Does anyone else...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...feel like they're being conned by the media? I'm in a temper today because of all the crap being spewed as "truth", when it's as phony as a $3 bill.

I'm sick of "reporters" who spin stories to sound more interesting that what they really are. I'm tired of them picking and choosing what they'll "report", and ignoring REAL news. I'm disillusioned that they'd blatantly lie to us in order to cause a panic among the ignorant.

HOA horror stories.

Diseases that are "epidemics" and will kill us all, when in fact they're very rare.

Spinning political stories based on what party affiliation they, the "reporters", hold.

Junk science that gets big headlines and freaks everybody out.

I'm just bent out of shape today. :frown:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
At least you're smart enough to think for yourself and not get "conned". I don't let it bother me all that much though.


New Member
Aw c'mon vb...How many reports would you watch/read if the headline was "Same Ole', Same Ole': Couple of Car Crashes, Couple People Shot, SSDD"

If it's not about the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it, why should you bother? And what kind of entertainment is that?

You don't expect folks to really care about Truth, Details, the five "W's", do you? And, it's a lot of work to get that information...Much easier to add a by-line to an advocacy group's press release.

I ususally stop short in any story that cites "most", "many", "an increasing number", etc. (e.g. "an increasing number of scientists concur that..."). These are code words for "this is what this reporter believes or wants to sell you, and does not necessarily come anywhere close to what the truth is."