doctors hastened death for dying kids



Okay... so what if this were actually true... why would anyone consider this to be a bad thing...:confused:

Parents say doctors hastened death for dying kids -

A handful of parents told researchers that they had asked doctors to hasten their children's deaths _ and that doctors complied, using high doses of the powerful painkiller.

The lead author of the study and several other physicians said they doubt doctors are engaged in active mercy killing. Instead, they speculate the parents interviewed for the study mistakenly believed that doctors had followed their wishes.

A more likely scenario is that doctors increased morphine doses to ease pain, and that the children's subsequent deaths were only coincidental, said lead author Dr. Joanne Wolfe, a palliative pain specialist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Children's Hospital in Boston.

Doesn't ObamaCare dictate this in order to save money for all?


In My Opinion
I guess that should be my New Year's Resolution (only a couple months late): party like a rockstar. I will make a concerted effort to begin smoking 2 packs per day, drinking heavily, and passing out and waking up in as many alleys as possible. :buddies:
My work here is done.
(maybe not the two packs per day, the idea is to go worn out, but not in pain)


USMC 1983-1995
My sister died from cancer. We asked her husband to allow them to administer more pain killer so she could relax and pass away. It was tough watching her die slowly - not eating, barely drinking and in pain. It was actually a relief, tho very sad, to watch her relax and a look of peace cross her face just before those last few breaths.

Sis and then Mom. RIP