Distilled Water


New Member
Dude if you saw the two Vipers Jeff has in the driveway with the super charged motors and the Bentley in the garage you'd be using distilled water to wash your butt too!!!:lmao:

DUDE... we're talking about a truck here, did anyone mention Vipers or Bentley's?????????????????????????????????????


New Member
Wow, the finer points of life are lost on you, aren't they? No fun activity makes any sense. What do you do for fun? Like to race cars? You're just wasting gas.

Go boating? Same thing.

Fishing? Could've bought that fish in the store.

Hunting? Again, they have meat in stores now.

Video games? HUGE waste of time.

So why is Jeff using distilled water on his windows any different? Catch my drift? If it makes him happy, that's all that matters.

Yeah I've your drift, and I think you're drifting from the main object here, it's a waste of friggin' time and money, but, as I said before, as long as he doesn't drive it in the rain, it's all good. Ever heard of acid rain??? that's where the acid... well, never mind, I'd be wasting time explaining the outcome of acid rain on a windshield to you anyway. Just go buy some !1.29 windshield fluid and roll on.


New Member
Wow Dodgem250, what flavor hate-orade are you drinking?? :lol:

No, it's not hate-orade at all, it's just the way he posted the message. I've heard some pretty silly things in my time, but, that was just hilarious to me. I read the message and I had to think about that, I was like? is this a joke, this guy is seriously looking for $20.00 jugs of water to wash his truck. I was thinking dude, my water if free and my windshield is a clear as, well... glass. LOL

Now, if he is using it on his Vipers and Bentley's, well, ok, I can understand a mans "ride-pride", if that's what the Jones' next door do, but, it's got to be some kinds sweet truck to be going through all that jazz. I'm not into showing my ego with expensive toys.

I was raised to value a dollar and keep what I have for the future, not squander it on material things. No, I am most certainly not poor and I was hardly raised on welfare, but, I think spending excessive amounts of money on vehicles and motorcycles, whether it be their price tag or their upkeep, is just a ridiculous waste of ones personal finances, after all, we all know that cars are the worst investment you can ever possibly make.

But, we all have our fetishes, and if some dude wants to spend his gas money on bottled water, rock on dude. You may as well use friggin Evian, you know what Evian spells backwards right? NAIVE

As in how the products name was derived in the first place, "People are so naive to pay this kind of money for water" All I can say is, the guy who came up with marketing scheme is a pure genius to make the money he makes off of boiled pond water.

Now, for all of you brain surgeons on here, think about this and then you'll understand why I think this idea of distilled water on a vehicle is a silly thing. You might want to rethink your off-the-cuff psycho-babble before you beat the comment to death.

Here's a thought, distill your own water: BLOWING THE LID OFF DISTILLED WATER MYTHS See myth number 6.

Think before you reply next time.

Not a sermon....

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Well-Known Member
Yeah I've your drift, and I think you're drifting from the main object here, it's a waste of friggin' time and money, but, as I said before, as long as he doesn't drive it in the rain, it's all good. Ever heard of acid rain??? that's where the acid... well, never mind, I'd be wasting time explaining the outcome of acid rain on a windshield to you anyway. Just go buy some !1.29 windshield fluid and roll on.

No, I'm pretty sure that's exactly the point I addressed. :yay:

fwiw, my car hasn't even been washed in 6 weeks, much less detailed. But I'll be sailing around in circles in the river tomorrow, if there's any wind. Wish me luck.