Documentary: There's something wrong w/ Aunt Diane


Well-Known Member
Did anyone watch this last night?

I had heard of the accident before watching this documentary but didnt know all the specifics. I bawled my eyes out at the end. What a horrible thing to have happen to your family & others who were involved in this accident.

But even after watching this, like the family of Diane Shular I am no closer to knowing what really happened.

HBO: There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane: Home

Review of the Documentary:
‘There’s Something Wrong With Aunt Diane’ on HBO - Review -

The story of Diane Schuler and the horrifying collision she caused is a series of mysteries that probably can’t be solved but that could, from some angles, be seen as fairly easy to explain. The layers of anger, guilt and what many would call blind faith that surround the case, however, have given it a tragic intensity, making the unanswerability of the questions seem profoundly painful.

Liz Garbus, an Oscar and Emmy nominee for “The Farm: Angola, USA,” takes a hard look at those questions in a new documentary, “There’s Something Wrong With Aunt Diane.” It will be shown on HBO on Monday, nearly two years to the day since Ms. Schuler drove the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway in Westchester County, N.Y., causing the crash that killed her and seven other people, including her daughter and three nieces.

Much of the material Ms. Garbus presents has been on the record already, most prominently in an article by Steve Fishman in New York magazine in November 2009. But she packages it well in a film that’s like a more meticulous and dignified version of one of those network television prime-time crime compendiums — a “48 Hours Mystery” with more heart and brain.

There are two contradictory sets of questions in the case, depending on who is asking, and Ms. Garbus pursues them all. On one hand, why was Ms. Schuler driving with marijuana and the equivalent of 10 shots of alcohol in her body, as tests later showed? Was she a habitual drinker, and if so, did her husband and other family members know?

On the other hand, there are the questions that Ms. Schuler’s husband, Daniel, has steadfastly raised: Were the tests mistaken? If not, did some medical problem — a stroke, an abscessed tooth — cause her to start drinking?

Some viewers may complain that “There’s Something Wrong With Aunt Diane” is on the side of Mr. Schuler and his wife’s other defenders, because Ms. Garbus spends more time with him and his sister-in-law, Jay Schuler, than with anyone else. Part of this is about access: some key figures, like Warren and Jackie Hance, Diane’s brother and sister-in-law, whose three daughters died in the crash, declined to be interviewed.

There was also a quid pro quo at work. Ms. Garbus offered to move forward the fitful investigation that Mr. Schuler and Jay Schuler have sponsored in their effort to vindicate Diane, or at least to explain her behavior. The filmmakers were able to obtain medical records that had eluded them and helped them to get answers from a private investigator they had hired. His eventual response, a dramatic high point in the film, is not what they had hoped for.

As relatives, friends, co-workers and a forensic psychologist build a picture of Diane as a high-achieving, perfectionist mother and wife, Ms. Garbus intersperses the interviews with a reconstruction of the events of July 26, 2009. It’s a gripping and terrifying account, making use of video footage, cellphone conversations and testimony from investigators and a number of witnesses. The answers aren’t there either, but it’s impossible not to watch.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't understand the controversy. She was drunk and stoned and she killed a bunch of people through her own negligence. Where's the story?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand the controversy. She was drunk and stoned and she killed a bunch of people through her own negligence. Where's the story?

That is what I thought before seeing the Documentary. Now I am not so sure what happened.

Authorities claim she drank & smoked before leaving the camp ground.

The test results said at the time of her death her blood alcohol was the equivilant of having had 10 shots of alcohol and of smoking weed within 15 minutes - 1 hour.

She had been driving for nearly 2 hours before crashing. 10 shots is A LOT of alcohol plus smoking weed. I just find it insane that she was able to drive for 2 hours before crashing. If I have one shot I am :otter:


I bowl overhand
That is what I thought before seeing the Documentary. Now I am not so sure what happened.

Authorities claim she drank & smoked before leaving the camp ground.

The test results said at the time of her death her blood alcohol was the equivilant of having had 10 shots of alcohol and of smoking weed within 15 minutes - 1 hour.

She had been driving for nearly 2 hours before crashing. 10 shots is A LOT of alcohol plus smoking weed. I just find it insane that she was able to drive for 2 hours before crashing. If I have one shot I am :otter:

I find it hard to believe that anyone feels sorry for the murdering ass..

The fact is, the people doing the testing had nothing to gain by lying about the results.. they probably didn't even know who's samples they were testing or what the background was. They tested, and stated the facts.

Now her husband has found a way to make money off of the ordeal, even though she killed his kids too.

SO now she's not the murderer, but a victim... of what nobody knows, but she's a victim..
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I bowl overhand
But I guess it's better that they prove she wasn't drunk, or stoned, and find out she knew what she was doing when she killed herself and all of the kids.

Yeah, that's a MUCH better scenario.


Well-Known Member
I find it hard to believe that anyone feels sorry for the murdering ass..

The fact is, the people doing the testing had nothing to gain by lying about the results.. they probably didn't even know who's samples they were testing or what the background was. They tested, and stated the facts.

Now her husband has found a way to make money off of the ordeal, even though she killed his kids too.

SO now she's not the murderer, but a victim... of what nobody knows, but she's a victim..
I am not saying I feel sorry for her at all. Just that it doesnt make sense. A person who rarely drank taking 10 shots then getting behind the wheel w/ 5 kids in the car including her own 2 children.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I am not saying I feel sorry for her at all. Just that it doesnt make sense. A person who rarely drank taking 10 shots then getting behind the wheel w/ 5 kids in the car including her own 2 children.

People have selective memory, especially when discussing the dead. And especially especially if that dead person is a family member or friend who killed others by their own negligence. "But, officer! He was such a good boy!" That sort of thing. Then you get the media involved and spinning, and who knows what the truth might be.

The husband initially said she never drank or used drugs. Then he "amended" that to say she smoked pot to alleviate her diabetes symptoms, or whatever. And then finally admitted that they had been drinking earlier. To me, those little fibbies add up to a scenario where this woman was drunk and stoned, and lost her marbles.


Well-Known Member
People have selective memory, especially when discussing the dead. And especially especially if that dead person is a family member or friend who killed others by their own negligence. "But, officer! He was such a good boy!" That sort of thing. Then you get the media involved and spinning, and who knows what the truth might be.

The husband initially said she never drank or used drugs. Then he "amended" that to say she smoked pot to alleviate her diabetes symptoms, or whatever. And then finally admitted that they had been drinking earlier. To me, those little fibbies add up to a scenario where this woman was drunk and stoned, and lost her marbles.

I guess that is me too, I just dont want to think that a normal everyday mom like myself who drinks occassionally would get behind the wheel w/ 5 children after having 10 shots. I would never in a million years do that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I guess that is me too, I just dont want to think that a normal everyday mom like myself who drinks occassionally would get behind the wheel w/ 5 children after having 10 shots. I would never in a million years do that.

We hear stories of "moms" who do much worse than that. There was a woman up in the Frederick area a few years back who was pimping out her toddler daughter to adult pedos for money.

Plus everyone is "normal everyday" to people who are trying to whitewash a reputation or alleviate their own guilt. "But he seemed so nice...there was a funny smell like rotten meat coming from his basement, but other than that..."


Dream Stealer
I watched this yesterday. Very interesting.

It does seem a little strange, once they start telling the timeline. Weird, she had about 10 oz of alcohol.which I know myself If I were to drink that much that quickly..I wouldn't be awake..much less able to drive. witnesses (which aren't very reliable) say she was driving straight and wasn't swerving at all. Just going very fast. There was a bottle of vodka in the van, like she was chugging it or something. It's all very strange and seems to not exactly fit. I dunno. They tested a few times and yes, she was drunk and stoned. But I keep remembering a case a few years back about a family who had a young kid who got sick and after they conducted tests the child tested positive for antifreeze. The mother was charged and they were investigating her. Meanwhile she had another baby. Her and her husband divorced and kept the baby...he got sick as well. Come to find out both babies had a rare metabolic disorder that made their blood look like the chemical equivalent of antifreeze. Stranger things have happened. Who knows?

One thing though, the 2 min long up close shot of her mangled bloody body was a little much, there, filmakers. Thank God they didn't do that with the kids. I was crying hard enough already.


Well-Known Member
I watched this yesterday. Very interesting.

It does seem a little strange, once they start telling the timeline. Weird, she had about 10 oz of alcohol.which I know myself If I were to drink that much that quickly..I wouldn't be awake..much less able to drive. witnesses (which aren't very reliable) say she was driving straight and wasn't swerving at all. Just going very fast. There was a bottle of vodka in the van, like she was chugging it or something. It's all very strange and seems to not exactly fit. I dunno. They tested a few times and yes, she was drunk and stoned. But I keep remembering a case a few years back about a family who had a young kid who got sick and after they conducted tests the child tested positive for antifreeze. The mother was charged and they were investigating her. Meanwhile she had another baby. Her and her husband divorced and kept the baby...he got sick as well. Come to find out both babies had a rare metabolic disorder that made their blood look like the chemical equivalent of antifreeze. Stranger things have happened. Who knows?

One thing though, the 2 min long up close shot of her mangled bloody body was a little much, there, filmakers. Thank God they didn't do that with the kids. I was crying hard enough already.

See what I mean, it is so confusing! The 20 minute drive took what 6 hours? At the time of the accident she was how many times over the limit? And had just smoked weed 15 minutes prior. It just doesnt make sense.

I saw an interview on Nancy Grace w/ the Sister of one of the men killed in the other vehicle. She said that Diane's husband sold the pictures of her dead to the documentary team for money. I think that along w/ his sueing the brother and sister in law is just sickening.

I was a blubbering mess at the end of the film as well.

Not sure if youre interested or not but this is a great article about Dianes Brother and SIL. They are now expecting another child :smile: But it is a tear jerker as well. Both my co worker and I teared up at our desks reading it.

The Worst Has Happened: Life After the Death of My Children: Living Without the Girls


Dream Stealer
See what I mean, it is so confusing! The 20 minute drive took what 6 hours? At the time of the accident she was how many times over the limit? And had just smoked weed 15 minutes prior. It just doesnt make sense.

I saw an interview on Nancy Grace w/ the Sister of one of the men killed in the other vehicle. She said that Diane's husband sold the pictures of her dead to the documentary team for money. I think that along w/ his sueing the brother and sister in law is just sickening.

I was a blubbering mess at the end of the film as well.

Not sure if youre interested or not but this is a great article about Dianes Brother and SIL. They are now expecting another child :smile: But it is a tear jerker as well. Both my co worker and I teared up at our desks reading it.

The Worst Has Happened: Life After the Death of My Children: Living Without the Girls

oh that is so sad. Soo sad. I just don't know what I would do with myself. I just don't know. I hope she can be happy, and enjoy her new baby, and try to live her life again. She's braver than I am, I think I would just off myself after such horrible pain and loss.


Dream Stealer
wait..why is her husband sueing them? I didn't see that..I saw where the other victims' family is sueing them because they owned the minivan (which to me is sickening to do to them, after all that) but I didn't see where he was sueing?


Well-Known Member
oh that is so sad. Soo sad. I just don't know what I would do with myself. I just don't know. I hope she can be happy, and enjoy her new baby, and try to live her life again. She's braver than I am, I think I would just off myself after such horrible pain and loss.
Isnt that just horrible! Nothing will ease their pain but I hope this new baby gives them strength to go on.
wait..why is her husband sueing them? I didn't see that..I saw where the other victims' family is sueing them because they owned the minivan (which to me is sickening to do to them, after all that) but I didn't see where he was sueing?

Diane Schuler's husband suing state, brother-in-law over wrong-way Taconic crash | The Journal News |

I can understand wanting to try and clear your wives name, but this is just disgusting!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
See what I mean, it is so confusing! The 20 minute drive took what 6 hours?

What part of it is confusing you?

She was drunk. She was stoned. She killed a bunch of people. They found a broken vodka bottle in the car with her and she had a .19 blood alcohol level. The husband is a douche stuck on stupid who won't admit his wife was a drunk, and wants to cash in on his family tragedy. Now he's suing the brother, whose children his wife killed, because they owned the van she was driving, and the state because he thinks the don't have enough one-way signs on the highway.

I do not find this confusing at all. We're seeing the replay of it right now with this guy in Callaway. Maybe his fambly can hook up with HBO and cash in, too.


Well-Known Member
What part of it is confusing you?

She was drunk. She was stoned. She killed a bunch of people. They found a broken vodka bottle in the car with her and she had a .19 blood alcohol level. The husband is a douche stuck on stupid who won't admit his wife was a drunk, and wants to cash in on his family tragedy. Now he's suing the brother, whose children his wife killed, because they owned the van she was driving, and the state because he thinks the don't have enough one-way signs on the highway.

I do not find this confusing at all. We're seeing the replay of it right now with this guy in Callaway. Maybe his fambly can hook up with HBO and cash in, too.

I agree on the husband being a douche 100%. My thing is the 6 hour time frame. It would be like you driving to Lex Park from Mechanicsville and it taking 6 hours. Some piece of the puzzle is missing.

You gotta watch the documentary.


Dream Stealer
I agree on the husband being a douche 100%. My thing is the 6 hour time frame. It would be like you driving to Lex Park from Mechanicsville and it taking 6 hours. Some piece of the puzzle is missing.

You gotta watch the documentary.


Its not like I don't think she did it, or we shouldnt blame her or anything. Its just that something seems off when its all laid out. Something is missing. It could very well be that things like this NEVER make sense..but it seems off. I don't know why, but it does. I don't think the documentary was aiming for that, either.

and 10oz of alcohol in a woman, combined with pot would leave them almost completely blacked out. Weird that she was able to drive at all, much less avoid accidents for as long as she did.