Divorce Question


off the shelf
Chasey_Lane said:
OMG...2 copies... :jameo:

They didn't have a forwarding address for his ex and the court figures he knows where she lives and is going over there for that "for old times sake" s.ex thing :biggrin:


Stop Staring!!!!!
crabcake said:
Are they both signed by the judge? I'd gotten one signed by the master who heard the case, then the final signed by the judge. The one by the judge is the one that really counts. :yay:

Both signed by Harris and Abrams. I dunno. Maybe they just screwed up or something.

Harris lives just down the street. I'll pester him the next time I see him walking his dog.


Stop Staring!!!!!
onebdzee said:
They didn't have a forwarding address for his ex and the court figures he knows where she lives and is going over there for that "for old times sake" s.ex thing :biggrin:

nah, I plan on having too much fun to even think about the "old time sake" thing. Plus I know who has had that since we got separated. I don't want nothing to do with that.


Stop Staring!!!!!
getbent said:
You could always call the office the paperwork came from and ask.

I might, but it would be more fun to run up to the judge yelling "Just what the hell have you done!":lmao:


Stop Staring!!!!!
Lugnut said:
One is for your files. The other copy is for the centerpiece at the party you're about to throw. :biggrin:

They should have given me 2 copies of the Marriage License. One for filing and one for wiping.:roflmao:


off the shelf
Jeff said:
nah, I plan on having too much fun to even think about the "old time sake" thing. Plus I know who has had that since we got separated. I don't want nothing to do with that.

tsk,tsk....they always say that....

then it happens....you have a few to many....pick up the cell and next thing you know....you are waking up the next morning next to her trying to figure out how you can chew your arm off, get some drugs injected in her so she will forget it happened and get the he!! out of there before she wakes up


Well-Known Member
Jeff said:
Not for me. Trust me, after 10 years of marriage, and the last 5 being sour, I am in no hurry to jump in with both feet again. But I know some 'other' folks who don't waste any time.
My ex got the marriage license the day before our divorce was final and waited at the court house for the judge to sign the divorce papers only to drive to another court house within hours and get rehitched! Talk about not wasting any time, he was divorced and remarried in less than 12 hours :killingme :killingme


Cleopatra Jones
I wish the court would send me a copy of my judgment for divorce every 90 days or so. That could really cheer me up! :lmao:


Stop Staring!!!!!
SoMDGirl42 said:
My ex got the marriage license the day before our divorce was final and waited at the court house for the judge to sign the divorce papers only to drive to another court house within hours and get rehitched! Talk about not wasting any time, he was divorced and remarried in less than 12 hours :killingme :killingme



Stop Staring!!!!!
pixiegirl said:
I wish the court would send me a copy of my judgment for divorce every 90 days or so. That could really cheer me up! :lmao:

Hey I did not think of that. :dance:


New Member
After your court procedings they give you a copy of the paperwork when you pay the final court fees. The copy they send you should have a Raised Gold Certified seal with the state of Maryland on it. My copy did not, so I had to go back to the clerks office and got a copy of the certified seal and all the signatures. And they were all notorized by the clerks seal. Some of The Offices require this paper work..@ Government, Military, Mortgage, Credit Companies. Make sure yours has the seal. This will save you further headaches...


Stop Staring!!!!!
Robin said:
After your court procedings they give you a copy of the paperwork when you pay the final court fees. The copy they send you should have a Raised Gold Certified seal with the state of Maryland on it. My copy did not, so I had to go back to the clerks office and got a copy of the certified seal and all the signatures. And they were all notorized by the clerks seal. Some of The Offices require this paper work..@ Government, Military, Mortgage, Credit Companies. Make sure yours has the seal. This will save you further headaches...

Oh Crap. I have three copies then. I forgot about the one they gave me after the court hearing. These 2 here have the seal.


New Member
The ones with the seal are the... dont let anyone have copies, they are important and a hassle to replace. the original from the court is a temp copy so you at least have something to show until the finals get processed through the courts are mailed to you. I made copies and had them notorized for the companies that need a copy. Dont let the ones with the original seal out of your possession. never never


Stop Staring!!!!!
Robin said:
the original from the court is a temp copy so you at least have something to show until the finals get processed through the courts are mailed to you.

That was the one I had put in a gold frame out in the front yard with spot lights on it. An enlarged copy is being made so I can put it on an advertising sign billboard. The skywriters are figuring how to make a copy of it as well. :wink:

Thanks for you input though. I'll likely stick it one of these in one of those places where I won't forget it. The EX used to take care of that stuff. I guess I should call her and ask her where I should stick it. :whistle:


Cleopatra Jones
Jeff said:
That was the one I had put in a gold frame out in the front yard with spot lights on it. An enlarged copy is being made so I can put it on an advertising sign billboard. The skywriters are figuring how to make a copy of it as well. :wink:

Thanks for you input though. I'll likely stick it one of these in one of those places where I won't forget it. The EX used to take care of that stuff. I guess I should call her and ask her where I should stick it. :whistle:

I bet she'll tell you a very private place where only you'll be able to find it. :jet: :lmao: