Does your daycare ...


New Member
I don't know my MIL's policy on age limits for potty training. I know she has one little boy there that is almost if not already 3 and he is not potty trained. My little one is 22 months and has started to show an interest in the potty, all she wants to wear is pull ups now and I figure that gives her good practice learning to put clothes on so I'm willing to go with it. She understands peeing and pooping in the toilet, just hasn't grasped the idea that she's supposed to do it everytime, it's a game to her right now.

I have a lot of respect for daycare provider's, it's a job that I wouldn't want to do myself. On top of dealing with kids all day you then you have to deal with the parents who think their child is the greatest thing on Earth. And then you have to justify to parents your charges when all you are trying to do is make a living by taking care of their children.

I'm thankful my MIL has an in-home daycare and our little one goes there. I know what we need in daycare we would not be able to find anywhere else without it costing us major $$$. I try to show her how much I appreciate all that she does for us by buying food for the kids, helping out with other stuff where I can and listening when she needs to talk or vent.


Throwing the deuces
I don't charge extra for a non-potty trained child. I charge by age. I don't believe in "making" a child potty train before they are ready because they just have more accidents that way and the fact is, if they REALLY don't want to go, they can hold themselves until they explode. (and it ain't pretty)

And I don't want parents coming in here saying their child is "potty-trained" when they aren't really, just because the parent wants the reduced fee.

I can see it now, Parents claims little Johnny is potty-trained, at home, but acts like he never saw a toilet here, so his parents try to make it out that it's my fault.

I've also discovered that different people have different definitions of "trained." I know one person who claimed that their child was trained...except they had to wear a diaper when they went out because they had "accidents" and in the car because they couldn't hold it for 2 miles to daycare. Oh, and they also had "accidents" at grandma's house....and... and... and....but the child is "potty-trained.":doh: BTW, that child was 5 and still wore a diaper on car trips because she wouldn't give enough warning for mom to find somewhere to pull over. :rolleyes: But she was "potty-trained" at 2.

For some reason I've noticed that it seems to be a status thing for parents to say/think their kid was trained at a younger age than most. Like they had something to do with it. I agree that kids won't use the potty until they are ready no matter how much coaching/encouraging the parents/daycare do. I told myself with my youngest who seemed bound and determined not to want to use the potty that as long as he was trained (meaning no accidents) by the time pre-school started in August, we were ok. He got trained right before his 4th birthday (this month) and we're good to go in August.