But the compensation was the use of the facilities while in community control. The improvements were built on my land (since there was no community land at all in my community) which I let the community use at my pleasure as long as they were for common use. When I was threatened with violence by persons within the improvements, I took great offense and in order to protect myself, family, and community, expelled those that were threatening and told them they could no longer use my land. The new president of the homeowners association was not the issue. The threat of force to completely upset the entire livelihood of the community without compensation was the issue.Larry Gude said:...but if Ken had built an arsenal in your home, operated some mining, some ports, railroads and so forth on your property for use by the whole neighborhood, with the neighborhoods money and your consent but then you withdrew your consent because you didn't like the new President of the Homeowners Association and you took physical possession of the improvements, offered no compensation whatsover and prevented use by others and fired upon Ken and/or others when they attempted to use or remove the improvements, you've started a war.
See how it turns on point of view? The reason many feel the way they do is the North won the war and that is the perspective history is presented from. If the South had won, history presentation would be different and I am not just referring to the outcome of the war.