Valid questions for a man who advocates hitting women.

As if I believe everything on the internet that you would say. BTW, I don't think you have a clue as to what an open forum is. You are absolutely ignorant in your interpretation of the rules and of how you should interact with others.
I may be a
bitch for calling you out for your nasty behavior, but if you weren't an arrogant manly man arsehole always resorting to threats towards women, then you wouldn't be in a position where your douchiness was on display for the whole internet. So, I guess you are a little bitch too.
Again, you are a douche. No once did WR tell you to STFU. And you shouldn't be attempting to insult and degrade WR. All it does it point to the warning signs of a man with violent behavior issues.
See here's the thing, you are acting all butt hurt right now. You brought that on by your actions and your words. Threats, threats, threats and attempts at intimidation, but only towards the females. Not towards any of the men.
You have a problem.
Want to be a man? Then act like a real man. A real man doesn't have to threaten and intimidate women on the internet to feel good about himself. All you are doing is re-enforcing the reasons why you were called out for being a man who openly advocates the beating of women. Woo hoo. That makes you so fcking macho. I know I'm scared.