Does Tiger make the cut?

Playing on the weekend?

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New Member
I think after all this time off, he will have his head clear and he will be back in the game.


Dancing Up A Storm
In my experience playing golf I've found more than anything else it is a "head game". Sure there is a physical part of it as well, but you have to have your head on straight in order to succeed.

Point is, will there be distractions from the crowd and will Tiger be able to handle them? If so then he will be competitive as all getout.


As much as I hate to say it, I don't think he will. Just too many factors against it. Doesn't mean I won't be rooting for him. Go Tiger!


Nothing to see here
Day 1 - 67 or 68
Day 2 - blows up, barely makes the cut
Days 3,4 - par golf, middle of the pack finish


Wow. I just saw Tiger's press conference and was he smooth or what? He was so relaxed, at ease and had all the right answers. So much better than his scripted one in Feb and the 2 short interviews. Maybe he will make the cut! At least he's gotten this monkey off his back -- GO TIGER!! :yahoo:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Wow. I just saw Tiger's press conference and was he smooth or what? He was so relaxed, at ease and had all the right answers. So much better than his scripted one in Feb and the 2 short interviews. Maybe he will make the cut! At least he's gotten this monkey off his back -- GO TIGER!! :yahoo:

OK, however, where do any of these sports writers get off with this sanctimonious clap trap about what Tiger's been up to, huh?

They are reporters, yes? There is no way in hell that any of this was a secret to begin with. People see things, people talk. It's not like suddenly the world consisted of Tiger and his chicks and that's it.

I mean, what, exactly, does a reporter do? He hears things, he follows leads, he digs up the story. The fact of the matter is all of these self righteous ass hats knew, at the absolute very minimum, of rumors, and they ALL did exactly NOTHING about it. Not one story. Not one uncomfortable question to Tiger or his crew. Nothing.

Every last one of them should recuse themselves from this issue and not dare ask one question about what they ignored, for however long this has been going on, all because they were too worried about access or what have you to DO THEIR FREAKING JOBS.

So, now that it's out, it's open season on Tiger. What a bunch of horse####.


Nothing to see here
OK, however, where do any of these sports writers get off with this sanctimonious clap trap about what Tiger's been up to, huh?

They are reporters, yes? There is no way in hell that any of this was a secret to begin with. People see things, people talk. It's not like suddenly the world consisted of Tiger and his chicks and that's it.

I mean, what, exactly, does a reporter do? He hears things, he follows leads, he digs up the story. The fact of the matter is all of these self righteous ass hats knew, at the absolute very minimum, of rumors, and they ALL did exactly NOTHING about it. Not one story. Not one uncomfortable question to Tiger or his crew. Nothing.

Every last one of them should recuse themselves from this issue and not dare ask one question about what they ignored, for however long this has been going on, all because they were too worried about access or what have you to DO THEIR FREAKING JOBS.

So, now that it's out, it's open season on Tiger. What a bunch of horse####.

yep yep yep...journalism at its best..:yay: Think most would be a great fit into politics.


OK, however, where do any of these sports writers get off with this sanctimonious clap trap about what Tiger's been up to, huh?

They are reporters, yes? There is no way in hell that any of this was a secret to begin with. People see things, people talk. It's not like suddenly the world consisted of Tiger and his chicks and that's it.

I mean, what, exactly, does a reporter do? He hears things, he follows leads, he digs up the story. The fact of the matter is all of these self righteous ass hats knew, at the absolute very minimum, of rumors, and they ALL did exactly NOTHING about it. Not one story. Not one uncomfortable question to Tiger or his crew. Nothing.

Every last one of them should recuse themselves from this issue and not dare ask one question about what they ignored, for however long this has been going on, all because they were too worried about access or what have you to DO THEIR FREAKING JOBS.

So, now that it's out, it's open season on Tiger. What a bunch of horse####.

I dunno, maybe I'm being naive but I'd think if someone knew about it before they'd at least provide some grist for National Enquirer or some other gossip rag for some bucks. But nobody did -- not just reporters -- but anyone! Sounds like Tiger was pretty slick hooking up with his gals in next-door suites and all.

Anyway, regardless of all that, I'm just glad to see this thing get aired out and I can watch him play golf again. I'm sure not going play Mr. Righteous -- leave that for the religion forum. :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I dunno, maybe I'm being naive but I'd think if someone knew about it before they'd at least provide some grist for National Enquirer or some other gossip rag for some bucks. But nobody did -- not just reporters -- but anyone! Sounds like Tiger was pretty slick hooking up with his gals in next-door suites and all.

Anyway, regardless of all that, I'm just glad to see this thing get aired out and I can watch him play golf again. I'm sure not going play Mr. Righteous -- leave that for the religion forum. :buddies:

OK, the story is he hangs out with Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan and does the whole jet set, private room bling lifestyle thing. No one in the clubs talk? Bartenders? Wait staff? Valets? The people who service their private jets? Limo drivers? Etc? Etc? Etc?

We know that people who we more taken care of, that is, Tigers guy paid them off to mind their own business and I am sure a good many people simply know better than to get involved or care, given their line of work. However, again, what do reporters do?

Anyone yet ask how many other current tour players are doing the same stuff? How many married NBA players? NFL? Politicians, celebs, the people that run in those high dollar circles?

Certainly, there are plenty of rock solid relationships. However, you are known by who you hand with, from middle school to old age and Tiger hung with the party boys. :shrug:


OK, the story is he hangs out with Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan and does the whole jet set, private room bling lifestyle thing. No one in the clubs talk? Bartenders? Wait staff? Valets? The people who service their private jets? Limo drivers? Etc? Etc? Etc?

We know that people who we more taken care of, that is, Tigers guy paid them off to mind their own business and I am sure a good many people simply know better than to get involved or care, given their line of work. However, again, what do reporters do?

Anyone yet ask how many other current tour players are doing the same stuff? How many married NBA players? NFL? Politicians, celebs, the people that run in those high dollar circles?

Certainly, there are plenty of rock solid relationships. However, you are known by who you hand with, from middle school to old age and Tiger hung with the party boys. :shrug:

Yeah, it seems weird how he could get away with it for so long. Beats me. As for the reporters, they all looked like school girls today. Tiger has been very smart about not being responsive earlier IMO. Time was on his side -- people have short term memory and he's had plenty of time to polish his story and answers to the press. I think it's too late for the media to get anything really useful out of him anymore and it will slowly fade away. Just as well IMO.

BTW, did you hear that during his early round today, he had a lot on his mind and forgot what hole he was playing? Turns out he figured it out by looking at the tattoo on her back. :killingme [Sorry, I couldn't resist].
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah, it seems weird how he could get away with it for so long. Beats me. As for the reporters, they all looked like school girls today. Tiger has been very smart about not being responsive earlier IMO. Time was on his side -- people have short term memory and he's had plenty of time to polish his story and answers to the press. I think it's too late for the media to get anything really useful out of him anymore and it will slowly fade away. Just as well IMO.

BTW, did you hear that during his early round today, he had a lot on his mind and forgot what hole he was playing? Turns out he figured it out by looking at the tattoo on her back. :killingme [Sorry, I couldn't resist].

:lol: on the joke.

It's not weird. Reporters simply took the position that they were not willing to be the first person to do a story on it.
Tiger not make the cut at the Masters? Somebody's lost their mind. He could probably make the cut even if I was to tee off for him on all the Par 4's on Thursday. Of course, that might result in a few spectators getting concussions.