Do you remember the first date you ever went on?


the poor dad
I think my 1st date was a dance at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Ridge but can’t be for certain. It probably ended with some fogged up windows down at Kitts Point. It’s all a blur.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Double date with my brother and his soon to be first wife. She was a flaxen haired beauty of Finnish descent and looked like an angel in her off white evening dress. Lunch stop, Beatlemania at the Warner Theater, and dinner on the ride home. I was petrified the whole time and didn't date again until I met my first wife a couple years later.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
First day of having my license. Picked her up and pulled out onto Golden Beach Road from a blind corner with hedges, right in front of a St. Marys Deputy.

After handing him my license and registration, I know he got a good laugh out of it being hours old.

Things only went south from there. :sshrug:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Had to think hard about the answer to this one. Our farm put on a winter hayride every year for our local farm community. I'd have to say my first date was with a girl I invited...and some time spent on the hay wagon under a blanket. ;-) I was probably 13 or 14..


Well-Known Member
Her name was Delia...went to a movie. (maybe Yentl)...she didn't have 1% interest in me. Very cute, but I made no effort to lay a finger on her. (Daughter of a HS teacher where I attended).


Well-Known Member
It was a girl I was utterly smitten with. When I first talked to her, I was assigned a desk in English class right next to her, literally. While we talked, I pushed my books to the end of the desk - and right onto the floor. Someone else picked them up - I hadn’t even noticed.

Our first date was little more than going to her house - I had bought her a Christmas present - and we walked a mile or so to the park and sat on the swings and talked. Then home and chatted in front of the TV and I went home.

I later learned she was only trying to get her ex jealous and got back with him - for about a month. When prom came and she didn’t have a date - and I no longer did - she tried to get me to take her.

It was worth missing prom to know she wasn’t going.


Well-Known Member
11 years old my mother took us to see a movie at the theater. Can remember the girls name but not the movie!


Throwing the deuces
7th grade, I believe and we went for a bike ride. At the end, he told me our next date would be him teaching me how to kiss. :rolleyes: Next day at school, I told everyone in ear shot (including him) that he was not interested in him and we never went out again.