Does anyone else have Metrocast digitial cable?


Nothing to see here
All you people with cable internet..Get a good splitter(top of the line), split the cable coming into the house, run a good quality cable directly to your cable modem only and the majority of your problems will disappear..


otter said:
All you people with cable internet..Get a good splitter(top of the line), split the cable coming into the house, run a good quality cable directly to your cable modem only and the majority of your problems will disappear..

Mine is seperate.


What love is all about
otter said:
All you people with cable internet..Get a good splitter(top of the line), split the cable coming into the house, run a good quality cable directly to your cable modem only and the majority of your problems will disappear..

That is so funny you say that. When they were hooking our cable and internet up my husband said the same thing. Because the guy came out and only hooked up our cable because he had to drill a hole for the internet cable.Since we rent we had to get written permission from the landlord before he could drill. My husband got pissed that he hadnt hooked it up because like you said he could have just split the cable and ran it for our internet.


New Member
I have had problem with channels not coming in on the HD service as well as the pictue on on-demand not coming in good at all. They wanted to send out a Tech to see what was wrong with the channels, what is a Tech going to do??? I have not had any problems with the internet.


Main Streeter
SShewbert said:
If you do are you having trouble with it?
Our has been pretty stable. Had a faulty HDTV box that I exchanged for a good one. Other than that, TV and Internet work well.


New Member
SShewbert said:
If you do are you having trouble with it?

Did have Metrocast digital cable and got rid of it after about 6 months. Just couldn't take it anymore. The channels not coming in, the overcharges, bad picture quality on a high def TV, etc. Since I got rid of it, I couldn't be more happier. Go DirecTv!


pretty black roses
We haven't been having any problems with our digital cable. However, when the last storm came through, it did get zapped so we had to get a new box.


Resident PIA
SShewbert said:
Well its still not working today. I reckon I am gonna have to call them.
From my experience and talking with friends it seems that there are a number of variables when it comes to the quality of the service.

When was your cable installed? If the neighborhood is older and the equipment hasn't been upgraded recently you will lose signal strength and pick up interference.

If you are on the end of a long stretch of cable your signal can be weak. Unfortunately if they boost the signal for the person furtherst down the line they will overdrive those closes to the amplifier.

Not all technicians know what they are doing. There are some good ones and there are some real hacks.

Check the connections in the house. All those connections introduce noise into the system.

Your best hope; Pray Verizon introduces FIOS and then Metrocast will actually have some competition.


New Member
FIOS will not be Calvert or St. Mary's until 2009-2010. My friend is a FIOS Tech and said that they are installing it in high population areas to start off and then work their way down. As of right now they have 50 HD channels, comparied to MetroCast's 10 or so!


Main Streeter
DuffMan said:
FIOS will not be Calvert or St. Mary's until 2009-2010. My friend is a FIOS Tech and said that they are installing it in high population areas to start off and then work their way down. As of right now they have 50 HD channels, comparied to MetroCast's 10 or so!
One would think that Verizon would target the LexPark/California area because of the residents associated with the base.


Resident PIA
DuffMan said:
FIOS will not be Calvert or St. Mary's until 2009-2010. My friend is a FIOS Tech and said that they are installing it in high population areas to start off and then work their way down. As of right now they have 50 HD channels, comparied to MetroCast's 10 or so!
Oh I have no thoughts we will see FIOS for some time. Just not enough households to justify the expense of upgrading the infastructure. If I recall there wasn't even a competitive bid when the last cable contract was signed. I believe Comcast stated the there were not enough households to justify the expense of upgrading the equipment to their standards.


What love is all about
My husband called them. He went online and looked at our bill and its not late but when he called them they told him they had turned it off and asked when he would pay them. As soon as he told them when we would pay the next bill they turned it back on. What the hell is that? I mean honestly according to their website it says we are not due until October 2nd. So how can they turn it off?
SShewbert said:
My husband called them. He went online and looked at our bill and its not late but when he called them they told him they had turned it off and asked when he would pay them. As soon as he told them when we would pay the next bill they turned it back on. What the hell is that? I mean honestly according to their website it says we are not due until October 2nd. So how can they turn it off?
But is there more than one month on your Oct 2 bill? Maybe you didn't pay the previous month...:shrug:


The fear of Smell
SShewbert said:
My husband called them. He went online and looked at our bill and its not late but when he called them they told him they had turned it off and asked when he would pay them. As soon as he told them when we would pay the next bill they turned it back on. What the hell is that? I mean honestly according to their website it says we are not due until October 2nd. So how can they turn it off?

I don't have digital with them, but I did when they first introduced it a few years back. it suk'd! Channels not coming in. Comments about your connections are ok, so check them, but I'll bet anyone a hundred bucks that the problem is not at the house. Metrocast service and service people are the pits. I only pay Internet (which is the pits, but currently my only high speed option) and it is OFF more than it is on. As someone esle stated, the techs have been to my home a hundred times. ALWAYS to say it is something wrong with my hook up or computer. This went on for YEARS! I finally got so frustrated and found out there is something we can do. But one person can not do it. Anyway, I contacted the person in charge of the County Cable Commission. Back in 2004 when I was really having problems with both digital and Internet, he told me that he has received ZERO complaints. Although there was a mass of people on here complaining. I asked him to visit this website to see the residents and customers complaints. I imagine he never did...

But if more people start contacting that committee members and complain, they will HAVE to do something.

Read this:


Resident PIA
Don't bother calling or writing the cable commision. There is little they can do - actually nothing. Western Shore / GMP / MetroCast was the ONLY bidder the last time the contract was up for renewal.
In their defense the system has gotten better in the last ten years.
Over that time I've talked to a number of technicians who came to our house to "fix" the problems. Here's what I've learned from them:
1. the system was in poor condition; minimum grade wire was used. Metrocast has apparently spent some money trying to upgrade parts of the system.
2. Wires are co-located with powerlines and the SMECO lines are dirty - that is they produce a lot of interference. (want proof, drive down 235 after it rains and try listening to your car radio).
3. The original antenna (used to bring the broadcast signals into the system). were located next to a SMECO transformer in Leonardtown - ever hear the phrase "Garbage In - Garbage Out"? I think this has been moved.
4. A lot of the "technicians" are not qualified to change a light bulb but it's been hard for the various cable operators to recruit and retain good technicians.

Complain but get your expectations up.