Does She Have A Case?

Does She Have A Case?

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professional daydreamer
If this hypothetical person can't afford to buy a car, how can she afford an attorney?


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PREMO Member
Qurious said:
Boyfriend financed a car for his girlfriend because she had bad credit.

She made all the payments on the car while he paid for the insurance on it.

They pay off the car together with their income tax refund out of their joint account.

They break up.

She gets into a car accident while pregnant with his second child and the car is totalled.

A claim is filed with the insurance company and the insurance company issues a check made out to the policyholder (the ex-boyfriend) for what the car is worth.

The ex-boyfriend takes the insurance money, adds his own to it and buys himself a new car. She is left without one.

The insurance company reimbursed the girlfriend for her wages and medical expenses.

She is now suing the ex for the amount of the insurance check issued for the car.

Do u think she has a case? :popcorn:
Tell her to get a case (of beer) she's gonna need it...and a crying towel.


Qurious said:
one question at a time :smack:

dont people in relationships do things and buy things for one another when the other isn't financially able?
Of course she can prove the kids are his, he knows they are.
They were engaged to be married...he cheated so she broke it off (hence the breaking up)

Getting married because of the kids?
That was 1st legal union to bring kids into.

When people going to lean..
No bling and no ding..

I just cant believe she is that stupid to buy into this guy.
Guess he saw a good thing when she came along..

Unless there was a legal agreement about the car, she is SOL.


Im On 1.
elaine said:
The cost of a vehicle is small claims?

u can sue for whatever u want in small claims court last time I checked. what other action could she have taken against him?


Inkpen said:
Getting married because of the kids?
That was 1st legal union to bring kids into.

When people going to lean..
No bling and no ding..

I just cant believe she is that stupid to buy into this guy.
Guess he saw a good thing when she came along..

Unless there was a legal agreement about the car, she is SOL.
Now she is broke, scorned, 2 rugrats, bad credit, and no car. Ask her if she wants to get married. TIA


professional daydreamer
Qurious said:
u can sue for whatever u want in small claims court last time I checked. what other action could she have taken against him?

I don't know anything about small claims court :shrug:

Instead of taking action against him, she should learn how to support herself and her kids.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Richard Cranium said:
I thought I'd have seen it all, but some women will do anything to trap a guy into sticking around.
Yeah, like getting themselves pregnant.
