DMB tread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I have always liked Dave Mathews Band but, never really got into them. Metal to my core and with Dave having a lot of songs that start very soft and gentle, my attention span didn't allow much exploration.

Now that I am old and withering away, I am 'slow' enough to actually give them a deeper listen and what I have found, but innately knew before, is that these guys can really, really build a song. The start slow and soft quite often builds into a thundering crescendo, satisfying my rock sensibilities. They do some stuff that is simply enormous. That has allowed me to even enjoy the tunes that stay soft, just kinda enjoying the textures of it.

Just simply good music.

So, here it is, SOMD's own DMB worship tread.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Psy's comments from another tread;

First of all Dave plays a Taylor, so that makes him awesome even if he sucked. But he never sucks. He is one of the most creative musicians alive. The beginning epitomizes what I love with more complex musicians. Can you figure out the time signature? I think it’s 9/4 to 6/4 back and forth. Or you can call it 15/4. Either way, it breaks from the conventional 4/4 and is extremely difficult to follow. I’m not really getting the lyrics (I had to look them up) except to say it’s about someone seems to be struggling with his faith. I always find myself watching the drummer. This guy is awesome.

Yeah, Carter is a wonderful player. I'm with you there. I always end of focusing in on what he is doing. Just a ton of tasteful bits all over the place as well as underplaying at the right times. Fantastic feel. And then, when the time is right, good lord, he is this thunderous rock drummer and if there is a better snare in the universe, it's a difference without a distinction.

As for the time signatures he takes the bad through, I get soooo lost with that stuff and cling to his snare to keep from drifting off into space, lost forever. :lol:

And THAT speaks to the rest of the band, their own talent and skill. One thing I have noticed in becoming a full blown DMB fan is that watching them live on youtube, other than the acoustics of a given hall or what have you, they may as well be in the studio. They are that good. THAT is the mark of a good band; anyone can do it in a studio.

Can you do it live?

Carter, in an interview, says one of the things, THE thing, really, he loves about the band is that it is a band, not some leader giving orders. That everyone is free, is encouraged, is wanted, to put THEIR touch and feel and ideas into it.

Magic. The best of what music can be.

And then, there is this odd little fellow out front who has more feel and more passion and, as you mention, creativity, man....

Great band.

I thought their earlier stuff was pretty decent, but I'm not familiar much after their first couple of studio albums. They managed to be interesting musically and instrument wise without being too busy, something that a lot of bands don't pull of. Some music is busy for the sake of being busy, complicated for the sake of being complicated - and often that results in it being obnoxious more than anything. I wouldn't say that about DMB, at least not their stuff that I'm familiar with.

That said, as a deejay there just wasn't much I could do with them. There weren't many environments where their music fit - where it served one of the purposes. Sometimes I could get away with playing it as filler music - mostly early in the evening at a bar or something - but that was about it.

Maybe I'll check out some of their newer stuff and let you know what I think.


That said, as a deejay there just wasn't much I could do with them. There weren't many environments where their music fit - where it served one of the purposes. Sometimes I could get away with playing it as filler music - mostly early in the evening at a bar or something - but that was about it.

Maybe I'll check out some of their newer stuff and let you know what I think.

DMB is a sit-down-and-listen-to band, not dance or even background music. People like Matthews require some level of analytical musical attention. Putting them on the PA in a hall full of dancers or perhaps at a wedding wouldn’t work well at all. Bands like Steely Dan, Yes, Genesis and Rush come to mind in the rock genre. Of course just about any jazz (not smooth jazz) fits this thinking.

And I don’t think you can really appreciate any of these folks until you’ve seen them in concert.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dave Matthews is the Jackson Browne of this generation: a self-important pretentious fake ponytailman hippie in public who almost certainly smacks his bitch up behind closed doors.

I don't like him.

I equate that sort of thing with Save the Whales and Global Warming hysteria. *ptooey*


Dave Matthews is the Jackson Browne of this generation: a self-important pretentious fake ponytailman hippie in public who almost certainly smacks his bitch up behind closed doors.

I don't like him.

I equate that sort of thing with Save the Whales and Global Warming hysteria. *ptooey*

This make me very sad. :bawl:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This make me very sad. :bawl:

Why? Dave waded right on into the left wing garbage about how important hope and change was and supported the most fake pony tail pretentious fraud of the era for president.

This means Dave is either a calculating business man or a blithering idiot when it comes to politics. I like my entertainers, Matt Damon, etc, to adhere to the Brad Pitt School of political thought: "I don't know a ####ing thing about X. Why in the hell would you want my opinion on something I know nothing about?".

Vrail is free to hate, or like, anyone's music based on what she thinks about them personally. It doesn't change that they are a great band and he's a creative genius. He wants to wade into politics, you take your heat just like everyone else. It is fine to say something is wrong, things could be better but, anyone who didn't see through Obama's line of bull#### a long time ago, like from day one, may as well say they support Rush Limbaugh for what little thought, obviously, they've put into it.

It makes me think less of him but, I don't have heroes anyway. He's a musician, not my go to guy for political thought and reasoning. There used to be a sort of code of honor in music where you supported causes, not individuals because you understood that, at the end of the day, the individual was just a politician.

DMB is awesome. They'd last 2 seconds if they did political commentary for a living.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think his music is pretentious pseudo-gay nonsense, just like him. He's just oh so ethereal, dahling.


So he can play guitar, so what? Miley Cyrus can sing on key and I don't like her crap, either.
I think his music is pretentious pseudo-gay nonsense, just like him. He's just oh so ethereal, dahling.


So he can play guitar, so what? Miley Cyrus can sing on key and I don't like her crap, either.

What she said...:yay: I have never been able to get through an entire Dave M song without turning the channel or turning it off completely. Never.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He goes from Slayer to Dave Matthews. I mean, really?

First favorite band; the Monkees. Second; Black Sabbath.

Big Rude Jake, Buddy Guy, hell, I even had a VERY brief Bee Gee's period.

The proper way to describe my tastes, as you know, or used to know; Slayer to Vivaldi
I'm gonna use DMB for my golf warm up music this morning. That should provide a fair test of whether it's good #### or just crap - to be determined by what I shoot today.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm gonna use DMB for my golf warm up music this morning. That should provide a fair test of whether it's good #### or just crap - to be determined by what I shoot today.

I will check in tonight to hear the results of this test.


Why? Dave waded right on into the left wing garbage about how important hope and change was and supported the most fake pony tail pretentious fraud of the era for president.

This means Dave is either a calculating business man or a blithering idiot when it comes to politics. I like my entertainers, Matt Damon, etc, to adhere to the Brad Pitt School of political thought: "I don't know a ####ing thing about X. Why in the hell would you want my opinion on something I know nothing about?".

Vrail is free to hate, or like, anyone's music based on what she thinks about them personally. It doesn't change that they are a great band and he's a creative genius. He wants to wade into politics, you take your heat just like everyone else. It is fine to say something is wrong, things could be better but, anyone who didn't see through Obama's line of bull#### a long time ago, like from day one, may as well say they support Rush Limbaugh for what little thought, obviously, they've put into it.

It makes me think less of him but, I don't have heroes anyway. He's a musician, not my go to guy for political thought and reasoning. There used to be a sort of code of honor in music where you supported causes, not individuals because you understood that, at the end of the day, the individual was just a politician.

DMB is awesome. They'd last 2 seconds if they did political commentary for a living.


I thought this thread was about his music. I'm out!