Do you hear that sound? Silence


Well-Known Member
Any and all muslims that do not stand up publicly to ISIS and other jihadists, have no right to claim their religion is being hijacked, and that those groups are not really muslims. I see that as perhaps ISIS is the real islam, and that all the rest of muslimism is just a sham.

If the claim that these groups of murderers are not really muslims, then one should have no trouble going after them, so then all the rest of the real muslims must either put up or shut up about EVERYTHING islam.
Any and all muslims that do not stand up publicly to ISIS and other jihadists, have no right to claim their religion is being hijacked, and that those groups are not really muslims. I see that as perhaps ISIS is the real islam, and that all the rest of muslimism is just a sham.

If the claim that these groups of murderers are not really muslims, then one should have no trouble going after them, so then all the rest of the real muslims must either put up or shut up about EVERYTHING islam.

Have you publicly denounced all the hate groups who lay claim to Christianity?


Do you seriously, really, remotely NOT think that MLK stuck his neck out for what he believed was right or stood against what he thought was wrong? Even though the threats and forces against him were at his doorstep? :tap:

MLK definitely took great risk. I think he knew full-well his life would be in danger - daily. But, I also think he believed this country could change, and the potential good of man. With that, I think he believed that would stand above any harm that might come to him. Things didn't go that way - unfortunately.

I am eternally thankful for what he did for this country. It's sad his death has been defiled with the likes of Sharpton and Jackson.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do you seriously, really, remotely NOT think that MLK stuck his neck out for what he believed was right or stood against what he thought was wrong? Even though the threats and forces against him were at his doorstep? :tap:

Of course he did and he took those risks in context of 1960's American with our underlying rule of law, social progress and widespread public support, media support, that he had in many areas though certainly not all. However, we're talking about Islam today and the risks today, the support today, which is a lot more like MLK protesting in, say 1900. There simply is no comparison in terms of context and actual risk. Islam is WAY behind us in terms of public sentiment and policy and activism and that is the point.

Name one Muslim who is leading Marches, organizing, meeting with the President at bill signings. Any of that. Islam is WAY behind that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am eternally thankful for what he did for this country. It's sad his death has been defiled with the likes of Sharpton and Jackson.

Amen to that. The MLK we were taught to understand would be appalled at Ferguson and the Zimmerman incident and Obama and the entire 'movement' today.


So why even let them in other nations? They don't want to assimilate. Everything western is an obamanation (see what I did there?) to them. Their holy book says they can't associate with us. Oh I almost forgot, they want us dead or living under their centuries old laws.
Exactly. Even the ones that are not actively performing terrorist actions want the same thing. They want muslims to dominate the world. Not going to happen in my lifetime.


New Member
Of course he did and he took those risks in context of 1960's American with our underlying rule of law, social progress and widespread public support, media support, that he had in many areas though certainly not all. However, we're talking about Islam today and the risks today, the support today, which is a lot more like MLK protesting in, say 1900. There simply is no comparison in terms of context and actual risk. Islam is WAY behind us in terms of public sentiment and policy and activism and that is the point.

Name one Muslim who is leading Marches, organizing, meeting with the President at bill signings. Any of that. Islam is WAY behind that.

Sounds like one big excuse to me.....

The difference is that MLK had the stones to stand up for what he believed was right. The so-called "Muslims" in the OP do not! PERIOD!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Sounds like one big excuse to me.....

The difference is that MLK had the stones to stand up for what he believed was right. The so-called "Muslims" in the OP do not! PERIOD!

Well, you're entitled to see ISIS in the same light as the people who wanted to see King dead, the same sort of threat and that standing up to ISIS is about the same level of danger as marching in Bull Connors town.



New Member
Well, you're entitled to see ISIS in the same light as the people who wanted to see King dead, the same sort of threat and that standing up to ISIS is about the same level of danger as marching in Bull Connors town.


Oh please....

These over paid multi-millionaires going on television from the privacy of their homes and denouncing what ISIS is doing is DEFINITELY NOT at the same level of risk as MLK marching down the street!

I think you are letting your politics overcome your common sense :coffee: