New Member
Really? So sorry, Could you direct me to the 'NOT getting bent out of shape over an animals unforunate demise, just be thankful it wasn't a child' page?
FYI...the second and third post stated this.
Really? So sorry, Could you direct me to the 'NOT getting bent out of shape over an animals unforunate demise, just be thankful it wasn't a child' page?
FYI...the second and third post stated this.
Like I am going to read anything not originally posted by annoyingboy,minuteman, or clem shady.
Like I am going to read anything not originally posted by annoyingboy,minuteman, or clem shady.
psssst. It was a dog.
person is both stupid (e.g. dumb) while also stubbornly refusing to stop being stupid when asked (e.g. a**)
You are hurting my feeling. I have been young and stupid before - just not at the same time. Get over it and yourself, you too, soup boy.
Wow, really? That's what you've got to come up with??
I would challenge to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed!
Wow, really? That's what you've got to come up with??
I would challenge to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed!
That's right, this woman should have re arrange her life and home because of her nephew has no control over his beast.