Documentary: There's something wrong w/ Aunt Diane


Well-Known Member

Its not like I don't think she did it, or we shouldnt blame her or anything. Its just that something seems off when its all laid out. Something is missing. It could very well be that things like this NEVER make sense..but it seems off. I don't know why, but it does. I don't think the documentary was aiming for that, either.

and 10oz of alcohol in a woman, combined with pot would leave them almost completely blacked out. Weird that she was able to drive at all, much less avoid accidents for as long as she did.

Exactly! I can barely handle a shot let alone 10 and weed! I mean she drove around for 6 hours. Something is off.


New Member
I agree on the husband being a douche 100%. My thing is the 6 hour time frame. It would be like you driving to Lex Park from Mechanicsville and it taking 6 hours. Some piece of the puzzle is missing.

You gotta watch the documentary.

After the fine job HBO did tar and feathering John Mark Byers in one of their other 'documentaries', I'll pass.


What part of it is confusing you?

She was drunk. She was stoned. She killed a bunch of people. They found a broken vodka bottle in the car with her and she had a .19 blood alcohol level. The husband is a douche stuck on stupid who won't admit his wife was a drunk, and wants to cash in on his family tragedy. Now he's suing the brother, whose children his wife killed, because they owned the van she was driving, and the state because he thinks the don't have enough one-way signs on the highway.

I do not find this confusing at all. We're seeing the replay of it right now with this guy in Callaway. Maybe his fambly can hook up with HBO and cash in, too.

I just watched this show last night. And I'd have to agree with you. She was drunk and stoned and crashed. I don't get what the husband and sister-in-law are trying to prove. Just accept the fact she was drinking and move on. why on earth would he want to exhume the body? That to me is crazy. And to top it off, it seems the husband doesn't even want his child that survived. He said he couldn't forgive his wife because he never even wanted kids. What an ass!!