Do You Know Your Candidate?




Originally posted by STMLADY
Okay I have no clue who you are and everyone knows who I am by your comments I thought you were supporting McKay...I must be mistaken So I stand corrected.

Some weeks you just can't win for loosing! I had no intention of revaling your identity. You have personally referred to RR so many times on these forums and Rocky had so many campaign wokers I naturally figured just about everyone here knew you were associated. I have re-read my post and honestly I don't think I've blown your cover. Sure people could, if they cared, sift through the ton's of campaign workers and narrow it down to 1 of 30.

Remember you jumped my candidates case. *before you realized who he was* I only figured out exactly who you were because I am a genius :razz2:

Seriously, I meant you no harm.

Terp Fan

New Member

Originally posted by STMLADY
Okay I have no clue who you are and everyone knows who I am by your comments I thought you were supporting McKay...I must be mistaken So I stand corrected.

I would just like to point out - STMLADY correct me if I am wrong - if you put in punctuation in her comment, it may come across completely different:

Okay I have no clue who you are and everyone knows who I am. By your comments, I thought you were supporting McKay...I must be mistaken So I stand corrected


New Member
Re: Dang!

Originally posted by Kain99

Some weeks you just can't win for loosing! I had no intention of revaling your identity. You have personally referred to RR so many times on these forums and Rocky had so many campaign wokers I naturally figured just about everyone here knew you were associated. I have re-read my post and honestly I don't think I've blown your cover. Sure people could, if they cared, sift through the ton's of campaign workers and narrow it down to 1 of 30.

Remember you jumped my candidates case. *before you realized who he was* I only figured out exactly who you were because I am a genius :razz2:

Seriously, I meant you no harm.

Hey folks I didn't forget anything! I honestly don't know who you are Kain and I honestly thought you were talking about McKay. I know I had told everyone who I was because I wanted to talk to the folks here about him and get their concerns and share them with Rocky.

The elections are still a sore spot for me but I am doing better.


New Member
Thanks Terp fan

Punctuation is an important aspect in writing. I forget to us it when my hands are going faster then my brain...

Terp Fan

New Member
Re: Thanks Terp fan

Originally posted by STMLADY
Punctuation is an important aspect in writing. I forget to us it when my hands are going faster then my brain...

The Power of A "Period"!!


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Kyle
Unfortunately if he makes it to office... Within a few years, he'll be as compromised and beholden to the money machines as any other politician.

Kyle, what do you think of the idea of no consecutive terms, like Virginia's governor? If a politican can't run for re-election, is he or she less beholden to the money machines?
Here in St. Mary's: voters are once again being force fed two slates of Commissioner candidates.
The status quo is being represented by the mostly Democratic incumbents while the Republican slate tries to convince us of a need to change.
Anyone who has lived here for one or two election cycles has to come to two obvious conclusions-

1. It is not whether the candidate is conservative, but just how far to the right is the candidate.
2. Party banners mean nothing in determining the answer to #1.

St. Mary's politics has long been controlled by the rich. This is not the fault of the rich but the fault of the masses who do not become invovled enough to do the homework required to recruit and elect smart, capable, trustworthy people.
Oftentimes, the better candidate is eliminated in the party primary because he was not chosen by the "party establishment" (read: machine). If a greater percentage of eligible voters were to turn out for the primaries then there would be a better chance that a larger percentage of voters whould be satified with their choices in the general.
This particular election has a bunch of folks running for seats from parties which they are newly registered. This may be the result of not being "chosen" or they don't have the money to compete with very wealthy developers who dominate the contribution pool.
I am very disappointed that all the candidates have refused to take a stand and show some conviction.
I would really like to know what they intend to do about the uncontrolled development in our county- particularlly in the Rural Preservation Districts.
I am afraid the voters are leaning toward a wholesale change instead of doing the smart thing, which in my opinion is to look at each candidate and not simply voting a slate blindlessly! The last time this happened, we simply stood still for four years instead of taking care of business.


New Member
Reply to Emptysky57

"St. Mary's politics has long been controlled by the rich. This is not the fault of the rich but the fault of the masses who do not become invovled enough to do the homework required to recruit and elect smart, capable, trustworthy people.
Oftentimes, the better candidate is eliminated in the party primary because he was not chosen by the "party establishment" (read: machine). If a greater percentage of eligible voters were to turn out for the primaries then there would be a better chance that a larger percentage of voters whould be satified with their choices in the general."

I have to agree totally...

to add to that, there should be more opportunities for the masses to meet the candidates and ask the questions that they need to ask. In being involved with Rocky's campaign I found it very difficult to find opportunities to get Rocky out there. Fundraisers I went to were mainly filled with other candidates. So if anyone has any ideas to get the people involved I am all for it.

Getting involved takes alot of time and most people have very little time and don't want to spend it on politics until it touches them then they get involved. After this election I hope to see more people get involved...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Reply to Emptysky57

Originally posted by STMLADY
So if anyone has any ideas to get the people involved I am all for it.

Well, a candidate could sponsor a forum (like these forums) to give the candidate the chance to hear from and respond to the voters. It would give them a chance to advise people of their platform, intentions, gatherings and allow for responses.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah, we saw what happened when Dave Zylak tried that. It must be a conspiracy to keep the voters in the dark. That's why Zylak became a target - he broke Omerta.


Asperger's Poster Child
STMLady, just my 2¢:

I found Rocky's call for "less regulations" not specific enough. True, people read whatever they want to read into a candidate's statements. But I talked to some people who assumed that "less regulations" meant that Rocky was in the pocket of the wealthy developers. Some of these voters were environmentalists, but many others were home owners tired of fighting with the local zoning office. The latter group assumed that the county government gives the big developers anything they want, while screwing the home owner who wants to build an extra room.

I think Rocky would have done better if he had listed, in as much detail as possible, those regulations that he wanted to eliminate.

Also, if Rocky wanted lower taxes, here's an idea: Give every home owner a $20K-$30K deduction on the value of his or her home before calculating the property tax.

If possible, do the same to the county's piggyback income tax. It's at 60% now. Make is 50%, or keep it at 60% and include a $10,000 exemption per family.


New Member
Response to Tonio

Hey thanks for the imput too bad we didn't get stuff like this before the primary...We could have elaborated on what he wanted to do. Rocky definately wasn't in the pocket of the developers. He got involved because he was tired of all the beauracratic red tape that he had to go through to try to get a shed built on his property. SO if that got him frustrated enough to run for County Commissioner president, just imagine the changes he would have fought for.

This was all a learning curve for both of us. I hope that he will run a gain and we can use your information as part of the lessons learned.

Thanks again for the reply. and I will pass it on!


New Member
Further thought

In general, one of the hardest things that we had to decide was just how much information were we to put out during the primary. As it was the information that Rocky had put out, if you read it carefully, then read what his opponent brought out you would see a strong resembelance..


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Response to Tonio

Originally posted by STMLADY
Hey thanks for the imput too bad we didn't get stuff like this before the primary...We could have elaborated on what he wanted to do. Rocky definately wasn't in the pocket of the developers. He got involved because he was tired of all the beauracratic red tape that he had to go through to try to get a shed built on his property. SO if that got him frustrated enough to run for County Commissioner president, just imagine the changes he would have fought for.

This was all a learning curve for both of us. I hope that he will run a gain and we can use your information as part of the lessons learned.

Thanks again for the reply. and I will pass it on!

No problem, Stmlady.

During the debate over the ULDC, the county really needed a Voice of Reason. The debate was dominated by the extremists. Each side accused the other of advocating A) paving over every farm from Charlotte Hall to Point Lookout to build subdivisions and strip malls or B) throwing home owners in jail if they build an addition with the wrong type of siding.

I believe most home owners like myself want some middle ground. Like Rocky, they hate all the red tape involved in doing simple work to their homes. But I think they also want some sensible controls on growth.