and be completely damaged for life) or some other BS that they feed people. I'm not saying beat the kid, but few wacks on the ole arse isn't going to kill them and then take away their stuff. Let them know your not playing around. Thats why kids have disrespect.


24/7 Single Dad
WTF is wrong with kids these days!!!! I was told that my 12yo neice told my sister the other day in 7-Eleven as my sister bumped into her on accident "Don't bump into me like that, I am embarassed to be seen in public with you, you never do your hair, your fat and your clothes are always mismatched, also you dress the boys in mismatched clothes all the time"...

My sister was mortified... She cried and walked out the store.

I took my son upstairs and gave him 3 licks. My nephew was in the recliner with a smirk on his face and giggling. I said, "Son, your lucky your not mine, I'd beat your azz too and wipe that smirk of your sneaky little face."
as a matter of fact, you need your butt spanked, go downstairs and tell your father what you did..
His father did nothing!!!! Absolutely nothing...
Then, my sister's 5yo boy full throttle hauls off and punches my husband in the jaw.
Everytime someone walks in a room this child punches him and not lightly either.

What possess kids to be so darn disrespectful these days?

Why should the show respect when that haven't been taught that respect and obedience are expected.
The question you shold be asking is" WTF is with parents these days".
Tell you sister she and her spawn are a bad influnce on your family and you don't feel that you should associate with her any more.


Obama destroyed America
What possess kids to be so darn disrespectful these days? My sister was mortified... She cried and walked out the store.
There's the problem right there. Doesn't she know what a backhand across the face is?
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
WTF is wrong with kids these days!!!!
I was told that my 12yo neice told my sister the other day in 7-Eleven as my sister bumped into her on accident "Don't bump into me like that, I am embarassed to be seen in public with you, you never do your hair, your fat and your clothes are always mismatched, also you dress the boys in mismatched clothes all the time"...

My sister was mortified... She cried and walked out the store.

What disrespect!!!! If I had been there I'd told my sister to yoke her azz.

My sister put her on restriction but it didn't start until the following day... WTF!!!! Put her azz on house arrest for a month or more and wash her 'effin mouth out with dawn.


and my parents wonder why I am so hard on my kids, it's because I don't want my kids to follow the path of my sister's kids...

Which brings me to this point.
My son and nephew (my sister's other child) both 10yo. Each took sodapop downstairs at their grandmothers house. They both know the rules and choose to ignore them. So when the pop got wasted on the capet, I took my son upstairs and gave him 3 licks. My nephew was in the recliner with a smirk on his face and giggling. I said, "Son, your lucky your not mine, I'd beat your azz too and wipe that smirk of your sneaky little face."
as a matter of fact, you need your butt spanked, go downstairs and tell your father what you did..
His father did nothing!!!! Absolutely nothing... except tell me that I should have spanked him... WTF, my sister is at work, his father doesn't disipline him ever, and I am not about to put my hands on him and he gets away with it.
Here it was his pop to begin with that got wasted as my son's pop can was empty.

Just the fact that he giggled at my son being disiplined and his disrepectful smirky azz grin...

Then, my sister's 5yo boy full throttle hauls off and punches my husband in the jaw.
Everytime someone walks in a room this child punches him and not lightly either.

What possess kids to be so darn disrespectful these days?

Your sister is a dishrag. She should have put a boot in her daughters ass.

Your BIL doesn't sound like a real catch either.

Reap what you sow...


New Member
the problem is all of these so called "smart well educated" people who have no children are telling you to be a friend, respect your children, never say no cause it will cause them damage, give them a 50.00 allowance every week, let them have phones,credit cards, go out with their friends. And for god sake what ever your do don't ever correct your child by cracking there butt or slapping them in the mouth.

How many on this forum are grownups and had their Mom or Dad crack them on the butt or tapped in the mouth for backtalk? I can bet about at least 85% did. I also bet you didn't talk to your mother or father that way. You didn't get paid to do the things you are just plain old suppose to do. You got school clothes once a year and new shoes once or maybe twice a year. You didn't dare pick up the telephone in the house connected to the wall without asking and if you were lucky enough you could talk 10 minutes. You ate what was put in front of you and you had to clean the table and wash and dry the dishes every night.

You know what? Look at most of us know...We are fine hard working people. Who do alot for our communities and we are not going to therapy either. Now, there is a difference between correction of children and abuse... You don't have to beat some poor little child half to death. I will be the first person to stand against an abuser but, people need to be able to correct their children.

You ask why these kids act the way they do in public, in the schools and at home. It is because these "smart people" have taken all parents rights to correct their children. Look how disrespectful they act at school. Why? Give parents back their right to parent their children and let the schools and the law back up the parents instead of throwing the parent under the bus... Again, I know there has to be some protection in place for some children and I am all for that. But, just use common sense.

Atrusomder you keep on loving your children enought to correct them when it is needed and love them just as much. Someday they will thank you. When you go to some state prison to visit your sisters children just remember when you tried to help them and just pray for them...


Infinite Impetus
My sister was mortified... She cried and walked out the store.

A 12 y/o made an ADULT cry? It should be the other way around.. Poor parenting.
No one disciplines their kids anymore. I would have gotten a smack across the face for those kinds of comments, and I was a smart azz kid. Lots of :smack:


Love is Blind
I don't have kids, but have been around enough of them to know that these little mongrels need discipline. They are from a more Liberated society. I'm all for liberation to a point but there are certain things I just won't tolerate. One of them being snotty nosed brats!!! Parents need to start the discipline as babies and keep it going. Too many divorces in today's society. Too much guilt, letting the kids get away w/stuff because of the guilt, single parents, all kinds of huge problems. People (men and women) really need to take responsibility. It isn't all about "Oh, lets have a baby and that will make everything okay and we'll be just this one big happy family". BS!!! It's work!!! I'm still a believer in marriage and children, not children and marriage!! No offense to the people who are single parents or had children out of wedlock, it's just a belief I have and have adhered too.


Cleopatra Jones
A 12 y/o made an ADULT cry? It should be the other way around.. Poor parenting.
No one disciplines their kids anymore. I would have gotten a smack across the face for those kinds of comments, and I was a smart azz kid. Lots of :smack:

My mom jumps all over me if I pop one of the kids in the mouth. It's wrong in her eyes. I tell her if she'd have done some slapping in the mouth I may not have been such a little biatch. I got my tail beat as a young child but don't remember getting spanked at all past like 8 or so. She shoulda kept it up opposed to just yelling all the time.


Isaiah 55:8-9
THE DEVIL!!! lol
I'm not saying beat the kid, but few wacks on the ole arse isn't going to kill them and then take away their stuff. Let them know your not playing around. Thats why kids have disrespect.

Don't go beating them senseless, but a few smacks when warranted isn't go to kill them... Plus it lets them know that you are the Boss.
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Isaiah 55:8-9
Why should the show respect when that haven't been taught that respect and obedience are expected.
The question you shold be asking is" WTF is with parents these days".
Tell you sister she and her spawn are a bad influnce on your family and you don't feel that you should associate with her any more.

That's the problem these kids have been taught respect and obedience at least I thought so...


Isaiah 55:8-9
the problem is all of these so called "smart well educated" people who have no children are telling you to be a friend, respect your children, never say no cause it will cause them damage, give them a 50.00 allowance every week, let them have phones,credit cards, go out with their friends. And for god sake what ever your do don't ever correct your child by cracking there butt or slapping them in the mouth.

How many on this forum are grownups and had their Mom or Dad crack them on the butt or tapped in the mouth for backtalk? I can bet about at least 85% did. I also bet you didn't talk to your mother or father that way. You didn't get paid to do the things you are just plain old suppose to do. You got school clothes once a year and new shoes once or maybe twice a year. You didn't dare pick up the telephone in the house connected to the wall without asking and if you were lucky enough you could talk 10 minutes. You ate what was put in front of you and you had to clean the table and wash and dry the dishes every night.

You know what? Look at most of us know...We are fine hard working people. Who do alot for our communities and we are not going to therapy either. Now, there is a difference between correction of children and abuse... You don't have to beat some poor little child half to death. I will be the first person to stand against an abuser but, people need to be able to correct their children.

You ask why these kids act the way they do in public, in the schools and at home. It is because these "smart people" have taken all parents rights to correct their children. Look how disrespectful they act at school. Why? Give parents back their right to parent their children and let the schools and the law back up the parents instead of throwing the parent under the bus... Again, I know there has to be some protection in place for some children and I am all for that. But, just use common sense.

Atrusomder you keep on loving your children enought to correct them when it is needed and love them just as much. Someday they will thank you. When you go to some state prison to visit your sisters children just remember when you tried to help them and just pray for them...

Thanks GiGi.. I agree 100% with you..
You took all the words right out of my mouth...


Isaiah 55:8-9
I really don't know what to say to this. The whole spanking thing, I never used it as I didn't feel it was an adequate form of discipline for my child. I don't remember any of my friends getting spanked as a child either but I guess to each his own :shrug:

Sorry, Just NEED to say, THIS IS NOT a thread about who will or won't spank or who believes in spanking..
Like you said to each its own... I do... and only when it is called for. Other than that, my voice is raised well above my children and they know who's boss...
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Isaiah 55:8-9
A 12 y/o made an ADULT cry? It should be the other way around.. Poor parenting.

I think she cried from the embarassment of the whole situtation and probably because the truth hurts...
Don't go getting me wrong.. I love my sister and all and we (the whole family) have told her she needs to take a little more pride in herself.
I guess hearing it from her daughter hit a string.


New Member
the problem is all of these so called "smart well educated" people who have no children are telling you to be a friend, respect your children, never say no cause it will cause them damage, give them a 50.00 allowance every week, let them have phones,credit cards, go out with their friends. And for god sake what ever your do don't ever correct your child by cracking there butt or slapping them in the mouth.

How many on this forum are grownups and had their Mom or Dad crack them on the butt or tapped in the mouth for backtalk? I can bet about at least 85% did. I also bet you didn't talk to your mother or father that way. You didn't get paid to do the things you are just plain old suppose to do. You got school clothes once a year and new shoes once or maybe twice a year. You didn't dare pick up the telephone in the house connected to the wall without asking and if you were lucky enough you could talk 10 minutes. You ate what was put in front of you and you had to clean the table and wash and dry the dishes every night.

You know what? Look at most of us know...We are fine hard working people. Who do alot for our communities and we are not going to therapy either. Now, there is a difference between correction of children and abuse... You don't have to beat some poor little child half to death. I will be the first person to stand against an abuser but, people need to be able to correct their children.

You ask why these kids act the way they do in public, in the schools and at home. It is because these "smart people" have taken all parents rights to correct their children. Look how disrespectful they act at school. Why? Give parents back their right to parent their children and let the schools and the law back up the parents instead of throwing the parent under the bus... Again, I know there has to be some protection in place for some children and I am all for that. But, just use common sense.

Atrusomder you keep on loving your children enought to correct them when it is needed and love them just as much. Someday they will thank you. When you go to some state prison to visit your sisters children just remember when you tried to help them and just pray for them...

Amen!!! I agree 100% Coulld not have said it better myself.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I love my sister and all and we (the whole family) have told her she needs to take a little more pride in herself.

Low self-esteem. That's the root of why she doesn't take care of herself and lets her daughter talk to her like a dog.


Love is Blind
I think she cried from the embarassment of the whole situtation and probably because the truth hurts...
Don't go getting me wrong.. I love my sister and all and we (the whole family) have told her she needs to take a little more pride in herself.
I guess hearing it from her daughter hit a string.

Low self-esteem. That's the root of why she doesn't take care of herself and lets her daughter talk to her like a dog.

Low self-esteem is really sad and sounds like Momma needs a little therapy. Hard to get respect when you don't respect yourself.