Does anyone else have Metrocast digitial cable?


Where are my pants?
I have Metrocast Digital with HD....Great service, I've never had any trouble with them. (Their "high speed" cable internet is another story.)

But everything is in working order right now.


What love is all about
Right now my internet is working fine. Since I am on here that is pretty much a duh. But my tv is another story. I turn on my tv and my cable. All I get is sound for a few seconds. Then it goes out. Now if I push my volume button for my cable up or down the sound comes back. But it leaves if I change the channel. And I am getting no picture whatsoever. That sucked watching House tonight without being able to see it. :banghead:


Drinks At The House!
You may need to reset your cable box
Try unpluging the cable box, wait a minute and plug back in


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have Metrocast cable AND internet and I'm happy. I had Adelphia up in Frederick and they went out on a regular basis. So far, so good with Metrocast.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Frozenpl said:
You may need to reset your cable box
Try unpluging the cable box, wait a minute and plug back in
That's such annoying crap. I had to do that on a weekly basis with Adelphia. So far I haven't done it once with Metrocast.


Yes, I have metrocrap..Have had nothing but problems with the cable and the internet.


What love is all about
missperky said:
Yes, I have metrocrap..Have had nothing but problems with the cable and the internet.

Have you had the problem like what I am having? I know when we first got it that the channels would blink in and out but then it stopped and we didnt have any problems for quite a few months and now this is the second time this has happened. The last time it cleared itself up.


33 yrs & we r still n luv
so far this week I have had to reset our 'box' twice.

Has anyone else see it go into a screen saver mode? I've had that twice this week also.

and they keep charging us for a 'extra' email account.... call every month and the next month it's still there...... that's still a carry on from the last provider......


SShewbert said:
Have you had the problem like what I am having? I know when we first got it that the channels would blink in and out but then it stopped and we didnt have any problems for quite a few months and now this is the second time this has happened. The last time it cleared itself up.

We've had so many problems it isn't funny, they have been out here like a million times. We've had a lot of problems with interference on the channels, channels breaking up, going out, freezing, HBO going out, the sound being slow compared to the picture...Ummmm. The cable box resetting on it's on...On and on it seems.


What love is all about
Nope sorry no screen saver mode. The only other thing mine has done is when I go to a channel it tell me it cant bring it up right now and to try later and it do that on EVERY channel. Boy it gets annoying why the hell am I paying for the cable if I cant use it?


SShewbert said:
Nope sorry no screen saver mode. The only other thing mine has done is when I go to a channel it tell me it cant bring it up right now and to try later and it do that on EVERY channel. Boy it gets annoying why the hell am I paying for the cable if I cant use it?

Yeah some kind of stupid message you get too.