DMB tread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I thought this thread was about his music. I'm out!

Isn't it fair to say that what people say and do outside of music colors the view of their music for most people?

Vrai talks of how otherwise attractive guys she might be interested in become really ugly when they open their mouth and she finds they are idiots. Jane Fonda is an otherwise gorgeous woman many can't stand the sight of because of her views. The Dixie Chicks are a pretty good country band and their career fell off, a lot, because of their politics. I thought Bon Jovi a blithering idiot until I heard of his politics. Then, I became sure. Springsteen.

If Dave Mathews roamed the earth waving the American flag, that would change a lot of views of him. Of course, it would also change the view of a lot of current fans.

Then, of course, there are plenty of people who appreciate an artist, an actor, a musician, politicians and preachers in SPITE of what they may say or do otherwise and can just enjoy their good work.

None of that is to say anyone has to like anyone based on how good they really are. Lots of sincere, earnest music fans don't like jazz or symphonic work, genres filled with amazing talent. Dave doesn't pop out 3:00 of verse, verse, chorus, verse, chorus and out.
I will check in tonight to hear the results of this test.

I think we need more testing, the results are inconclusive so far. I shot a pretty boring version of 83. But I did start with a double bogey and follow that with a bogey, and that would have been shortly after having listened to DMB - so, maybe it leaves you a little out of sync for a short period of time?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think we need more testing, the results are inconclusive so far. I shot a pretty boring version of 83. But I did start with a double bogey and follow that with a bogey, and that would have been shortly after having listened to DMB - so, maybe it leaves you a little out of sync for a short period of time?

Which means, if you were playing to par 72, that you shot plus 8 for 16 holes which works out to a 9. What do you usually play to?

Which means, if you were playing to par 72, that you shot plus 8 for 16 holes which works out to a 9. What do you usually play to?


I've been pretty erratic this season, even more so than your typical golfer I think. Yesterday was a complete disaster - 97. A couple months ago I was shooting high 70's / low 80's consistently. So, I don't know how to answer that question. :lol:

That 83 from last Sunday also included a bogey-double bogey finish. So I played the middle 14 holes in plus 5, the outer 4 holes in plus 6. That's golf. Even in my terrible round yesterday I had flashes of brilliance - a two inch putt for birdie on a par 5 and a 3 foot putt for birdie on a par 3, those 2 birdies on the back allowed me to 'save' a 46.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's a crap and totally misleading. It is a simple equation that A costs $7 a year and B costs $1 and that is all there is to it.

Math also argues to add to the equation the materials used on construction and their 'costs'.

Faulty reasoning! :lol:
That's a crap and totally misleading. It is a simple equation that A costs $7 a year and B costs $1 and that is all there is to it.

Math also argues to add to the equation the materials used on construction and their 'costs'.

Faulty reasoning! :lol:

No doubt. I just like the line and perhaps more so his delivery of it.

EDIT: Sometimes I wouldn't even concede to the assertion - if you argue with math, you will lose. Sometimes the math of something, technically accurate though it may be, doesn't tell the real story or misleads / distracts from the real story. Sometimes the math is just ornamental and sometimes it's a masking agent - like perfume.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
No doubt. I just like the line and perhaps more so his delivery of it.

EDIT: Sometimes I wouldn't even concede to the assertion - if you argue with math, you will lose. Sometimes the math of something, technically accurate though it may be, doesn't tell the real story or misleads / distracts from the real story. Sometimes the math is just ornamental and sometimes it's a masking agent - like perfume.

And, as such, lines like that in that context should, properly, be laughed at.

We are such profound lemmings to marketing...