Does This Sound Like A Deer???


I bowl overhand
Dixie said:
It must have been a deer then. Gutteral is exactly the way I would have described the noise if I had thought about it. And the rustling was too noisy to have been a dog. Deers aren't aggressive are they? The noise was loud enough for me to think this can't be good and I don't easily scare.
There's video out there, guy tells his wife to take this video while he sneaks up on this buck.. GREAT video.

Of course the guy gets the snot beat out of him and he almost dies. Between the hooves cutting him up, and the horns almost eviscerating him, it was pretty damn funny to watch, the only thing missing was him telling his sife.. Here, hold my beer! OR Ya wanna see something REALLY cool!!?


itsbob said:
There's video out there, guy tells his wife to take this video while he sneaks up on this buck.. GREAT video.

Of course the guy gets the snot beat out of him and he almost dies. Between the hooves cutting him up, and the horns almost eviscerating him, it was pretty damn funny to watch, the only thing missing was him telling his sife.. Here, hold my beer! OR Ya wanna see something REALLY cool!!?

Thanks itsbob! :flowers: Feelin' so much safer now.


Dixie said:
On the way back however, I heard the same thing only louder with heavy breathing, not human, definitely animal and what sounded like a growl but it was an odd growl. Do deers do that?

No deer don't growl.

It was probably a bobcat or a panther or puma. Those things are EVERYWHERE.


itsbob said:
You're welcome.

Oh, watch out for the killer bunnies too!!

Wasn't there a movie about that - Leporides something or other. I'd probably be the lead story in St. Mary's Today - Scumbag Walking Drunk Attacked by Killer Rabbit" And her dying words - itsbob told me so. My 15 minutes of fame.