Do I Need County Approval???



I live in Callaway (Cox's Run) and have about 2.5 acres of land. There is an area where I want to add a driveway where one does not currently exist. In order to do so I'll have to cross a ditch and put in a drain pipe which will be located in an easement area. After putting in the drain pipe we will use gravel as the driveway surface for the first couple of years until it is compacted and then eventually black top the area.
So, the question I need county permission to put in the drain pipe? If so, what department does that fall under?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
oldnavy said:
I live in Callaway (Cox's Run) and have about 2.5 acres of land. There is an area where I want to add a driveway where one does not currently exist. In order to do so I'll have to cross a ditch and put in a drain pipe which will be located in an easement area. After putting in the drain pipe we will use gravel as the driveway surface for the first couple of years until it is compacted and then eventually black top the area.
So, the question I need county permission to put in the drain pipe? If so, what department does that fall under?
You need a driveway entrance permit. Contact Public Works at 301-863-8400.


oldnavy said:
I live in Callaway (Cox's Run) and have about 2.5 acres of land. There is an area where I want to add a driveway where one does not currently exist. In order to do so I'll have to cross a ditch and put in a drain pipe which will be located in an easement area. After putting in the drain pipe we will use gravel as the driveway surface for the first couple of years until it is compacted and then eventually black top the area.
So, the question I need county permission to put in the drain pipe? If so, what department does that fall under?

You need approval and you have to put up a bond and the apron needs asphalt.

Its not against the law until u get caught :lmao:


yeah yeah
Yes, you need county approval, and BS is right, you need to contact Public Works AND the other was right by saying planning and zoning, but it is now called "Dept of Land Use and Growth Mgt" so dont get confused when you hear it. You will need a driveway entrance permit, along with finding out the items needed for the "construction" be it siltfence, and or an extra length/width grant, and if it will be a bluestone, or paved, etc etc, so on and so on. I know you will most likely need your site plan to, to submit with the mod's on it to give to planning and zoning. Give Harry Knight a call, 301-475-7200 x 1500



Thanks for all the help. Got in touch with Harry and know what I need to do now. Was shocked at the permit price of $1,215.00, but thankfully $1,200.00 of that is refunded when you pass inspection.
Now just to find someone to do the work. I think it's a little beyond my scope.


Not mention that in getting a permit, an inspector needs to come out and mark any electrical or gas lines, etc. that may be running underground, so as tp prevent from inadvertently digging through one.


24/7 Single Dad
Dondi said:
Not mention that in getting a permit, an inspector needs to come out and mark any electrical or gas lines, etc. that may be running underground, so as tp prevent from inadvertently digging through one.
Miss Utility


yeah yeah
You need a driveway entrance permit befire Miss U will even THINK about talking to you. So be sure to get that FIRST. Otherwise, they will just hang up on you.