Do You Feel Safe After Getting the Jab?


Well-Known Member
That's for sure!

I had a lady freaking out at me on the hiking trail yesterday. SHE was not wearing a mask and yet, when her unleashed dog was approaching me, she was trying to be apologetic (that she didn't know anyone else was on the trail, which was a lie - she'd just passed a group of 3 people ahead of me), while at the same time exclaiming she was trying to social distance due to her 95 year old mom. I tried to say I'd had the 'Rona - but she talked right over me saying "OH, people who get the vaccine can still be carriers".

Then stay your freaking a** home drama llama. Good lord. :crazy:


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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
OMG, I am out walking right now and read that and I just started laughing out loud! :lmao:

I am totally going to use that the next time somebody says something to me about the mask.


Well-Known Member
Just found out that a relative who was vaccinated has now tested positive for COVID.

Dr. Harvey Risch Professor of Epidemiology, Yale University was just speaking on program watching says it's been estimated that 60% of new COVID cases have been people that were vaccinated.

Just sharing info.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Dr. Harvey Risch Professor of Epidemiology, Yale University was just speaking on program watching says it's been estimated that 60% of new COVID cases have been people that were vaccinated.

Just sharing info.
That's comforting.


Active Member
That's comforting.
Getting the vaccination does not mean you are immune to catching 'rona. As I have understood it from my own research, the current goal is to avoid serious illness, hospitalizations, and overloading the ICU beds. The side effect (my opinion) is to also hopefully avoid additional lockdowns (physical & economic).
Additional opinion, it seems that some of the anti-vaxers have a problem with the vaccine vs. immunity concept. Let's just hope when a permanent vaccine is available, that also helps immunize a person, anti-vaxers will choose to get it to help protect themselves from whatever a more permanent vaccine offers..which may be annual like the flu vaccine. Otherwise, taking advantage of none of the protections currently being offered is a chance they will continue to take..their choice..their risk. I am choosing to get my 2nd shot tomorrow.
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The purpose of a vaccine is to essentially induce the immunity that is typically the result of a natural infection without having to pay the price of the natural disease. An effective vaccine induces an immune response that protects the recipient from natural infection.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Getting the vaccination does not mean you are immune to catching 'rona. As I have understood it from my own research, the current goal is to avoid serious illness, hospitalizations, and overloading the ICU beds. The side effect (my opinion) is to also hopefully avoid additional lockdowns (physical & economic).
Additional opinion, it seems that some of the anti-vaxers have a problem with the vaccine vs. immunity concept. Let's just hope when a permanent vaccine is available, that also helps immunize a person, they will get it. Otherwise, taking advantage of none of the protections currently being offered is a chance they will continue to take..their choice..their risk.
I know all of this. Good for you getting the jab. I will not be joining you.


Active Member
I know all of this. Good for you getting the jab. I will not be joining you.
It will be interesting to see if they can begin to track the severity of sickness in vaxed vs non-vaxed people (edit, and I think I saw a report where there are some severity tests becoming available after FDA review and approval). I have an 82 year old step father nearby. My hope, as Kyle mentioned, is if I get exposed after vaccination, my immune response to avoid that contraction is soon boosted, further helping me avoid passing it along to him. I also hope my immune response is strong enough I can stop wearing a damn mask all the time when I am around other people, but that is another TPD thread, right? :)


Active Member
you know there is more than Covid
Yep..I also got a flu shot this winter (gasp!)
And pretty soon, I will be old enough I need to get a shingles vaccine since I had chicken pox when I was a kid. Remember when we all thought once we got the chicken pox we were done with it?
There are 8 million others..I am just not an anti-vaxer or conspiracy theorist. I have other crap to worry about.


If I may ...
If I may ...

Yep..I also got a flu shot this winter (gasp!)
Speaking of the flu. For the first time in over 100 years of medicine, the annual flu, of all varieties, has completely disappeared and, there has been no reported flu related deaths. How about that? It also appears that anything flu, or common cold related, is now labeled COVID. Go figure.


the poor dad
If I may ...

Speaking of the flu. For the first time in over 100 years of medicine, the annual flu, of all varieties, has completely disappeared and, there has been no reported flu related deaths. How about that? It also appears that anything flu, or common cold related, is now labeled COVID. Go figure.
That just shows that after 100 years, they finally got the flu vaccine perfect!


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
And pretty soon, I will be old enough I need to get a shingles vaccine since I had chicken pox when I was a kid.

I had chicken pox as a child, same time as my 4 year older uncle.
He developed shingles in his mid-50's.
I have not, and turned 64 last month.

Then again my immune system is screwy; survived polio as an infant (got it from the then new vaccine), measles, mumps, Chicken pox, German measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, all as a young child. As a youth, was exposed to cholera. Others in the group got it, I did not. Since then have survived strep several times, yellow fever (again from a then new vaccine), viral pneumonia twice, a heart problem that led to a pacemaker implant in April 2008 and the pancreatic cancer found in May 2015.

Add to that the dislocations of joints and breaking of bones, including breaking my back as a result of a 15 foot fall in November 2007. Plus the innumerable cuts, bruises, punctures (including being shot once), scrapes, and burns.

I also smoked from 18 - 53, 3 packs a day for a quarter century of that.
I drank alcoholic beverages starting at age 16...1/2 - 1 bottle a day (sometimes more) of 80 proof distilled spirits for the 15 years before the cancer.

What got my uncle was pancreatic cancer. He survived 19 days after diagnosis. I had successful surgery 19 days after diagnosis.

Such is part of the reason I consider Medicine as an ART, which is informed by Science. If we all reacted the same, aspirin, chicken soup, penicillin and A&D ointment would cure all our ills.

I ain't bullet proof, but, I , Am, Damn, Hard, To, Kill.
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PREMO Member
I ain't bullet proof, but, I , Am, Damn, Hard, To, Kill.

thing is all that exposure .... makes you tougher against things like Covid

poor countries where people are exposed to all sorts of disease no masking no distancing NO Huge Death Numbers ..... but then they tend to be younger and have less health issues then westerners - high blood pressure, heart problems, obesity