I said yes; and this is why (bare with me; i have a very very bad sinus headache; so I cant seem to think to straight today).
First off, marriage is something that should not be taken lightly at all. If you marry it was because you wanted to stay committed to that one person (no matter how bad he gets on your nerves a few years later). for the rest of your life. If you break that comittment when you have kids, they tend to wonder some of the wildest things that you may not have even considered before ending the relationship. (i.e. what did I do wrong? Do they still love me? Will they always still love me, they dont love eachother anymore?, etc) No matter how much you try to put these concerns at rest; they will take a long long time to go away. (the kids weren't there at the begining of the relationship; all they've ever seen is mommy and daddy; and to have one "give up" has to be hard as ####). If you marry for the right reasons to begin with; you should never ever have to make this actual decision.
You go into the marriage for better or for worse; and if you cant get over the fact that he will just not pick up his dirty socks from the living room floor then you will not be happy in any marriage. Now, on the other hand if the relationship starts becoming abusive (i.e. emotionaly or physically
then what you were in was never a marriage to begin with but a complete sham. and hell ya; leave em; show the kids what a "strong" person can do. But to leave just because you can't agree on what color drapes you want in your bedroom is wrong. You need to show the kids that a real marriage is commitment, love, understanding, and being able to say you're wrong. If you want to your kids to see you in a healthy relationship; show them how to work at making one. If you give up at the first argument because you can't be the one to back down and say "you're right, I'm wrong" then all you're making is a bunch of "quitters".
To be honest, and I know I;m going to hear all about them, I'm sure there are tons of other reasons to leave a relationship besides abuse or cheating. But if you didn't go into the marriage just because you were "lust over heels" to begin with, then none of those reasons would matter. If you think marraige means great unprotected sex whenever you want it; or that "well people change over time, and there for can fall out of love" then you're wrong. You werent ready to be married to begin with. In which case you'll probably jump around from "healthy relationship for the first few months" to "healthy relationship for the first few months" over and over until you can actually learn who you are and what you need is more then a piece of A$$.
okay waiting for the head wounds I'm about to receive from my bashing..............*wincing*....let em begin.