Does anyone know what happened on Ball Road Saturday Night?


Well-Known Member
Booboo3604 said:
Both mine and my sisters are both on there!
How old were you and your sister? Were they DUI's? Speeding tickets are on that site but I've never seen the more serious charges on there for juveniles.
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New Member
This is what I'm thinking...

Even if Vito's license was revoked, that still does not mean that he would not be out on the roads.

Even if he was not able to obtain any insurance after his previous drinking offenses, who's saying he would not be out on the roads?

I have known many adults out there that have done this numerous times and even some have yet to get caught.

I feel very very bad for all of these familys involved yet sometimes no matter what you do there are just some things that your children will do that cannot be prevented.


Active Member
willie said:
How old were you and your sister? Were they DUI's? Speeding tickets are on that site but I've never seen the more serious charges on there for juveniles.

Just speeding tickets, me and my sister arent the real live on the edge/ get plastered and drive your car types.


New Member
Cinderella_Babe said:
This is what I'm thinking...

Even if Vito's license was revoked, that still does not mean that he would not be out on the roads.

Even if he was not able to obtain any insurance after his previous drinking offenses, who's saying he would not be out on the roads?

I have known many adults out there that have done this numerous times and even some have yet to get caught.

I feel very very bad for all of these familys involved yet sometimes no matter what you do there are just some things that your children will do that cannot be prevented.

Sure he could have still driven and caused the same carnage. But I think its pretty ridiculous that his parents and our society would allow someone with his past to legally drive a vehicle.

To just throw up the white flag and say kids will be kids is pretty weak-willed in my opinion. We have to stop fostering a culture where driving is a right. It is a privilege for those that are responsible enough to care for their fellow citizens and who are willing and able to accept the consequences if an unfortunate accident should occur.


New Member
rocknroll said:
This hasn't been in the news articles, but he had six DUIs and his license was officially revoked on the previous monday. I don't understand how his dad didn't have all his keys, etc. Maybe he didn't know about the DUIs.

They will be dearly remembered and missed.

I heard 7, but when you are looking at numbers as high as 6 and 7, what really is the difference?

The fact he got a 2nd one after getting the 1st one shows he never repented his intemperate behavior. Life is about choices, HIS choices and he will have to live with the consequences of HIS choices. There is nothing you could have done differently to change what 6 or 7 other offenses didn't.

The one thing that did cross my mind doing a fast read in this thread is when a child is just given stuff hand over fist to despite ill behavior and poor choices, then maybe they will never grow up understanding the consequences of their actions. :shrug:


New Member
cattitude said:
If he only had one DUI and he was a juvie, it is possible it was never put on his record. He could have had his own insurance and been paying for it.

Without going into a long litany, I've lived some of this. Otter and I are good parents, with good kids. We kept tabs on our children, certainly more than most parents. Sounds cliche, but things happen. Kids do really, really stupid things. Hell, I did. I have been in situations with son #2 that I would have sworn would NEVER have happened to this child and I certainly didn't have blinders on when we were raising him.

My heart aches for all of the people involved in this tragedy.

Well the fact that his father has a DWI may be proof enough that he did not have the type of parents as you describe yourself as being.

My son is 18 and knew these kids. I have told him since birth how wrong drinking and driving is. I tell him "make no mistake you do not have permission to drink but IF by chance you do, call and I will come and get you" Hell, when I hang out w/ the girls at tiki, I have him drop me off and pick me up so he can see that I don't even put myself in that position.

Its all about practicing what you preach! Why aren't they looking into who provided the alcohol although it was probably the 21 year old.
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New Member
Oh and, I let my son go to beach week in OC. I knew that the reality that there would be no drinking by the four boys who rented the place together was slim to none. Their place was on 7th street by the boardwalk so they had no need to drive. Since my parents own a place on 110th street, that is where his car was parked and the keys given to my mom while she was down there so that if he wanted to come get the car to go to the outlets or something, she had to see him before he could get them.


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Lem Putt
Teen Gets 10 Years

10 years, but:

Clagett also referred Vito to the Patuxent Institution Youth Program, a mental health institution for youths convicted of offenses that indicate a problem with substance abuse or mental health problems. If accepted, Vito has the possibility of serving substantially less than the 10-year sentence.

“The primary focus of our mitigation was to commit him to the program,” defense attorney Peter O’Neill told The Bay Net. “He could literally be there for a year and then be paroled.”

I read this as well... I just don't know what to say about this... :doh: Either you go into trial and if found guilty you are convicted and do not plea or deal, you get your sentence and be done with it - or you somehow get placed into a facility... our justice system really needs to be looked at.

It is a shame - 3 people are dead, their families are heartbroken and everyone affected, including this young mans life, is ruined...
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“I was blinded by my own alcohol addiction and let my son down terribly,” Thomas Vito Sr. said.

Kathy Vito, the defendant’s mother, echoed similar thoughts. “I let my son down in a tremendous way. I was so consumed with my own issues that I didn’t see the path Tommy was heading down.”

Aint that sweet. Wouldn't it be justice, since these 2 admit to being at fault, that they do 10 years each as well?

I mean they are accepting blame for their spawn, aren't they?


I bowl overhand

Soo we are serious about stopping drunk driving, and we are serious about enforcing DUI laws, and punishing those that break these laws..

But we aren't REALLY serious serious..

Kills three people and he might be loose on the streets to do it again in a year..

Yeah, that's an incentive to not drive drunk!!!!!


You're a LOON :)
I read this article the other day in the paper and had a couple thoughts on it. I do believe that the driver should be punished for what happened. But I also wonder how it is only the drivers fault. The other people that were in the vehicle with him made the decision to get in the vehicle with him, knowing that he was drinking. They were adults that got into a vehicle with a drunk driver. They did NOT put seatbelts on. Yes he was driving and that was wrong, I do not condone drunk driving in any way what so ever.


Lem Putt
I read this article the other day in the paper and had a couple thoughts on it. I do believe that the driver should be punished for what happened. But I also wonder how it is only the drivers fault. The other people that were in the vehicle with him made the decision to get in the vehicle with him, knowing that he was drinking. They were adults that got into a vehicle with a drunk driver. They did NOT put seatbelts on. Yes he was driving and that was wrong, I do not condone drunk driving in any way what so ever.

Yes, they were also at fault, and two of them paid with their lives. The third may never be "normal" again. What else should be done to them? Are you saying they got off easier than the driver?


You're a LOON :)
Yes, they were also at fault, and two of them paid with their lives. The third may never be "normal" again. What else should be done to them? Are you saying they got off easier than the driver?

No I am not saying that at all. I have just heard alot of talk about how it's all the drivers fault. I am just saying the passengers made a choice, that choice cost them their lives. People say that he killed them. Did he? yes he was driving BUT they had the choice to not get in the car and they had the choice to put their seatbelts on.

We have to make sure our kids grow up knowing to NOT drink and drive and NOT get in the car with someone who has been drinking.


I bowl overhand
No I am not saying that at all. I have just heard alot of talk about how it's all the drivers fault. I am just saying the passengers made a choice, that choice cost them their lives. People say that he killed them. Did he? yes he was driving BUT they had the choice to not get in the car and they had the choice to put their seatbelts on.

We have to make sure our kids grow up knowing to NOT drink and drive and NOT get in the car with someone who has been drinking.

Are they less dead because they died in a car wreck instead of him shooting them?

Death is death, kill is kill.. getting 1o yers or maybe not even ONE year is a joke and an insult to those that he killed.

What if he wasn't drunk, and was just driving 100 MPH in a 35 zone?? What if he killed them that way??


You're a LOON :)
Are they less dead because they died in a car wreck instead of him shooting them?

Death is death, kill is kill.. getting 1o yers or maybe not even ONE year is a joke and an insult to those that he killed.

What if he wasn't drunk, and was just driving 100 MPH in a 35 zone?? What if he killed them that way??

Shooting them would be murder. I don't quite see what happened as murder. Had he hit someone else and killed them I would see that as murder. Someone else didn't have the choice to get in the car or not get in the car. Obviously they were all out together and they got into the car with him knowing he was drunk. I do believe that the driver should be punished and I also don't buy the crap of his life got screwed up when he was 13 and his parents divorced. That is no excuse for him as an adult to get in a car drunk and drive. But I can't say that it is entirely HIS fault. The passengers made a bad choice.


I bowl overhand
Shooting them would be murder.

And so should be killing someone while DUI...

The same as if you run someone over after robbing a bank.. it's murder even though you didn't intend to kill someone. In the act of committing the crime (robbing the bank or DUI) you did kill (murder) someone. Intent follows the bullet, or the shot glass..

Or lets take shooting someone as your example.. You go into rob a liquor store, you shoot your gun in the air and tell everyone to get down.. The bullet lands 1/2 mile away killing someone.. You didn't intend to kill that person, you didn't even point the gun at them, but they did in fact MURDER that person.

Lastly, how drunk was the driver?? .08? .12? .24? Was he drunk enough for it to be the root problem, or was he drunk enough for everyone to say it was because he was drunk, and not just an irresponsible ####### what was driving like an idiot and killed his friends?

Hard to believe you can use being Drunk as an excuse to kill somone, but if he was sober he would be guilty of involuntary manslaughter (at the least) and would be doing more time..